Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1447: Forway’s killing

The face of the prince became extremely difficult to look at. I thought it was a battle without suspense, and the situation was reversed in an instant. He just said that if Qu Shuangting did not keep his hand, it was his own face.

It is impossible for the Prince to see it. In the current state of Jiang Chen, even if Qu Shuangting does his best, it is impossible to be an opponent.

At this time, what really shocked was Qu Shuangting. He had an urge to spurt blood. He never thought that he would one day be defeated in the hands of a little golden fairy. What made him even more incomprehensible was a golden fairy. Will have such a powerful combat power, the cadre of the Dagan Empire is like a cloud, what kind of metamorphosis has not been seen, but like Jiang Chen, this is the first time I saw it.

But for Qu Shuangting, now it is also the arrow that has to be sent on the string. It is impossible to admit defeat. If this time, take the initiative to admit defeat, it is to sweep the face of the Prince, the Prince will never spare him.


Qu Shuangting’s arm swayed, and an incredibly powerful sword appeared in his hand. This sword is very powerful and exudes the spirit of the king. At first glance, it is a king-level sage, a king-level sergeant. That is the existence of a priceless city, and the celestial soldiers in the hands of the genius in the genius's house are inevitably not ordinary goods.

Qu Shuang Ting did not intend to display the soldiers, because he still has powerful means, but after Jiang Chenlong, Qu Shuangting also saw the gap between the two sides, even if the display of the Xianbing came, no see Have to be able to get better.

"Jiang Chen, come on, even if you have a transformation skills? I don't believe that you can support this skill all the time, and even if you are more powerful, it is just a little golden fairy, I don't believe that a golden fairy can Strong to the Chengdu against the mid-term of the Emperor."

Qu Shuangting shouted loudly. In fact, he said this only to cheer himself up. As a mid-master of the immortal king, Qu Shuangting could not be a fool. It is impossible to see the situation at hand.

"There is too much nonsense, let's take it."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and the change of the dragon's state was equivalent to raising one level of combat power for him. In other words, he is now in the late Jinxian period, and in the case of the display of the dragon, it is the half-step force of the king. For Jiang Chen, killing people across two levels has always been a very easy thing, even for geniuses.


Qu Shuangting shot, the sword in his hand was lifted by him, and the sound of the sword of the sky was sent out. The power of the king-class sergeant was completely released. Qu Shuangting was also tyrannical. He seemed to cast an incomparable one. The powerful swordsmanship made his whole man's momentum merge with the sword, and his power was greatly enhanced.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but secretly nod. This song double court is indeed a genius. If the other party is the late King of the Kings, then even if he is a dragon, it is definitely not his opponent, but unfortunately, Qu Shuangting only has a mid-term Even if his swordsmanship is more powerful, it is not the opponent of Jiang Chen.

Under the control of Qu Shuangting, the sword was turned into a streamer, and when it was brushed toward Jiang Chen, the speed was really coming to an extreme, and the void was directly torn into a gap.

Jiang Chen also moved. No matter how fast the sword of Qu Shuangting was, it was only slow motion in front of Jiang Chen. Because Jiang Chen’s speed was faster, he grasped the dragon claws and displayed the real handprint.

The unparalleled big handprints are like a cage, and they will catch the sword of the double court.

Even if the invincible sharp sword, hit the **** dragon claws, it just collided with a spark, and could not shake the dragon claws.

Qu Shuangting was shocked and wanted to take back the sword to continue the attack, but he was shocked to discover that no matter how hard he tried, he could no longer incite the sword, and his sword had been firmly controlled by the other dragon’s claws. .

"Get it."

Jiang Chen used force to pull it, and the sword in the hands of Qu Shuangting directly flew away and fell into the hands of Jiang Chen.

"Asshole, still my sword."

Qu Shuangting's eyes are red, this sword is more important than life in his daily life. Now the sword has been taken away, so that he feels good in his heart, and immediately went crazy to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen snorted, and the sword in his hand was against the Qu Shuangting. The speed was more than that of the previous song. I don’t know how many times faster.


Just listening to a bang, the long sword squatted on the arm of Qu Shuangting, a deep-reaching bone was smashed out, blood rushed out, and the tearing pain caused the original reason for the loss of rationality. When he came over, he stopped his body and found that a long sword had arrived at his own eyebrows. As long as he was one inch ahead, he could pierce his head.

Qu Shuangting had a cold sweat in his head. He looked down at the wound on his arm. It was impossible to see it with his eyesight. Jiang Chen was merciless. Otherwise, the sword was definitely not just left on his arm. A wound, I am afraid that one arm is not directly.

No, it should be said that the sword just can be swept from one's own body and split yourself into two, even if it is in front of you, it is enough to pierce your own eyebrows.

"Why are you under your mercy?"

Qu Shuangting asked inexplicably. He always showed that he wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but the other party did not kill himself. This made him very puzzled, and Jiang Chen did not look like a kind-hearted person.

"I want to kill you, it's easy, but you are the genius of the genius, I will leave you a life."

Jiang Chen said faintly, his practice is also for Yang Bufan to consider, to kill the double court is simple, but Qu Shuangting is a genius person after all, today is Yang Bufan's royal seal, if you come up to kill the genius People, it seems that Yang is not too cruel, now he does not kill the double court, but also leaves the word for Yang.

"Thank you."

Qu Shuangting’s mouth overflowed with a hint of lightness, then shook his head helplessly and turned to walk outside the mask. At this time, even if he was not willing to say anything, he could not say anything, and people had spared their lives. What to say?

As for the Prince, Qu Shuangting felt that the Prince would not punish himself. After all, he did not admit defeat and has worked very hard.

"Your sword, I can't see it."

Jiang Chen took a slap in the face and threw the sword to Qu Shuangting. This sword is not a level compared with his Tiansheng sword. Jiang Chen naturally does not look up, and simply leaves Qu Shuangting with a human feeling. Today's love, even if Qu Shuangting does not say, but my heart will certainly not forget, he may still be able to use it on the day, after all, Yang Bufan and the prince's opposite, if it can bury a foreshadowing in the ***, that is the most Good.

Even if Qu Shuangting is loyal to the prince, killing a mid-Minister, there is no loss to Jiang Chen, and it will not cause any harm.

Qu Shuangting’s gray-faced face returned to the camp of the ***, the prince did not blame him, and the others did not ridicule him. After all, they just saw the situation just now. Qu Shuangting failed, but he could not blame him for being replaced. It is almost certain that a master in the middle of the immortal war will be the same result. This is almost certain.

"Haha, okay, okay, Jiang brothers are really amazing."

"Yeah, the Jiang brothers are nothing more than Jin Xian. Even the masters of the Mid-Cheng Dynasty are not their opponents. If you don't see them with your own eyes, who can believe it, and if it is not for the Jiang brothers, then the genius of the *** I am afraid that I have already lost my life, and the Jiang brothers are righteous."

"It's too strong, and I have never seen such a strong person. This can be regarded as a true genius."


The exhilarating voices of the king's house are one after another. The old man of Bai Weng laughs most happily. His hands are alternately beards. At this time, everyone feels that it was a wise choice for Yang to enter Jiangfan in the past. If the scene is not Jiang Chen, Van Wang can't cope at all, and it will inevitably become a laughing stock that will be ridiculed in the future.

"Haha, Prince, I have won two games in a row, have to fight again?"

Yang Wufan laughed haha.

"It seems that Wang Wang is very high. If this is the case, it is natural to fight. This Prince wants to see how much Jiang Chen is tyrannical."

The Prince said coldly, today he was humiliating Yang Bufan, but he was humiliated and lost two games in a row. It can be said that he was thrown into his face. If he goes back like this, he will put it in the back.

"Brother, can you fight?"

Yang Bufan looked at Jiang Chen and asked with a dignified look.

"Nature is to accompany the end."

Jiang Chen shrugged easily. He knows what the battle today means for Yang Bufan. Everything today is destined to be retreat. Jiang Chen has no intention of retreating. He is very clear in his heart. Today is not just to resist. It is the most important thing to live in the humiliation of the Prince and the Peace King, and to help Yang Bufei to make a name for himself and to truly fight the name of Fan Wang.

"His Royal Highness."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the camp of Ping Wangfu, and a man dressed in Tsing Yi came out. He held a fist to the prince: "His Royal Highness, this third battle, let the next battle be good." This Jiang Chen killed my brother Futian not long ago. I have nothing to do with him. I hope that His Royal Highness will be sold to the next person."

The man in Tsing Yi’s voice is not someone else. It’s the brother of Futian’s brother, Fu Wei. He walked in with Ping Wang, but he never had a chance to shoot. He saw that the Prince was angry. He had to seize the opportunity. Otherwise, Jiang Chen might To die in the hands of others, in that case, it is not cheap Jiang Chen.

When Fu Wei’s words came out, he once again caused an exclamation, but there were people directly swearing at the ***. His mother’s, this kid has the power to kill Futian. Why don’t you say it earlier? If you say it early, will there be any previous situation? If you say it early, will the Prince be humiliated?

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