Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1616: Where the king wants to be immortal [five more]

All the way to the flight, Jiang Chen and the monk have clearly felt the turbulent atmosphere floating in the void. It can be seen that the gold killing field is really getting more and more chaotic. In addition to fighting the evil spirits, the immortality caused by the constant opening of Xianzang In addition, because most of the masters are rushing toward the center of the Golden Killing Center, the genius intensity is far more than when they first started to go to the Golden Killing Field. The chances of meeting the genius in the same area have also increased. Many people who have deep hatred on the outside will be settled here by the way.

This is a very normal phenomenon. If your enemy is here and you have a chance to kill your opponent, then who will let this opportunity pass.

Wanli smog, ash smashed, a figure is rushing away, the latter three figures are like a popular in the general pursuit, one by one murderous, the young man in front, the face is ugly to the extreme, an arm has been missing, blood Unstoppable rogue, he struggled to escape while using his other hand to hold the broken arm wound, but the people behind him were very sharp, and it seems that it is only a matter of time, and time to catch up with the person in front. Not too far.

"Hey... kid, run hard, see when you can run."

The latter person gave a gloomy smile, and then the three people laughed and looked at them with a relaxed look. They completely regarded the person in front as a prey. If they made up their minds to chase them, they just caught up. This is obvious. They want to play, see the enemy continue to flee in despair, the desperate heart gradually enlarges, let the opponent die in infinite despair, to extend the taste of death to the maximum extent, they feel very refreshed, is a Very happy things.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen and the monk joked while they were on the road, just in front of the people who fled before.

The man was completely desperate. Suddenly he saw two figures, and he couldn’t bear the body. He couldn’t help but pause. When he saw the appearance of Jiang Chen, the already desperate face suddenly appeared. The color of ecstasy.

"Jiang Shixiong."

The broken arm youth snorted and almost did not cry. He knew that he was saved. Others may not save his life, but Jiang Chen can guarantee that he will not die.

"Dong Fei."

Jiang Chenyi, because this person is not someone else, it is Dong Fei of the genius house. When Jiang Chen first went to the genius house, it was the registration office where Dong Fei took him. Later, he came to the Golden Killing Field. Dong Fei also got a dragon fruit, but then they parted ways and did not expect to meet here.

At this moment, Dong Fei can be said that the wolf has reached the extreme. He is injured in the body. Although his cultivation has reached the half-step of Emperor Peak, he can only be promoted to the Emperor, but now it is the end of the strong.

Dong Fei came to the side of Jiang Chen, and he was already unable to support himself. His body was constantly shaking.

It’s too late to ask, Jiang Chen’s palm turned over and took out a medicinal herb, which was a special holy medicine for healing, and was handed directly to Dong Fei’s hand: “eat it.”

"Thank you Jiang brother."

Dong Fei took over the medicinal herbs and didn't even look at it. He swallowed it directly. Jiang Chen is his most trusted person and will never harm himself.


At this moment, the three figures in the back also caught up. The three of them all had a cold and scent. The clothes on their bodies were carrying hoes. This is the symbol of the corpse yin, almost no need to ask, Jiang Chen I know that Dong Fei’s injury is given by the three guys in front of him.

These three people also seem to be half-steps of the Emperor's peak, and they are quite similar to Dong Fei, but the three to deal with one, plus the corpse Yinzong means yin and sinister, Dong Fei can not resist the injury is also normal Things.

"You hurt him."

Jiang Chen asked coldly.

"Kid, advise you not to gossip, don't want to die, just leave, our corpse sinister things, but you can not participate."

The leader’s opening said that Jiang Chen would not be put in the eyes at all, mainly because Jiang Chen and the tyrants all converge on their own breath. It is difficult to see their true cultivation without looking carefully, and the corpse of the corpse has always been arrogant. Hey, even if you look carefully at the other side, you don’t have the mind.

"My name is Jiang Chen, I don't know if you have heard of me."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"What? You are Jiang Chen."

Before that, the incomparable corpse Yinzong genius disciple, his face changed instantly, they may not know others, but Jiang Chen’s name is absolutely astounding.


The movements of the three people are very uniform. If you don't talk about it, you can turn around and run. The speed is not much faster than when you came before. Where is the arrogance before the half-point, the three people should start to marry directly, it really falls. The big mold, and who is not good, just met the comet of Jiang Chen.

When they met Jiang Chen, they didn’t have a reason not to run away. Even the genius of the corpse of the corpse was dead in the hands of Jiang Chen, let alone them. If they really fight, they say rebellion, Jiang Chen. You can shoot them as **** with a slap.

"I still want to go?"

Jiang Chen snorted, and his big hand grabbed the direction of the three people running away. The void was solidified. The three people who had escaped from the madness were directly imprisoned and could not move.

"Go to hell."

Jiang Chen had a big hand, and the space was directly crushed into crushed. The three men screamed and screamed, and the body was completely blasted. It turned into a large **** fog, and it can be said that the death is extremely miserable.

Killing the corpse corpse, Jiang Chen will not be merciless at all. If one day Jiang Dian has enough strength, he will run to the corpse Yinzong, killing all of them up and down, one does not stay, this one Yin The evil martial art should not exist between heaven and earth. Their means of tempering other people’s bodies are contrary to the heavens and the truth, and they are worse than the magical religion.

Seeing that the three were easily killed, Dong Fei’s face, which had been slightly restored, could not help but show the surprise again.

"Jiang Shixiong, you have become stronger again."

Dong Fei is not awkward. From Jiang Chen to now, Jiang Chen’s change is something he can’t imagine. He also got some upgrades during this time. He has completed half of the Emperor’s Peak and is far from the real Emperor. It’s just a step away.

"Dong Fei, how come you meet with the corpse yin?"

Jiang Chen asked.

When he mentioned the three sons of the corpse, Dong Fei’s face changed instantly.

"No, Jiang brother, hurry to save the king."

Dong Fei exclaimed.

"Quickly say, what happened?"

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen's face changed slightly, watching Dong Fei's reaction, I am afraid that things are not as simple as I thought, the Van Wang at this moment is actually in danger.

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