Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1098: Kill you, won't be soft

Chapter 1098 kills you, won't be soft

"My sister, as long as you promised to marry me, I promise that no one will bully you, I will love you more."

Yuan Chengjun looked at the grief-stricken Yancheng, and said with a very gentle smile.

"Hey, you are a beast, my eyes and I are really blind. If I am dead, I will not marry a beast like you."

Yan Qingcheng snorted, she now sees Yuan Chengjun's face will feel extremely disgusting, it is a kind of heartfelt disgust, she has never hated a person so much.

"Hey! Yan Dangcheng, what is Jiang Chen's good, where is he comparable to me, we are young and sweet, I don't know you about your friendship, can't I compare with Jiang Chen who only came for a few days?" ”

Yuan Chengjun was very angry and roared loudly at Yancheng. He felt that his self-esteem had been seriously hurt and insulted. What kind of genius he couldn’t compare with a Jiang Chen, Yan Dingcheng’s attitude towards Jiang Chen is better, Yuan Chengjun’s heart The more uncomfortable, he did not kill Jiang Chen, has become his most depressing thing.

"Dog thief, where is your match with Jiang Da Ge, Jiang Da Ge is a man of heavy affection, you are just a shameless villain, compared with Jiang Da Ge, it is a shame to Jiang Da Ge ""

Yan Qingcheng said with a sneer, although she was sealed and repaired, she could not resist, but her arrogance was there. She knew that the city government is likely to be finished. At this moment, Yancheng City has already set aside life and death.

"Yuan Xiong, you are too inferior. For a long time, even a woman can't make it."

There was a taunting voice in the back, but Huang Haofei and Huang Haoming. They both came in together to prepare for the show. I didn’t expect Yuan Chengjun to fix a woman until now.

"Yuan Xiong, what are you doing so much? Now that Yancheng is in your hands, it is not at your mercy. If you like, she is your woman at any time."

Huang Haoming said proudly.

By the comparison of the Huang family, Yuan Chengjun’s anger was even more prosperous. His eyes were red, staring at the exquisite Yan’s city, his heart was moving, his eyes were kinky. His eyes were getting stronger and stronger.

"You, what are you doing?"

Yan Xiangcheng scared and pushed back two steps, holding his hands and holding his shoulders.

"Allure, since you are not from me, then don't blame me for being strong. You are the woman of my Yuan Chengjun."

Yuan Chengjun said, taking a step forward, grabbing the shoulders of Yan’s city, and slamming a sleeve of Yan’s city, the skin of the white jade was exposed, making Yuan Chengjun even more evil. It can no longer be controlled. At this moment, he has completely become a hungry wolf. Yancheng is his thing.


Yan Qingcheng exclaimed, no matter how good she is, she has never experienced such a thing, and she has been chaotic, just like a wounded rabbit, she can't find a place to hide.

"Yuan Chengjun, you are going away."

Yan Qingcheng was completely confused.

"You don't really like your big brother? Unfortunately, your big brother will not come to save you."

Yuan Chengjun’s sneer.

"Sorry, I am coming."

Just when Yuan Chengjun’s voice just fell, another voice rang from the back. Everyone suddenly turned his head and saw a white youth who didn’t know when he was standing not far away. Who is Jiang Chen?

"Jiang Chen!"

At the same time, the Huang family brothers exclaimed, and couldn't believe their eyes. We must know that they could stand on their three heavenly masters. Even if Jiang Chen had the ability, he could not walk in silently.

"Jiangda brother."

Yan Qingcheng saw the appearance of Jiang Chen, and suddenly burst into tears, unable to restrain himself and burst into tears.

"I will put down the city immediately, or you will die very badly."

Jiang Chen ignored the Huang brothers and looked at Yuan Chengjun. At the same time, his body changed directly into a dragon-changing state. With his current cultivation, he had to deal with Yuan Chengjun. They did not need a dragon change, but now it is also outside. Urgent, he doesn't want to waste time.

"How did you get in?"

Yuan Chengjun asked Emei.

"I want to come in, no one can stop it."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, what are you bullish, you dare to appear today, that is a death, as long as you dare to do it, the movement here will be alarmed outside, when you can not escape."

Huang Haofei said coldly, in fact, in the face of Jiang Chen in the state of dragon change, the three people have inexplicably gave birth to a kind of fear. They have witnessed the horror of Jiang Chen, and how Huang Haoran died, they still have a lingering fear.

"This has been completely blocked by my field. You three will die, and the gods will not save you."

Jiang Chen said, his body appeared in the middle of Huang Haofei and Huang Haoming, and then decisively shot, the sharp dragon claws fell on the neck of the two people like lightning, and they were buckled.

The two men's faces changed dramatically. At this moment, they felt the smell of death, which is an unprecedented death threat.

"You, is your cultivation improved?"

Huang Haofei said with difficulty. He has already seen it. At this moment, Jiang Chen is even more powerful than when he first dealt with Huang Haoran. Their cultivation is against Jiang Chen, and there is only one dead road. There is no room for rebellion.


Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with the two. When he tried hard, he squeezed the necks of the two men and cut off their vitality. Then they didn’t look at the bodies of the two, and they threw them there, striding forward to Yuan Chengjun. Go.

Seeing the horror of Jiang Chen, the Huang family brothers were killed by a trick. The whole process was like pinching an ant. Yuan Chengjun’s scalp was numb, and an unprecedented fear suddenly hit his heart. I never felt that I would be so close to death.

"Jiangda brother."

Yan Liancheng glared at Yuan Chengjun’s sacred spirit and went straight to Jiang Chen’s front. He looked at Jiang Chen with a look of grievances, and a feeling of happiness came to his mind and was saved by his beloved man. That was the greatest happiness. For a moment, Yan Qingcheng seems to have forgotten all the dangers. Only the man who looks not tall, but can give people a sense of security at all times.

Yan Choucheng ran to Jiang Chen, Yuan Chengjun was even more desperate. If he had just controlled Yan’s city, he might have to smash the capital of Jiang Chen, but now, everything is gone, Jiang Chen wants to kill him, it looks like a piece. Very simple thing.

"Is it okay?"

Jiang Chen smiled at Yancheng, then took a robes from the ancestral tower and put them on the body of Yan.


Yan Qingcheng shook her head hard and thought of the scene just now. She still shuddered. If it wasn’t for Jiang Chen’s timely appearance, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Jiang Chen looked up at Yuan Chengjun, and his eyes were full of disgust: "You are such a person, except for disgusting, I don't know what to describe, so killing someone like you, I will never have a soft hand."

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