Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1441: Martyrdom

Yang Bufan’s body swayed and fell from the sky, standing in front of the camp of the Wangfu.

"Brother, the guests are here, let's meet."

Yang Bufan said with a smile.

"Nature is to be greeted."

Jiang Chen smiled. When he first arrived at the Dagan Empire, he encountered such a big battle. Jiang Chen did not know that this was not lucky. Anyway, Jiang Chen’s passion and fighting spirit had already been ignited. He saw the true genius. Style, this is the real fairy world, and the first-line days are not a level at all.

Looking across, a large number of masters are constantly coming, the first one, wearing a gold robe, wearing a purple crown, embroidered with a dragon hovering in front of the chest.

The entire Dagan Empire, qualified for dragon-shaped clothing, except the emperor, there is only Prince.

He is a prince. It looks like he is about the same age as Yang. The look of his face is arbitrarily exudes the spirit of the emperor. Jiang Chen finds that this prince is very simple. It is not a normal day. His cultivation has been achieved. At the beginning of the Emperor's early peak, but the real combat power, I am afraid that even in the middle of the general Emperor, it is not its opponent.

"This is the Prince. He controls a force, and he is very prestigious in the genius."

Yang Bufan said in a low voice.

"Look at that, he is Ping Wang, the same peak of the early Emperor of the Emperor, the power in the genius and the emperor is not weaker than the Prince, and the other princes are also the cultivation of the emperor, but on the power and The influence is far worse than the Prince and Peace King. You don’t see how their faces look good. Do you know why?”

Yang Bufan pointed to another man dressed in white and said that the man was tall and handsome, and he was filled with the atmosphere of the superior. He was the real emperor. He was Ping Wang, named Yang Buping, and his face with the Prince. It looks very ugly, and the faces of several other emperors are not good-looking.

"Because Yang Zanqing gave you the snow jade ginseng, they were seen."

How smart Jiang Chen is, can naturally guess the reason for this.

"Yes, you know, even the Prince, when he was first banned as a prince, did not receive Yang Zanqing’s half-point gift on the ceremony. Today, Wang Wang received a rare treasure of the precious treasure Xueyu Wangshen, let They naturally gave birth to a sly heart. Of course, besides cockroaches, they are more likely to feel threats, and the king threatens them."

The old man of Bai Weng habitually said with a beard.

The words of the old man of Bai Weng are well understood. The strong return of the king of the king makes them feel great competitiveness. Now even Yang Zanqing appreciates Yang Bufan, which further explains the potential of Yang Bufan, so how does the Prince and the Peace King? Affordable.


At this moment, Jiang Chen frowned and looked at the Pingwang camp. His keen sense of where he felt a killing was aimed at his own killing, not against Yang Bufan.

Sure enough, when Jiang Chen looked at the past, he saw a young man in Tsing Yi staring at himself with a sinister look. The killing in the eyes did not hide at all.

"Who is this person? Why did he give birth to me for no reason?"

Jiang Chen’s frowning, how long he has been, and these people simply don’t know, and whether it’s Prince or Ping Wang, today’s appearance is for Yang’s extraordinary, even if there is killing, it should be It’s true that Yang is not right, but this youth is obviously directed at himself.

The hidden meaning of the killing, others may not be able to sense, but how sensitive Jiang Chen’s perception is, and the slightest environmental changes are all over his mind.

"Hey! No matter who you are, you want to kill me, you have to have the ability to do it."

Jiang Chen’s heart snorted, although this person was a master of the late Xian Wang, but Jiang Chen is not afraid. Such a master may not be able to win now, but it is absolutely impossible for the other party to kill himself. Things.

The Prince had indeed had some time, and they waited for the end of the King's ceremony. I didn't expect to see Yang Zanqing giving Yang Bufan Xueyu Wangshen, which made them feel very uncomfortable. They had already made a decision in their hearts. Yang Zanqing is optimistic about Yang Bufan, then they must be ugly to Yang Yangfan today, so that Yang is not ugly.

"Haha, congratulations to the king, He Xifan, today is such a big day, if I don't come, I am not lost."

Ping Wang took the lead, and he laughed and looked very sincere. This kind of city is the deepest and most terrible.

From this point alone, it can be seen that this Ping Wang is more terrible than the Prince. The Prince is not well-faced and has not changed since he came in. This alone is not as good as Ping Wang.

"Prince and Peace King and the emperor brothers and brothers came to visit and let the house shine."

Yang is not a fist, facing the pressure of so many masters, Yang Bufan's face is calm, and he can't see the slightest tension. It is completely demeanor and admirable.

The white man and the old man nodded secretly and greatly appreciated. Anyway, the king did not lose anything at all, even if he only had half a step of the emperor's cultivation, but the prince's temperament, and the prince and Ping Wang completely It is comparable.

Even they felt from Yang Bufan that a prince and a peace king did not have the momentum. It was a calm, one-of-a-kind atmosphere, and he took control of everything.

Of course, a person who has been the Lord of Sin for ten years, no matter the knowledge or the mind, is not comparable to the Prince and the Peace King. He has not been treated in such a tragic environment, and will never know where the horror is from there. The superior who came out is the real superior.

"Where King, today is the day of your great joy. If there is no program to help, it is not imperfect. Since you have been sealed by the prince, there are certainly many strangers who want to come, and we must admire the martial arts. Paying attention to the strong and respecting the genius, the establishment of the genius house represents the glory of our genius. Every prince is surrounded by geniuses. It is better for us to pick out some geniuses and try them out. I don’t know what the king wants?"

The prince spoke up, there was no extra congratulatory word, and it was directly martyrdom.

After listening to the words of the Prince, the face of the white man and the old man changed instantly.

"This prince is too shameless. He used this trick to make it difficult. He knew that the king had just returned, and even the genius palace had not returned. There were no genius characters around him. The Prince and the Peace King gathered a large number of geniuses. Many of them are from the genius, how is this compared?"

The old man of Bai Weng seems to be very angry. This Prince is clear that he is directly hitting his face.

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