Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1698: Dragon thirteen crisis

The next day, when countless people thought that Jiang Chen would make another shot, Dong Xuanyu calmed down, and all the forces were ready to wait for Jiang Chen to continue to appear. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen seems to have disappeared completely. At half-time, countless Xianzun masters turned over the void of Dong Xuanyu and did not find a trace of Jiang Chen.

However, for this point, the major players have become accustomed to it. They all understand the horror of the big void. They know that they can hide in the space between the cracks and even the emptiness. It is extremely difficult to find Jiang Chen. The only thing they can do. It is to wait for Jiang Chen to take the initiative.

"Does Jiang Chen not appear?"

"Crap, Jiang Chen is not a fool, if I don't show up, now all the forces have been united, and it is equal to death, Jiang Chen is savvy."

"That is, but this thing will definitely not stop here. If you don't kill Jiang Chen, the major forces will not be able to sleep peacefully. Jiang Chen has now become a stab in their eyes and even become their nightmare."


Countless people are discussing the topic of Jiang Chen all the time. The short-lived calm will only represent a more violent storm, and everyone is expecting something.

Within the Zulongta, it has been a month since the transformation of the dragon has been successfully promoted, and the killing ancestors in the depths of the soul disappeared, forming a dragon seal imprinted in the soul of Jiang Chen.

"Killing the Dragon Seal is another powerful combat skill."

Jiang Chen is delighted that every time he changes his dragon, he will get great benefits. This killing dragon seal contains endless killings and carries the will to kill the ancestors. Once it is displayed, it is like a storm, just that substantial The murderousness can put people to death, and think of it as horror.


The energy in the body of Jiang Dust broke out with the sound of humming, and the whole body trembled fiercely. This situation made Jiang Chen more excited, the understanding of the way of killing, the transformation of the dragon, and the greatness brought to Jiang Chen. The benefits, his cultivation began to break through, he is already a half-step of the emperor's peak, and will soon be promoted to the real emperor, this moment, Jiang Chen and other time is really too long.

A new dragon pattern began to condense and was filled in the sea of ​​Jiang Chen. The number of 1.3 million dragon patterns was instantly reached. Jiang Chen’s cultivation was officially entered into the realm of the Emperor, and this did not end. The strong increase brought to him by him is far more than this. The new dragon pattern is still rising. The accumulation of Jiang Chen is too strong. At this moment, it broke out and it is unstoppable. It must be shocked to the early stage of the Emperor. The peak will stop.

For Jiang Chen, promotion has always been a very fast process. Soon, the number of dragons in his body reached 1.34 million, which was repaired as expected and reached the peak of the early Emperor. The last 10,000 dragons can be promoted to the midst of the Emperor.

"Very good, I finally got promoted to the Emperor. I don't know how much to improve now. But if I want to fight against those big forces, it is still not enough. It is not an opponent at all. I lost the sun **** feather. I only have the right to kill." I am not in a hurry to go out now, first stabilize the cultivation in the thirty-three-story space, and carefully comprehend the killing dragon seal."

Jiang Chen’s nephew shines. He does not intend to go out now. He is very clear about what is going on outside. He may not be able to do big things when he goes out. It’s better to stay in the 33rd floor space and have a good impression on the killing dragon. After waiting to go out, this is another powerful killing trick.

At this moment, the East Xuan domain is in a void space, a breath is looming, very weak, but even this faint breath is still the first time to be sensed by the masters.

These powerful masters of Xianzun have already laid the entire network of the East Xuan domain, and the weakest movement in the void will attract their attention.


In the blink of an eye, there are two or thirty masters of Xianzong appear here, and there are two masters in the middle of Xianzun. Such a camp is really terrifying.

"Jiang Chen, get out, don't avoid it."

The old man of the corpse gnawed his teeth and said that his hatred of Jiang Chen is incomparable to anyone else, so any vacancy in the void can attract him in the first place.

Saying, the old man of the corpse is directly facing the void, and the big hand will tear the void directly. Other fairy statues will completely block this piece of void and not give the other party a chance to escape.

Under such powerful space energy pressure, a figure was forced to squeeze out of the void. It was a young man, a yellow robe, black and white hair, very characteristic.

"Mother's, it's unlucky."

The young man looked around and couldn’t help but swear. This is not someone else. It’s Dragon XIII. He has been using the powerful secrets of the fighting community to hide in the void, but he doesn’t know what happened outside. He has been in a state of retreat, refining the earth's fairy milk.

Due to the reason of the earth's fairy milk, the repair of the dragon thirteen suddenly shocked the peak of the late Emperor, and only one step was able to step into the half step of the fairy, and the powerful energy shock made him show some faint breath. It was this faint breath that exposed his position.

Dragon Thirteen is not a fool. Seeing so many Xianzun siege himself, he almost guessed what happened here, and then recalled the killings in the Golden Killing Field. The violent anger of these great powers is also normal.

But now Dragon 13 has no mood to consider this. He only knows that he is going to be unlucky today. Although he is re-improved, his fighting power is even more terrifying. But in the face of so many sires, even if he is thirteen If you are confident again, I am afraid that you will not be able to return to heaven.

"He is not Jiang Chen."

Someone said with an eyebrow.

"He has a strong ancient war spirit, he is the dragon thirteen."

Some masters noticed the breath of Dragon Thirteen, and could not help but say.

"Kid, are you Dragon XIII?"

The old man said that although he did not find Jiang Chen, it was a kind of harvest to find the dragon thirteen. He had already heard the following disciple say that when the gold kills the domain, the dragon thirteen has no less dead. The genius of Yinzong, the black wolf is dead in his hands.

"Grandpa is the dragon thirteen."

Long Thirteen said loudly, how noble he is, he would not even admit his identity, and then, Dragon 13 is not a fool, knowing that even if he does not admit it is useless, these fairy masters are not idiots, think It is too easy to judge your identity. Those disciples who have gone out of the gold field may have already described their appearance.

[WeChat public number, welcome brothers who are not concerned to pay close attention. 】

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