Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1509: Join Dan


There were countless laughter from the genius, and the whole sky of the earthquake swayed. The seven emperors disappeared. After this trip, it is estimated that the bed will be depressed for a month, but this time it’s a shame, but it’s a big loss. There are plans to make the Dagan empire to be embarrassed, and with the means of the Seven Emperors, it has completely defeated the mysterious, and the goal is to be achieved, who is expected to kill a Jiang Chen, a half step The king gave the seven princes a defeated nose and a swollen face. They were also insulted in public. It can be said that they were thrown into the family.

And after this incident spread, the Seven Emperors will become the laughing stock of the entire big cloud empire. You must know that the Big Cloud Empire, like the Dagan Empire, is one of the eleven major forces in the East Xuanyu, and the battle between the emperors is equally fierce. The Seven Emperors originally wanted to use this opportunity to enhance their popularity and to promote their position in the Big Cloud Empire, but did not expect to be self-defeating. After returning, they did not know how many eyes and ridicules to be greeted.

Therefore, the most hated person of the current Seven Emperors is Jiang Chen. He has never hated a person so much. If he is given the opportunity, he will definitely give Jiang Chen a corpse of corpses, and there will be no politeness.

In Dan, the atmosphere has completely changed. Whether it is a disciple of Danfu or a disciple of the genius, this moment is full of excitement. It is a kind of psychological superiority. It goes up to the oriental royal family and goes down to ordinary foreign disciples. There is a great sense of superiority. Because the Dagan Empire and the Dayun Empire have been fighting for so many years, everyone wants to suppress the other side. Although today it cannot be said that it is a proud, but it is also a big victory.

The hero of this great victory is undoubtedly Jiang Chen. All eyes that look at Jiang Chen have changed, envy, jealousy, worship, all kinds of complicated emotions, but everyone knows that after today’s events, Jiang The dust is completely famous throughout the genius.

"Kid, great, I didn't expect you to be really hidden, even the king didn't know."

Yang Bufan patted Jiang Chen’s shoulders, his face was full of arrogance, although the ten-piece Sheng Yan Huang Dan was not made by him, but Jiang Chen was his man’s palace, and the whole genius who did not know Jiang Chen This peerless genius is excavated by himself.

"Jiang Chen."

Dongfang Yu shouted, and the elders of a Dandan House walked to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen clearly felt that these people’s eyes were completely different from each other before, and every gaze was full of gratitude, this gratitude Jiang Chen is very understandable, because today, if it is not his own, Danfu will lose a lot of people, and it will have a huge impact on the reputation of Danfu.

Liu Elders smiled. This kind of smile did not disappear when Jiang Chen refines Shi Pin Dan. There is no point to look down on Jiang Chen. Think of the alchemy means before Jiang Chen, even if he is the mid-period. The supreme master, but also admire the five-body cast, the sigh is not good.

"The owner."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the East.

"Jiang Chen, you have made great achievements today, and your alchemy technique has been shocked and unconventional. Even this seat has never been seen. This seat is now inviting you to join Danfu. Do you know if you are willing or not?"

Dong Yu asked with a smile, he deliberately used the invitation two words, enough to explain the importance and care of Jiang Chen.

"It’s amazing, the Oriental House has invited him directly. This is a bad thing. The assessment of Danfu is coming soon. Only one disciple is recruited at a time, but the disciples who have always wanted to enter Danfu have to undergo a very strict assessment. It was the first time that Jiang Chen was directly invited, and was invited by the Oriental House. It was the first time."

"That is of course, Jiang Chen brother has such qualifications, others do not say, just say that the ten products of the Holy Flame Huang Dan, look at the entire Dan House, who can refine, even the Eastern House said, and do their best It’s just that I can refine nine products, so I have to send out invitations directly.”

"Yes, today Jiang Chen gave great merits to the genius, and the degeneration of the face of the seven emperors was broken. It was also expected that Dan was invited. Not only that, I guess the Lord of the East still gave him a great Reward."


Many disciples are envious and can be invited by the Oriental Royal. Jiang Chen is still the first one, but no one thinks this is an abnormal thing. The invitation is based on the strength. Jiang Chen is obviously Have great strength to do the foundation.

Yu Yu and Yang Zhi’s face are very blue, very incomprehensible. They have been retreating for a long time. It’s for this Dan’s assessment. I didn’t expect it to be the end. They know the rules of Dan’s. Every time they just recruit a disciple. Now that Jiang Chen has been invited, there is nothing wrong with them.

This is very depressing. You must know that in the past, even if it failed in the end, it would be worth checking out. Now even the assessment is gone. This makes them who are originally hostile and hate Jiang Chen.

"Little dust, you cow, you are the first disciple in the history of Danfu who was invited by the initiative, or was personally invited by the owner. This is a great glory."

Yang is not happy with the laughter, it is a happy, Jiang Chen joined Danfu, and the power of the Wangfu is destined to be bigger and bigger.

"Well, my Jiang Chen is willing to join Dan, to play for the Empire."

Jiang Chen once again held a fist and said with aloud that the resources of Danfu have been clearly seen. Such a good cultivation condition is exactly what Jiang Chen can't ask for.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, the old man has been offended by you before the words. I hope you don't put it in your heart. My old Liu is a straight person. Your alchemy is shocking. The old man is very admired. After that, everyone is himself. People, you can talk about each other on alchemy."

Liu Changlao laughed and said that such a scene looks very unharmonious. A master of alchemy, the supreme master of the Emperor of the Emperor, even turned out to be so polite to a half-step fairy king, but also said that he would discuss alchemy with him. This is a thing that is impossible at all, but now it is said from the mouth of the elders of the Liu, that there is no sense of contradiction. No one thinks that this is a self-destruction, but he does not say it, but says alchemy. Surgery, Jiang Chen is definitely a generation of masters, even if it is to the master of the cloud, it is also a master of Ding Ding.

"Where the elders of Liu said, the disciples will need more support from the elders."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, his impression of the elders of Liu, is not bad, because the standard of the Oriental Royal is there, so most of the people in Danfu are temperament, Jiang Chen is also willing to deal with this group of people.

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