Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1556: distribution

Everyone will not doubt that if there is no Jiang Chen today, they will encounter such a situation. It is almost certain to die. Not only that, Jiang Chen showed them a wonderful battle, so that they really saw this. What is a true genius between heaven and earth.

They are all geniuses, they can enter the genius house to practice, and the aura of genius is hung on their heads. But at the moment, standing in front of Jiang Chen, this aura is directly shattered. They feel that compared with Jiang Chen, they are tarnishing geniuses themselves. These two words.

"Jiang Shixiong, it’s great, you are really eye-opening, right, what about the two blood demon kings?"

Dong Fei was very excited and came to Jiang Chen's side and asked.

"I have been killed by me."

Jiang Chen said in an understatement.

"No, it's two powerful blood demon kings, the supreme master of the early Emperor, so kill it."

Liang Qiao said that it seems to have some doubts.

"I said that if you kill, you will kill. Is it necessary to lie to you in this respect? And do you think it is very useful for me to leave these two powerful scourges?"

Jiang Chen took a look at Liangqiao and said nothing.

"That is, the blood demon king is too strong, it must be killed, and it is a great evil to stay. Anyone who has just arrived at the Golden Killing Field has encountered such a dangerous place. Fortunately, Jiang Chen is boundless and has died. The blood demon king, we succeeded in getting out of danger, and we also got the rare treasure dragon fruit, this is our air transport."

Wang Ye said with a smile, he is now very impressed by Jiang Chen, as a talent of the genius, and he himself is also upgraded from the following medium-sized forces, such people are very arrogant, can make There are not many people to admire, and Jiang Chen is one.

"It should be Jiang’s great luck and good luck. Our benefits are all brought to us by Jiang Shixiong."

Dong Fei did not forget to give Jiang Chen a flattering. Although this flattering is loud, it is also a fact. Everyone knows clearly, even if it is clear in the heart of the king, without Jiang Chen, they are absolutely impossible to find. Dragon fruit.

Although the dragon fruit is found by the big yellow dog, in their eyes, the rhubarb dog represents Jiang Chen, and the big yellow dog and Jiang Chen itself are one.

"In another fifteen minutes, the blood dragon fruit will mature. Everyone pays attention to the warning. Once the dragon fruit is mature, the fruit must be picked up at the first time. After the dragon fruit is mature, it will face depletion. This fruit grows. The middle is constantly absorbing the essence from the fruit trees, but after the fruit matures, the essence will begin to drain and return to the fruit tree, so it is necessary to take it off at the moment of ripening of the fruit to ensure the maximum effect."

The rhubarb dog said that his understanding of the blood dragon fruit is very thorough, not only that, now everyone sees the big yellow dog is full of mystery, it seems that this dog is a mysterious master of omniscience.

"Rade, this king has really looked down on you before. It seems that there is nothing you don't know about this world."

Yang Bufan said with a smile.

"That is, the dog's ability is a lot, especially in this golden murder field, you can follow the dog, that is your creation."

The rhubarb dog said with a high spirit, this guy never knows what modesty is. Of course, if the day of the big yellow dog learns to be modest, Jiang Chen will feel very uncomfortable.

In the following time, everyone did not speak, and the valley was quiet. They were waiting for the maturity of the dragon fruit. This is the result of their fierce fighting. For everyone present, they can get a blood dragon. If this is the case, this gold killing field will be worthwhile. According to the rhubarb dog, the value of a dragon fruit is almost equivalent to the spirit of a noble product. What is the concept, the spirit of honor Medicine is enough to make countless people crazy.

Moreover, this blood dragon fruit is created by the creation of heaven and earth, and its inner content contains the essence of heaven and earth. Any monk can directly refine and absorb, and the benefits are endless. The effect is better than Xueyu Wangshen.

A snow jade ginseng, what is the concept, that is the existence of Yang Zanqing as a baby, let alone they, unceremoniously said that this dragon fruit tree in front of them is the biggest guarantee for them to come to the gold to kill the domain, Even if they are here for a month, they will have a hard time making such a creation.

I have to say that this is really the air transport, the space channel will send them here, just the rhubarb dog can smell the taste of the baby, so-called chance, it is so, can not see the touch, will appear in the dark For anyone present, this is their chance.

But at this moment, the nerves of all people are beginning to get nervous. The closer they are to the time of the ripening of the dragon fruit, the more nervous they are. Everyone pays close attention to the surroundings, because nine dragons can be triggered at any time. A disaster came out.

In this golden murder field, there are tens of thousands of geniuses, scattered in different places, you don’t know when there will be any people, not to mention the talented characters of the major forces in the gold killing field, and each A kind of evil spirit, every evil spirit is a potential crisis.

Fifteen minutes was very fast, but it was also very long. In a torment, it finally passed. In the fifteen minutes, no one found it here, and no evil spirits appeared. It still plays a key blocking role, and the blood demon in this valley should also be famous in this large area, so no other evil spirits dare to run here for so long.


Suddenly, the blood dragon fruit tree began to tremble fiercely, and the shaking was very intense. Then the nine blood dragons also swayed violently. The blood from the blood dragon fruit disappeared and all entered. In the dragon fruit, the swaying dragon fruit seems to fall from the branches at any time.

"Mature, hurry up and take the fruit off."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

"Where the king, come on."

Jiang Chen laughed, after all, the people who are present in the palace are the people of the Wangfu. After all, the Wangfu is the home of Yang Bufan. Jiang Chen does not want to go beyond the power at this time. Moreover, after the dragon is mature, he will face the problem of distribution and hand it over to Yang. Extraordinary distribution is undoubtedly the best.

"it is good."

How can Yang Bufan be smart, naturally understand the meaning of Jiang Chen, and immediately hesitate, he strode forward and waved, and the nine blood dragons were gathered by him all at once, and they were close, everyone was able to Feel the extraordinary blood dragon fruit, the **** fruit, the internal sputum is creeping, and the gods are at the extreme.

"The fruit of good gods, the blood and energy contained in it, is enough to be the elixir of honor."

Wang Ye couldn't help but say that as a half-step genius of the Emperor, his vision is still very unique, and you can see the extraordinary and precious fruit of this fruit at a glance.

At this time, Wu Ningzhu also came out from the Zulong Tower, and his eyes fell on the Dragon Fruit.

"Well, nine blood dragons, everyone is not busy with a white, blood dragon fruit effect, comparable to Xueyu Wangshen, any one of us can take one, repairing will be leaps and bounds, a short time to enhance one There is no problem with the level. Now the king begins to distribute. We have eight people here, one person, and the rest, give rhubarb. How do you see it?"

Yang Bufan said that this kind of distribution is undoubtedly reasonable. After all, everyone has been fighting **** blood and blood, and they have all worked hard. They must be able to serve everyone.

"Where the king's distribution is very reasonable, the rhubarb should get two. If it is not him today, we can't have such a creation."

"Yes, in fact, we have not helped too much. Fan Wang can give us a fruit. We have already suffered from it. Rhubarb is the biggest hero of this time. It is not too much to get two. ”

"That is of course, if there is no rhubarb, we are afraid that we can't find it here. Even if we find it here, it is not the opponent of the blood demon, and the former silver cedar, it is difficult to get out of that area."

Wang Ye and Dong Fei quickly said, "Where the king is distributed like this, they dare to have a little dissatisfaction. Today's situation is very clear to them. Everything is done by the big yellow dog and Jiang Chen. They can get a blood dragon. If you have already blossomed in your heart.

Although the dance bamboo has not been shot, but because of the position of Jiang Chen, it is natural to get one. For such a decision, no one has any opinions, and no one dares to have opinions. Although it is now a gold killing field, They have not forgotten their identity. They are all people of the royal palace. Everything must be obeyed by the arrangement of the king. Everyone can give them great benefits at this time, and let them feel that choosing to join the royal palace is correct. decision.

If this matter is placed on the prince, the prince's nature, I am afraid that one person will pack all the fruits. They can't even get the root hair. Now, one is a great blessing.

"Little dust, what do you think?"

Yang Bufan looked at Jiang Chen.

"I have no opinion."

Jiang Chen nodded, and he naturally had no opinion. After all, they got four dragon fruit.

"Oh, extraordinary, you guys will do things very well."

The rhubarb dog licked his mouth, and the fork was flying. A pair of dog eyes stared straight at the blood dragon fruit in the hands of Yang Bufan. It seems that Yang Bufan will not give him fruit, and the big yellow dog will rush to grab it.


Yang Bufan laughed and then threw it away. Two blood dragons were thrown at the big yellow dog. The big yellow dog opened his mouth and swallowed the two fruits directly. This scene suddenly shocked everyone, including Yang. Extraordinary.


Eat it directly?

This is also very scary for his mother, this is the elixir of the equivalent, there is a huge amount of energy inside, so eat directly, do not die?

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