Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1105: Abuse


Jiang Chen exerted his own combat power to the limit. The combat power provided by the 320,000-hundred dragon pattern was unimaginable. The Tiansheng sword was completely transformed into a dragon, dancing in the black night sky.

Nie Yiyuan and the attack of the old man collided with the Tiansheng sword at the same time. The huge movements were described by the earth-shattering. It was not too much to be described. The night was directly torn, and numerous colors appeared at the same time. There was a heart-rending smell everywhere.


Jiang Chen made a shocking dragonfly, floating in the sky above Yancheng, completely breaking the tranquility of Yancheng. Many people did not know what happened, and they came out and saw a dragon man raging over the dollar chamber. Under the strong attack of Jiang Chen, Nie Yiyuan and the old man were beaten back and forth, and the blood was surging, and the unspeakable uncomfortable.

"Mom, how can this **** be so strong?"

Nie Yiyuan couldn't help but scream, Jiang Chen's tyranny made him have an impulse to spurt blood. The immortal people in the fairy world had a lot of fighting power like Jiang Chen, but in the early days of the immortals, there was such a strong fighting force. Absolutely Can't find a second one.

The hearts of the one-dollar chamber of commerce are completely sinking. The two great masters of the heavens are not the opponents of Jiang Chen. The ending of today can be imagined. It seems that the end of the one-yuan chamber of commerce has really come, and will enter the same as the Huang family. After the dust.

Although the people in the city's government have seen the power of Jiang Chen, they still can't help but marvel. It is too strong. Such young people have never seen it. The city government can make it to Jiang Chen. It is really a blessing in the blessing. .

"Don't play with you, the five elements of the dragon seal."

Jiang Chen burst into a bang and immediately displayed five elements of the dragon seal. The five elements of the dragon seal with the Tiansheng sword, that power, the average person can not imagine.


For a time, the whole sky was full of dragon shadows, and Jiang Chen and Tian Shengjian themselves were turned into real dragons. The horrible energy instantly drowned Nie Yiyuan and the old man. Nie Yiyuan and the old man completely fell into such energy. In the ocean, you can only use your body to resist.

It is a pity that it is impossible for them to block Jiang Chen at the moment. When the dragon shadow disappeared, Nie Yiyuan and the old man’s figure also appeared. The two were really wolf to the extreme, and they both It is blood, there are scars everywhere, and the hands of the fairy are shaking violently.


Jiang Chen did not give them any chance to react. Once again, he moved like a ghost in the old man. The sharp Tiansheng sword crossed the neck of the old man, a skull flew up, the old man died on the spot, and the body fell from the sky. .

Upon seeing it, Nie Yiyuan’s face changed greatly, and the fear in his heart rushed out indefinitely. Wherever he dared to be a little bit scornful, he immediately turned into a golden light and flew away from the distance, but it was far from reaching the point of comprehending the law of space. In addition, Nie Yiyuan was seriously injured at this moment. Even if he was running away, the speed would not be fast. Jiang Chen could catch up with a thought.

Nie Yiyuan was frightened. It can be said that he was scared. He has been in Yancheng for so many years, and he has never seen such a horrible character. It is simply a horror in the world.

At the moment, nothing can be taken care of. Staying is death. Only by escaping a way, as long as you can escape your life, there will be opportunities for a comeback.

Unfortunately, in front of Jiang Chen, he did not have any chance. Nie Yiyuan just escaped from the 23rd and the third, and was caught up by Jiang Chen. The dusty dragon body of Jiang Chen was in front of Nie Yiyuan, and the ruthless dragon was like Like the **** devil, let Nie Yiyuan shudder.

"Jiang Chen, don't kill me, anything can be said, as long as you don't kill me."

Nie Yiyuan’s tone trembled. He knew that it was difficult for him to escape from Jiang Chen’s hands today. In the face of death, there is no dignity. He does not want to die. No one wants to die, especially when he really wants to die. That feeling, the average person I don’t know it at all.

"I have given you a chance, you are not sure, so you still have to die."

Jiang Chen never gave the enemy a second chance. From the moment Nie Yiyuan chose to fight with himself, Nie Yiyuan’s fate was doomed.


Jiang Chen’s sword pierced Nie Yiyuan’s chest. One of Yancheng’s hegemons died in unwillingness and despair. His grand plans and tyranny, everything turned into illusion, and everything ceased to exist.


One dollar merchants exclaimed, crying and crying, and the one-yuan chamber of commerce that has been in a state of prosperity. In any case, they could not think of a night as history and become a dust in the history of Yancheng.

After killing Nie Yiyuan and the old man, Jiang Chentou did not return, and flew directly to the defense line of the city government. The rest of the things had not been used by him. Yan Dongliu could handle everything, he could do for the city government. He has already finished, and he will leave here today, going to the real first-line area, Yancheng’s life and death, and then he has nothing to do with him. He still shoulders a responsibility, that is the mission, his mind To imprint the names of two people forever, Ouyang He, the sky cloud.

Jiang Chen left, as to how Yandong will deal with the rest of the Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Chen will not take care of it.

The next day!

The two news spread in Yancheng, causing an uproar in the whole Yancheng. One night, the Huang family master was killed outside the mine. The city government Yuan Hong rebelled. As a result, Jiang Chen shot and let Huang Jiahe The two forces of the One Yuan Chamber of Commerce disappeared from the land of Yancheng overnight. Such a huge change is undoubtedly a great earthquake for Yancheng.

Everyone knows that from now on, everything in Yancheng has changed, and the city government is a big one, and there will be no new battles.

"It's amazing, it's too powerful. Isn't this Jiang Chen a reincarnation of the gods, so it is terrible to this extent, and it can kill the early days of the immortals in the early days of the immortals. If this is not the real thing, kill me. I won't believe it."

"Yeah, it’s too horrible. How can such a enchanting character appear in a small place like Yancheng, but the city government has such a genius to help, it’s really a big dog."

"Yes, it is said that Yuan Hong betrayed Yan Dongliu and has already united with the Huang family. Under such circumstances, if it is not Jiang Chen’s birth, the fate of the city’s government can be imagined, and now it is defeated and defeated. The two strong enemies have really laid the foundation for the city government. Since then, Yancheng has cultivated resources, and that is all the city government."


On the streets and alleys, everyone is talking about the big events that happened last night. Jiang Chen has undoubtedly become the most important topic and character. The emergence of a super-bovine man can always cause a party to turmoil.

Two days later, Yan Dongliu and Yan Qingcheng took a Qiankun ring and came to the other hospital where Jiang Chen lived.

"Master Jiang, this is the Xianyuan Stone that was mined in these two days, probably about 30% of the entire mine."

Yan Dongliu handed the Qiankun ring to the front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled and did not feel polite with Yandong. He directly collected the Qiankun ring. As for the number of them, Jiang Chen has no interest in it. He now has a lot of wealth. These wealth are really not counted. what.

"The Lord of the City, Miss City, there is one thing I am looking for."

Jiang Chen suddenly said.

Wen Yan, Yan Qingcheng's heart suddenly stunned, because she had already guessed what Jiang Chen would say next, this is the moment she most wants to see.

"Is Jiang Da Ge going to leave?"

Yan Qingcheng looked up at Jiang Chen, and his eyes sparkled with a trace of beauty.


Jiang Chen’s heart sighed, and Yan’s feelings about his feelings about him could not be felt, but he couldn’t accept this kind of feelings. He still had a long way to go. He didn’t want his children’s feelings, and he had a morning rain. And dancing Ningzhu, he felt that there is no regrets.

"Yes, I will leave tomorrow and go to the first line. If there is a chance, we may see you again."

Jiang Chen said that he is not an indecisive person, and Yancheng has indeed not left the necessary necessity.

Yan Yancheng wants to say something, but wants to say it again, seeing it, Yan Dongliu also shook his head, then turned and left, this last time, still left to his daughter, Jiang Chen is left to stay. For such a enchanting genius, Yancheng is too small.

Under the moonlight, Jiang Chen and Yan Liancheng stood side by side. The two had been silent for a long time, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull and depressed.

"Jiangda brother, the heart of the city, I think you should understand."

The Yancheng City opening broke the silence.

"I know."

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "I am not the one you are worth to trust. In my life, there are already two women, very good women, although they are not by my side, and, I In the future, you must walk the fairyland. It is dangerous everywhere, and you are intrigued. You are always at risk."

"I don't care, I just want to be with you, with you, I will feel happy."

Yan Qingcheng shook her head. She didn't care how many women were around Jiang Chen. Such a man would have been liked by a woman.


Jiang Chen once again sighed. He turned his head and looked at Yan’s city with great care. He didn’t want to be a person with a lot of emotions. This is not fair to Yan’s city.

"Allure, forget me, I am just a passerby."

Jiang Chen put his hands on the shoulders of Yan Qingcheng. He knew how sad it was to say this, but he had to say.

Jiang Chen decided to turn around and disappear into the black night sky and completely left Yancheng.

"Jiangda brother."

Yan Qingcheng shouted, tears also flowed down, Jiang Chen disappeared like a blue smoke, as if he had never appeared in his own life, but Yan Qingcheng knew that this figure would be imprinted on his own forever. In my heart, I can't erase it. At this moment, Yan Qingcheng seems to have collapsed in spirit. Standing alone in the cold moonlight, it seems extremely desolate.

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