Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1661: Fengyunhui will [six more]

Zhang Yulang is not looking for trouble for the time being. Jiang Chen is naturally happy. After all, the golden gate has not really opened. Before the direct conflict, his body has come to the big yellow dog and they have not been put away. This is his strongest fighting state, and there is no need to close it up. There is a possibility of a sudden birth and death battle at any time.

"Where King, you are also promoted to the late Emperor, very good, right, Ping Wang has been removed by me, the Prince is also dead, and later the Empire, you are more accessible."

Jiang Chen said, seeing that Wang Wang has such a huge improvement, his heart is naturally very happy, not only him, but also the monk was promoted to the late Emperor. For the promotion of the monk, Jiang Chen did not feel the accident, he There is a relic of the ancient Buddha in the body, constantly refining, progressing all the time, can not be seen with the eyes of ordinary people.

"Ping Wang was killed by you."

Yang Bufan was somewhat surprised, but for Ping’s death, he did not feel much in his heart. Although he was a brother, the royal family had no family at all. As a sinner, he had already understood this. Nor will she be a woman, he is very clear, even if Jiang Chen does not kill Ping Wang, Ping Wang will still deal with them sooner or later.

"Little dust, what kind of secret technique you have cultivated? You can avoid Zhang Yulang's attack and death at will."

Han Yan asked curiously.

"I don't want you, I was under the guidance of Rhubarb, I got the big void left by the Nether Emperor. This secret is extremely horrible, so I can easily deal with Zhang Yulang. Even if I can't beat him, I can continue with it. Zhou Xuan, Zhang Yulang wants to kill me, it is almost impossible."

Jiang Chen said that for the brothers in front of him, he does not need to hide anything. Everyone knows the roots. If you hide your own, you lose the meaning of your brother.

"What? It turned out to be the legendary Nether Emperor, the little dust, you really are the air transport, this is really amazing."

Yang Bufan was once again surprised. As the emperor of the Dagan Empire, he read the legends of the immortal world at an early age. The things and characters he knows are naturally more than the average person. He is also a powerful character like the Nether Emperor. It was the same name as the Emperor Xianxian and the Emperor of the Immortals. In the past, he was known as one of the most immortal emperors in the fairy world by virtue of the great void technique. The secret technique he left behind was natural and unusual. The ability to get a big void is enough to illustrate the extraordinary creation of Jiang Chen itself.


Yang Bufan’s voice just fell, and one of the golden passages shook again. A powerful figure came out from the inside, and the movement created was bigger than the previous Zhang Yulang. The one who came is not someone else. It is the supreme of the bright fairyland. Genius Xia Xiaotian.

Xia Xiaotian's youth looks like he is only fifteen or six years old, but his body exudes the momentum, but he is overbearing to the extreme. At this moment, Xia Xiaotian's cultivation is also like Zhang Yulang, becoming a powerful half-step fairy.

"Great, the enchanting figure of the fairyland of the Fairyland, I heard that he is really not 20 years old. It is really unimaginable. Is such a person practicing from the mother's womb?"

"It's too powerful. I can't use common sense to find out. Xia Xiaotian is known as the rare enchanting of the bright fairyland. When I was young, I reached a half-step fairy. Compared with him, we are really not a genius. ""

"The wind and the cloud will be ah, mentioning that a few years ago, the enchanting of the half-step fairy statue is quite a lot. It is definitely not just Zhang Yulang and Xia Xiaotian. It seems that the next thing is really lively."


The appearance of Xia Xiaotian immediately caused an uproar in the crowd. For such a enchanting genius, no one is not shocked. Compared with such a genius, anyone must be self-defeating and feel that he is really humiliating the words of genius.


Eighteen golden channels continue to have masters, and numerous geniuses of great powers have come together. Many people have made progress. This time, there are a lot of fairy tales unearthed in the Golden Killing Field. It can be said that it is more than a few times in the past, too much. The people got the benefits, and the masters of the late Emperor of the Emperor appeared one after another, not to mention the masters of the Mid-Emperor.

Once these people go out from the gold murder field, they will immediately alarm the big area where they are located. This is almost certain.

Yang Lang, Shan Chong, Xuan Zhong, Lan Ling Ji, Hua Xiaoqian, Demon ruthless, a large number of people have appeared, they saw Jiang Chen and Yang Bufan, immediately rely on coming in, such a large force is from Xiaoyao Qin When the relics appeared, they came together. Now that the most important golden gates are opened, they naturally have to be twisted into a ball. In the face of such scenes, nothing is more important than unity, not just them, many people and The big forces are all secretly united, and no one knows what will happen next.

"How did the thirteen brothers not appear?"

Lan Lingji looked at a circle, did not see the dragon thirteen, could not help but ask, this road came, the shadow of the dragon thirteen has completely entered the heart of Lan Lingji, want to move all the invigorated The cold blue Lingji, although a sacred woman, is still a woman. This kind of person does not put any man in the eyes on weekdays, but if a person really walks into her heart, then everything changed.

"The monkey didn't know where to go. Now there is such a big movement in the golden passage. It is said that he should come first, but it has not appeared yet. If I didn't guess wrong, the monkey must have gotten great. The benefits, not necessarily where to digest at the moment."

The rhubarb dog said that he had to say that his guess was extremely accurate. After the thirteenth, he had been sitting in front of the Daqingshi since he got the cultivation method of the vocabulary.

"Do not worry, he will definitely appear, such a prosperous scene of the wind and the world, if it is less than his dragon thirteen, it is not very imperfect."

Jiang Chen smiled.


A golden channel broke out again with a roaring sound. If you don't think about it, it must be a powerful master. You can guess it by looking at its momentum, and it is a powerful half-step fairy genius.

Sure enough, a young man in white clothes came out and carried an endless power.

Feng Yunzi, both in terms of potential and heritage, is not weaker than Xia Xiaotian and Zhang Yulang. Nowadays, it is also in front of people with the powerful repair of half-step Xianzun. No such people dare to despise a little.

[The remaining two are 12 points. 】

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