Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1516: Killing to Fucheng [two more]

"The son, now only you can save the city master and the lady, and ask for the son."

The old man said that the situation will give Jiang Dian down. It is obvious that this old man is also loyal to the Yan family. It is more important to look at the life of Yan Dongliu's father and daughter than his own life.

"Get up soon."

Jiang Chen grabbed the old man's arm. He couldn't bear such a big gift. Yan Yancheng and Yandongliu must definitely save it, but he would not let the emotions go. The reason why the two were taken away by Fu Kui was entirely because of themselves. There are those who are innocently killed in the hands of Fukui in the main city of Yancheng City. They are all because of themselves. I don’t kill Boren Bourne but die because of me. In other words, Jiang Chen indirectly harms them.

Jiang Chen can imagine that the people in Yancheng, in the hands of Fu Kui, are as weak as ants. Fukui should not vent his anger to those innocent people in order to kill himself. This has already violated Jiang Chen’s bottom line. .

This matter, Jiang Chen certainly can't stand by and must come out to solve it personally. The grievance between him and Fukui will have a knot sooner or later. Jiang Chen does not want to be tired of more innocent people. Now Fu Kui, Losing two sons has become a mad dog. If you don’t look good, you will take a bite. In order to kill Jiang Chen’s revenge, you can say that it is at all costs. Such people are the most terrible, and the other person, The only solution is to kill him and let him disappear completely from the world.

"Grandma is a fairy board, go, call Yang extraordinary, kill together in Fucheng, kill the old bastard."

The rhubarb dog is mad, this is the dog in temperament. After hearing the old man’s words, he begins to anger. I can’t wait to fly to Fucheng for a big fight. This kind of thing is to take people around me as threats. I hate it, but it is basically impossible for Fukui to want to make a big wave. In the early days of a small fairy emperor, how to compete with the Dagan Empire, and Jiang Chen’s identity and status in the genius’s house is now dead. Fukui, don't be too easy.

"The son, that Fukui said, only allow you to go by yourself. If you see a helper, you will immediately kill the city owner and the lady, and the fish will die."

The old man said quickly, he has already seen it, that Fukui is really a monk, he said that he will definitely do it, and he already knows the beginning and the end of the matter, Jiang Chen killed his two sons, the other party has fallen into In a state of madness, such people are the most terrible, and the consequences are not treated, even their own lives are not on the mind.

In fact, this is true. For Fukui, both sons are dead, all their hopes and futures are cut off and deprived. Death is nothing to be terrible to him. His only wish is to kill Jiang Chen. , revenge for his son.

"Rhubarbs, let's go to this Fukui, he wants to break the net, and see if he has this ability."

Jiang Chen’s momentum was shocked and he said to the big yellow dog. In order to ensure the safety of Yan’s father and daughter, he decided not to call Yang Bufan and the Dahuang dog to personally take it, and for a while, the current strength of Jiang Chen and the Dahuang dog is no longer At the beginning of the Futian Mountain Villa, Jiang Chenlong was in a state of being able to compete with the general master of the Emperor.

The rhubarb dog is now also the master of the late Xianwang. Under the full force, it can still fight against the early Emperor, so this time I went to Fucheng. Jiang Chen has nothing to fear. This time, not only to save people, but also between him and Fukui. It’s time for the grudges to end.

"it is good."

The rhubarb dog is full of excitement. He is a free-spirited guy. He wants to fight and do big things. He likes it the most. This time he went to Fucheng, and he was able to play a big job.


Jiang Chen grabbed the shoulders of the old man and tore the empty space with his bare hands. He disappeared in the blink of an eye. When he appeared again, it was already thousands of miles away, leaving the genius house far away.


The old man swallowed a lot of spit and looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes full of awe. The realm was beyond his imagination. It was even more incredible for him to walk inside the space. He thought of seeing Yancheng for the first time. When Jiang Chen was in the air, Jiang Chen was only a small land fairy, and now he has grown to a height that he can't reach.

From the genius to Yancheng, across thousands of miles, too far away, but if you want to go to Fucheng, the distance is much closer. Fucheng is within the scope of the East Xuan domain, although it is a distance from the genius, but for the future. Said that this distance is nothing at all.

"The son, that Fukui must have laid down the net in Fucheng, you have to be careful, that Fukui is too horrible, it is the legendary emperor, can not deal with it."

The old man said with a lingering heart, he is reminding Jiang Chen.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog can not help but smile. For the old man, a fairy emperor, that is the legendary supreme figure, is the supreme imperial person on the high, is the general existence of the gods, can not fight at all This is the difference between the realm. Without this realm, it will never understand what is going on in this realm. For a fairy, the Emperor is indeed a god-like existence, because the gap is too big.

"Do not worry, I will personally take care of it and ensure the safety of the city owner and the city."

Jiang Chen said.

Hearing the words, the old man seems to have relaxed a little. He still knows Jiang Chen very well. This person is very confident and never beats the unsure. He saw it when he was in Yancheng, and he also understood in his heart. Fukui's master of the emperor is high in his opinion, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, it may not be anything, because the current Jiang Chen, the feeling of the old man is also high, and as strong as Fukui.

The place that Fukui looked for was not in Fucheng, but in a valley thousands of miles away from Fucheng. He had laid a net in the valley, built an altar in the middle of the valley, and built a black cage on the altar. Yan Dongliu's father and daughter were detained in a cage. The two were pale and incomparably ugly.

"Daughter, are you afraid?"

Yan Dongliu asked with a smile.

"Hey, my daughter is not afraid, Jiang Da Ge will definitely come to save us."

Yan Qingcheng said that when she was in the abyss of sin, she was the one who died once. Jiang Chen saved her and gave her a second life. Even if she died for Jiang Chen today, she would be willing.

Moreover, Yan Qingcheng has this unspeakable trust in Jiang Chen. It is a trust from the bottom of her heart. She believes that Jiang Chen will definitely appear and has enough ability to save them.

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