Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1719: Three and a half

On the following day, the genius was slightly bright, and there was a great crowd outside the genius. Today is the big event of the East Xuan domain. The half-emperor Xiao forgets to hold a discussion meeting. The characters appearing may be of the same level, and they are the supreme masters of Xianting. I don't want to miss the opportunity to see the semi-imperialist style.

Moreover, Jiang Chen’s time has been fermented until now, and it’s already out of control. There may be a complete result today. For this result, everyone is extremely concerned, especially the people of the eight major forces. They are in a very good mood now. Complex, things that could have been solved by themselves, can only be looked at now, with their heritage, never thought that one day even a small emperor could not be subdued.

Now, the only thing they can do is wait, wait for the masters of Xianting to appear. According to Xianting’s practice, they will never compromise. The killing of Xianting’s people is equivalent to sweeping the face of Xianting. Jiang Chen is almost Undoubtedly, even if there is a sorrowful protection, I am afraid that it will not save Jiang Chen’s life.

The disciples of the genius house also came out. Their faces all showed excitement. They have been in the genius for so long. They have never seen such a spectacular scene. There are so many people, no one can see the side, too many people. The genius of the Dagan Empire has never been the focus of this moment.

"A lot of people have never seen such a big squad in such a long time. This is all directed at Xiao’s predecessors and Jiang’s brother.”

"Looking at the young generation of the whole fairyland, I am afraid that only Jiang brothers have such great abilities. You see, the ancestors of the eight major forces have appeared. Many of them are masters. This camp is too big. If it is in peacetime, the genius When I encounter such a camp, I am afraid that I will be fully guarded and nervous. Where can I even withdraw the defense as it is now?"

"Afraid of what, there are semi-emperor masters sitting in the town, no matter how many people do not dare to make a second, unless they do not want to live."

"I don't know if the three emperors will have half-Emperor characters, and I don't know what the results of today's negotiation conference will be. I hope that Jiang Shixiong can be okay, and the genius house has lost Jiang Shixiong. It is a huge loss. If Jiang Shixiong If I can leave the effectiveness of the Dagan Empire, my Dagan Empire will sooner or later."


For the genius, today is a very significant day, they are very excited, and the big events that Jiang Chen made during this time, they are very clear in their hearts, one by one, they are worshipping Jiang Chen. At the extreme, naturally, I don’t want Jiang Chen to have something. At this time, the fool can see the potential of Jiang Chen. As long as he continues to grow, he will definitely become the pillar of the Dagan Empire. The whole empire must rise in its hands. .

An hour later, the sky has been completely brightened, and there are more and more people outside the genius Fushanmen. They are all in all directions. I don’t know how far they have spread. Linglong Xianzun and Huaguyi also came, and they were directly directed by Yang Yu. Please enter the genius house, Yang Yu's practice, but also to the world to show that he is a big empire, is to be thoroughly exchanged with Linglong Fudi and Huaxian Valley.

If it was before, the Dagan empire and the two sects did not have conflicts, but there was no exchange, and there was almost no friendship. But this time, because of Jiang Chen and Long XIII, these three forces were directly united.

For the eleven major forces of the East Xuan domain, no, there should still be ten major forces left. The corpse yin sect is a real name. It disappeared completely from the East Xuan domain. Among the top ten forces, there are three major forces united together. It is of great benefit. For the union with Linglong Fudi and Huaxian Valley, the old emperor of the Dagan Empire is also very happy.

In accordance with Xiao’s invitation to forget, the empty square center has nothing to put on, not even a chair.

Not long after, in the eyes of countless expectations, Xiao forgot to bring Jiang Chen to the center of the square. The old emperor and the high-ranking empire of the Dagan Empire stood on both sides, waiting for the arrival of the opponent.

Countless gaze is on the body of Xiao forgetting. He is dressed in Tsing Yi, his eyes are sharp, and his gestures show the domineering and majesty of the semi-emperor. The black hair has a bunch on the top of his head. He looks like a young man, young people don’t. I can believe that the handsome face is even more embarrassing for women.

"All said that the forgotten person has the name of the first beautiful man in the fairy world, but he has no chance to see one side. Today, when you see it, it really is a well-deserved reputation. The name of the first beautiful man is not covered."

"It is really handsome, and Xiao Forgetting is a legendary figure. Jiang Chen is really a good life. He can let such a person who has come out to help him personally."

"I don't know when the people of Xianting will arrive. You said that Xianting will not directly give Xiao Xiao a face, and will not come."

"Impossible, even if Xianting does not give Xiao forget his face, but he will definitely come. After all, Jiang Chen is still alive, and Xianting will definitely appear. Jiang Chen is their goal."


The atmosphere began to change a little nervous, and Xiao forgets to appear. So the important figures of Xianting are not far from appearing. It is almost unnecessary to imagine that Xianting will definitely send a strong master, and the lowest is also a level of existence. Because the characters like Wang Xuanfeng have appeared yesterday, they are not qualified to negotiate with Xiao.

Suddenly, the three extremely sturdy airflows suddenly vibrated from three different directions. Countless eyes looked over and saw that the three airflows were extremely fast. They came to the genius almost at the same time with the thunder. Over the sky.


Everyone held their breath, and each look was very excited. This time, they are all the characters of Xianting. For them, it is a great luck for them to see the supreme master of Xianting in their lifetime. .

The three airflows quickly became six figures, two together, three of them are no strangers, it is the three peers who appeared yesterday, Wang Xuanfeng, Lei Batian, Lan Tingyan, Wang Xuanfeng yesterday I was saddened by Xiao, and now the injury has completely recovered. After all, Xiao forgets that there is no killer. For a peerless person, it is very easy to recover such a wound.

But the three great sages of yesterday's mighty powers can only stand behind the other three, and the three are the real focus. At that time, the three middle-aged people looked like they were forty years old, each one. Exciting the unparalleled momentum, the pressure of the overflowing pressure, which is casually overflowing, makes people feel scared and dare not face it.

This is a master of three and a half emperors, and a strong figure like Xiao Forget, no one can be underestimated.

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