Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1404: 诛仙神威[四更]

The rhubarb dog opened his mouth and a sword of sorrow rushed out of his mouth.


The sound of Jianxiao is earth-shattering, with an incomparable sacred atmosphere, a sword carries a strong pressure, which is horrifying. The name of the sword is immortal, which shows that this sword does not know how many immortals have been killed. How much blood, looking at the whole fairyland, dare to use the immortal singer named after the immortal, and only the sacred sword, and the sacred sword is the same as the funeral fairy, the celestial king and the burial fairy are the two giants of the fairy world, in the nine fairy circles All of them are famous.

After the appearance of the 诛仙剑, suspended above the head of the rhubarb dog, it constantly exudes radiance, the face of the rhubarb dog is extremely dignified, and the boundless energy of the body begins to flow toward the inside of the sacred sword. For the rhubarb dog, the 诛仙剑 is a Bottomless, if you want to send out its power, the energy you need is really endless, and the energy of a vast ocean is not enough.

The rhubarb dog has two advantages. One is completely recognized by the sword of the celestial sword. The other is that the blood is in front of the blood. The energy in the body is full and the energy of the sacred sword is not enough. If it is replaced by others, it is fundamental. Just don't think about it.

Even Jiang Chen could not play the sword of Xian Xian. In the hands of Jiang Chen, the sword of Xian Xianjian was like a piece of scrap iron. It was completely useless.

The rhubarb dog is bent on showing the sword, and he does not worry that the fire unicorn will disturb himself, because he is too confident about Jiang Chen, there is Jiang Chen, and there is no problem in blocking the fire unicorn.

On the other hand, the fire unicorn that is fighting against Jiang Chen also saw that the big yellow dog is driving a magical sword. Even with his cultivation, he can feel a strong pressure from the sword. Finally, the face of the fire unicorn changed.


The fire unicorn exploded, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Haha, fire unicorn, scared, if you are afraid, just get out of the way, go back and do your shrinking tortoise, don't come out again since then, and then our brothers will also be far away, and will be defeated. Only, haha..."

Jiang Chen laughed and began to sneer at the fire unicorn. This is a radical approach. In fact, he was very afraid that the fire unicorn was chosen to escape by the deterrent of the sacred sword. Because the fire unicorn had to escape, he was really not sure. It stopped.

Therefore, Jiang Chen seized the soft ribs of the fire unicorn, and as a holy beast, the arrogance of the fire unicorn is imaginable, so Jiang Chen’s move is very useful for the fire unicorn.

Sure enough, after listening to Jiang Chen’s words, the fire unicorn suddenly became angry again, and the fear in the eyes of the Xianjian sword disappeared instantly.

"Budget, dare to humiliate the king, in the king's thought, never escaped two words, thought that to create a different sword can scare the king? It is ridiculous, tell you, All this is prepared for the king. The blood of you and the dog is the king, and the sword is also the king."

The greedy desire of Fire Kirin is even stronger, because the attraction of these two guys is really deadly, and it is endless. Although the sword has given him great pressure, he believes that the rhubarb dog itself cannot play. Come out of the true power of the sword.

Even if you can play some power, it is definitely within your resistance.

Unfortunately, this arrogance ultimately harmed himself.


Finally, Zhu Xianjian issued a deafening sword scream, a sharp sword, with a strong scent of scent, this moment, 诛 剑 sword seems to become the only one between heaven and earth, the rhubarb dog controls the 诛 剑 sword, all tremble It can be seen that the display of the sword of Xian, the consumption of him is not small.

"Little dust, let go."

The rhubarb dog snorted at Jiang Chen. Now the power of the sword has been condensed. He must immediately launch the attack. Because the sword is too heavy, like an ancient mountain, the oppressed rhubager can't breathe. If he does not launch an attack, he will be crushed to death.


Instead of reminding the rhubarb dog, Jiang Dust turned into a light and shadow and flew away in the distance, and took the battlefield to the rhubarb dog. At this moment, Jiang Chen is also extremely excited. The dragonfly is constantly shining, and he is extremely curious and expecting the power of the sword.

The 诛 剑 sword seems to have come alive, like a spiritual god, directly locked the breath of the fire unicorn.

The face of Fire Kirin has finally changed completely, because he felt the extremely large pressure, which is beyond his tolerance.

"How could it be so strong?"

The fire unicorn is about to spurt blood. In the face of such a tyrannical sword, he finally felt the fear. It was the fear from the heart. At this time, he had no choice but to face and dignity. He must run away, no. It is death to escape.

The fire unicorn made a resentful roar, and then dragged the huge body and turned to fly away. Unfortunately, the fire unicorn has been completely locked in by the sacred sword, and it has been completely shrouded by the power of the 诛仙剑. No matter where the fire unicorn fled, it was impossible to escape the attack of the sword.

It is impossible to escape. The only thing he can do now is to do his best to fight against the sword. As long as the attack of the sword is blocked, the fire unicorn has hope of surviving.

"damn it."

The fire unicorn was ruined. He began to regret it. He regretted not fleeing directly before he made himself fall into this situation. He is not a fool. He also understands what Jiang Chen just said to himself. It is just a radical approach.

"Come on, this king is the king of heaven and earth, and will not be defeated."

In desperation, the fire unicorn can only resist the sword of the sacred sword. He runs his own blood to the extreme, and exerts his own power perfectly. A huge beam of light with red gold energy and flames condenses toward the sacred sword. Resist the go.


The attack power of Fire Kirin can not be described as strong, even if it is a master in the middle of the immortal king, under the horrible attack of the fire unicorn, it will not be ruined, but unfortunately he is now confronting the famous sword.

Under the strong attack of the 诛仙剑, the attack of the fire unicorn was like a paper-like attack, and was destroyed by the destruction of the ancients. After that, the attack of the celestial sword was not reduced, and it was stabbed to the fire unicorn at a terrible speed.

"Do not……"

The fire unicorn made an unwilling scream, and all the defenses outside his body were ruined by the sacred sword. He looked down on the power of the sacred sword, or he did not expect the sword to be legendary. At this time, the only thing that Fire Kirin can do is to wait for the sword to penetrate into his body.

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