Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1566: Exit

Along with the explosion of Jiang Chen, an incomparably powerful momentum spewed out of his body, causing the entire thirty-three floors to sway vigorously. The dancing bamboo and the sleeping big yellow dog that were being closed were alarmed. They opened their eyes and their eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"Well, this kid is going to be promoted to the middle of the fairy king."

The rhubarb dog said with excitement that Jiang Chen can advance at this time. It is undoubtedly a big joy. The big yellow dog and the dancing bamboo have a very good understanding of Jiang Chen’s ability. Every time Jiang Chen is promoted to a level, the combat power will be horrible. Now promoted to the middle of the immortal king, under the full force, even the genius characters like Lingdu can be killed. With such a strong strength, in this golden killing field, it can almost be rampant.


Jiang Chen’s body emits a strong humming sound. It is like a sea of ​​energy. At this moment, Jiang Chen’s body is like a complete world. This world can accommodate everything, even the dragon fruit. The energy, still can not make the slightest incitement to Jiang Chen's body, this is the power of the true dragon body.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is advancing to the middle of the immortal king. Every time he advances, he will consume a lot of Xianyuan Stone. Xianyuan Stone is the essence energy between heaven and earth. It is the necessary support for every monk to advance. Jiang Chen The consumption has always been extremely horrible, and it is hundreds of times the same level.

However, Jiang Chen is not afraid of consumption now. Yang Yu rewarded him with a million yuan of Emperor Xianyuan Stone. This is a huge wealth, enough for the repair of Jiang Chen to hit the Emperor level is not a problem, for Jiang Chen At least, you don't have to worry about the problem of Xianyuan Stone in a short time.

Soon, Jiang Chen’s cultivation was completely stabilized in the middle of the immortal king. The powerful momentum was also converged into the body, but for Jiang Chen, this has just begun, far from the end, the blood dragon The huge amount of energy has not yet begun to consume.

"Cing sister, you continue to practice retreat. You need to settle now. You don't have to worry about Jiang Chen. This guy is a horror of the sky, six months, now only two months, less than six months. He will not go out. He must now refine his blood dragon fruit and completely condense his own cultivation. I estimate that after four months, his cultivation is at least the mid-peak of the immortal king. It won't be too far."

The rhubarb dog said to the dancing bamboo, I hope that the promotion of Jiang Chen will not affect the retreat of the dancing bamboo. The repair of the dancing bamboo is still too weak, even if it is promoted to the late stage of the king, it is basically in the golden killing field. It is also difficult to move.

This time, the dancers are coming over, all they have to do is wait for the opportunity, wait for their own creations, and do not need to be shot before they are not made, and need to be protected.

The gas transportation and the creation of Wu Ningzhu are still very good. Otherwise, they will not advance to the gold killing field twice.

In a twinkling of an eye, two months have passed, and the energy of the blood dragon fruit in Jiang Chen has already been completely refining. As he initially expected, the dragon fruit helped him to gather 30,000 dragons. Come, so that his current number of dragons has reached 1.18 million, only 20,000 dragons in the late Xianwang.

In fact, the power of a dragon fruit is definitely not just this. In order to balance energy, part of the dragon fruit has been absorbed by the ancestral tower. Now the ancestral tower, the thirty-seventh floor is almost complete. Gathered out, only the last point.

The ninety-nine-story ancestral tower is the peak. This is a very long process. Jiang Chen must try to condense the ancestral tower at all costs. This true dragon is a treasure. Once it is completely condensed, it may have a thorough understanding. The ability to bring Jiang dust to unimaginable benefits.

The repairs have been completely stabilized. Jiang Chen is ready to use the remaining two months to continue to settle. His sea is like a sea, and his body is like a mountain. This time, he has to fight all his things firmly and wait for him to get out. At the moment of the Zulong Tower, it is necessary to do a good job in this piece of gold to kill the field, do not have to be afraid.

In the past four months of the ancestral tower, it took only four days for the gold to kill the domain. During these four days, the gold murder field was obviously more lively than at the beginning, and the emptiness was filled with blood. In this ancient battlefield, **** gas itself is a sign, the **** gas here will never dissipate, but with the tens of thousands of geniuses coming in, the **** atmosphere here is beginning to become more and more intense. Every day here is killing, people and evil spirits, people and people, fighting, robbing, killing, everywhere, happening all the time.

In the four days, Jiang Chen’s reputation has once again improved a lot. Although it is only famous in the limit of Dong Xuanyu, because of the escape of Lingdu, Jiang Chen killed Wang Hao and Hei Kui. It’s no secret that there are three major forces, nine and a half steps, and the genius of the genius is not a secret. Although the gold killing field is huge, the news is still very fast, especially for the powerful masters of the emperor, plus Ling Duo. The genius of Huang Quanmen is likely to have the way to contact with the door, and Jiang Chen has killed so many people is also a big event for Dong Xuan.

We must know that it is normal for the eleventh forces in the East Xuanyu to fight each other, but no one dares to offend the three forces at the same time. Like Jiang Chen, killing 11 geniuses of the three forces is even more extreme. Rare, so the direct result of this incident is the anger of the three forces of Huang Quanmen.

"Must kill Jiang Chen."

"Absolutely not let him out of the gold killing field."

"There are so many geniuses to kill me in the door of God, and on the first day of the Golden Killing Field, I have caused such a big loss to our gods. This is playing the face of our Huangquanmen, and Jiang Chen will die."


The supreme masters of the three major forces have issued anger, which is completely a swearing not to kill Jiang Chen. The three forces are the same as the Dagan empire. The foundation is strong, and there are masters in the middle of the emperor, like Yang. Lang, the genius of their martial art is now being publicly killed. As a representative figure, they are bound to be able to let go of Jiang Chen, otherwise they will become the laughing stock of others and appear to be incapable.

Moreover, under the leadership of Ling Du, many masters have come to the previous battlefield, but unfortunately have seen no gains, and finally have to leave.

The people of the North and South family got the news of Jiang Chen, and they also took the shot directly. The North and the South were brought together with the masters of the three early emperors. They also got nothing. Now the people of the North and the West have been imprisoned by Jiang Chen. I know, so this time killing Jiang Chen in the Golden Killing Area is one of their most important tasks. This is also the instruction given to the son.

"A brother, it is useless to come here, and Jiang Chen is not a fool. He will stay here and not leave."

"Yeah, a brother, the gold killing field is too big. It is not an easy thing to find Jiang Chen. The Chaogong son also came in this time. As long as Jiang Chen will display the unicorn arm again, the prince can Inductive to his position, when the Jiang Chen will die."

"Yes, the means of the DPRK is not something that ordinary people can afford."

The three masters of the North and South family said that among the four of them, the North and South painters seem to be the leading big brothers, and the three are also the masters of the early Emperor, such geniuses, placed in any place in the East Xuan domain, They are all awkward, and such characters themselves have great arrogance, but when they mention the dynasty, their tone and face are revered, as if this prince is the most terrible figure in the world.

They also left when they were painted in the north and south. There were several people here. In the end, they all returned without success. In fact, they did not have big hopes. After all, Jiang Chen was not a fool. It was impossible to kill people and stay in the original. Waiting for people to take revenge.

In fact, Jiang Chen is here at the moment, and the hidden ancestral tower is so good that it is completely integrated with the void. Even if the powerful Emperor is standing here, there will be no slight notice.

Jiang Chen did not know what happened outside. He did not care at all. At this moment, Jiang Chen, the whole person is completely immersed in the state of retreat. His momentum is more and more calm, as if he is returning to the original, of course, absolutely It will not be true to return to the truth, returning to the truth is a realm, an artistic conception, how difficult it is to achieve this step, even if the powerful Emperor, want to return to the truth, it is difficult to add up, this is the change of state of mind.

The time rule of the thirty-three-layer space has passed quickly. Two months have passed quickly. On this day, it is the end of the sixth month of Jiang Chen’s retreat. He opened his eyes as scheduled, and two crystals. The bright light spurred out of his eyes, and the emptiness of the earthquake was all over the road.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is like a calm mountain. The whole person is completely different from the retreat. It seems that there has been a qualitative change. His strength is completely stable. The peak of the immortal king is not the peak, but The combat power is much stronger than when you first entered the middle of the fairy king.

"Ready to go out."

Jiang Chen stood up. At this time, the big yellow dog and the dancing bamboo also woke up. The repair of the big yellow dog was completely stable in the half step of the Emperor Peak. It was only a step away from the real Emperor. It is also a lot stronger, and it is only a step away from the half-step Emperor. The repair of the **** demon king is completely stable in the middle of the Emperor. The second **** demon king is still the early Emperor.

Seeing such a camp, Jiang Chenzui’s corner is also overflowing with a smile. With their current camp, it’s almost the same in the gold killing field.

"I have to go out finally, my dog, I am going to break down."

The rhubarb dog is so excited that this guy is the most uncomfortable, especially in places like the Golden Killing Field, where he stays here for retreat, which is a very painful thing.

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