Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1789: Winds of the Winds


Jiang Chen waved his hand and collected the crystal ball. His face had an indifferent smile. He no longer said a word because he didn’t need to talk anymore. He flashed aside and showed a play. The posture, then, that is the thing inside Feng Luomen, and has nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

The purpose of Jiang Chen has already been reached. Fenghuazi cannot be let go of indulging. As a gatekeeper, he must give tens of thousands of people up and down the wind door.

"Damn, their father and son actually want to rebel. The elders really secretly practice evil and deceive us all."

"The dog thing of the wolf heart dog lungs is that the wind Luomen raised them. I didn't expect to raise two white-eyed wolves."

"The hidden is really deep. We are all deceived by his appearance. Under the loyal appearance, there is a snake-like heart."


The people of the Windsor can't restrain the angry emotions at the moment. They simply don't believe Jiang Chen said, but now, there is no need for sophistry. They want to thank Jiang Chen. If it is not Jiang Chen, it seems to be a prosperous wind. The huge crisis hidden under Luomen cannot be excavated.

However, this kind of ruthless excavation is almost shredded by the hearts of all the people of the Windsor. Compared with anger, they are more sad. Some people cannot accept such a reality, and they can't help but shed tears.

The real sad, naturally Fenghuazi, Shen can be able to do this position, it is because of the trust of Fenghuazi.

The sullen face is extremely ugly, ugly to the extreme, and the last luxury hope disappears. Whatever it says is useless, the evidence is conclusive, but he does not feel that he is sorry for anyone. He is a pity that his own spring and autumn industry has not yet completed. Was killed, the person he hates the most, the most want to kill is Jiang Chen.

Feng Huazi's gaze is bleeding, and he looks at the sinking beside him: "How many years have passed, I have always treated you like a brother, how do you let me believe that all this is true."

The tone of Fenghuazi is a little trembling. As the supreme figure of the mid-term peak of Xianzun, it is a strong superior. The heart is extremely powerful. Now it is a disorder of mind. It is a kind of blow. When a man really gets sad, temperament is hard to control.

"The things that are wolf-hearted, and we are so respectful to you on weekdays. The size of the entire sect is given to you. I didn't expect you to make such a bad thing."

An elder in the early days of Xianzun shouted loudly, and his emotions were extremely exciting.


Suddenly, Suddenly laughed at the sky, and a powerful spurt spewed out of his body. His swells were mixed with black color, and the evil smell began to fill. His scorpion turned black, as if all of a sudden. It became another person, and before it was like two people, it was completely the embodiment of evil.


Upon seeing this, many people couldn’t help but retreat. After seeing the evil spirits of Shen Xiu’s cultivation, people have more certainty of this long-lost conspiracy. If it is not destroyed by Jiang Chen today, Shen Yu will eventually If there is a successful day, how big a disaster will be brought to Windwind, no one can imagine.

"The bloodthirsty magic."

The momentum of Fenghuazi also rushed out. After all, he was the master of Fenglumen. He couldn’t be self-defeating. His heart was still very strong. After a short sadness, his face immediately showed a sharp color. He was very Clearly, Shen Yu has completely changed. In the heart of Shen Yu, he is a murderer. The purpose of Shen Yu is to kill himself after killing his ancestors, killing his ancestors and replacing Feng Solomon.

This is already an enemy, and the enemy of life and death. In the heart of Fenghuazi, Shen Yu is no longer the elder of the Windsor. He is no longer a brother who has been so connected for many years. He is only a life and death enemy. It is an evil devil.

"Yes, Fenghuazi, since I have almost failed, there is nothing. I am going to leave today. I am afraid you can’t stop it. I will one day be rewarded with great success."

After the silence, his body flew in the direction of Jiang Chen.

Shen Qian’s current move is very obvious. He wants to leave the wind door directly. Before he leaves, he must try his best to save his son. Even if he can’t save it, he will kill Jiang Chen, but his heart is hate. Today’s situation is completely If he is defeated by Jiang Chen, he will not be reconciled if he does not kill Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen is careful."

Fenghuazi’s face changed greatly. He thought that Shen Yan would directly shoot at himself or directly choose to leave, but he did not expect that Shen Yan would actually kill Jiang Xiang’s direction. What he did not think was that the speed of indulging was so fast. Rao was his reaction, and it was a slow step.

"Jiang Chen, you hurt me, destroy all the plans in this seat, and sin."

Shen Yu suddenly found a palm to shoot toward Jiang Chen, his move is extremely fierce, but it is also very clever, the energy is weak, once hit the other party, not only can guarantee the killing of Jiang Chen, there is hope Save and sink.


The sinking movement was too fast, and the huge palms drowned the Jiang Chen, and the void was completely smashed and turned into a place of destruction.

The reason why Shen Qian did not escape and dared to take action against Jiang Chen was because he had great confidence in his own strength. He has secretly cultivated evil power over the years, and his fighting power has been extremely horrible. Fenghuazi is not necessarily his opponent. The only thing that can only make him jealous is the ancestors who are hidden behind him, so he will always be forbearing, the ancestors will not come out, and no one is his opponent.

"not good."

Fenghuazi's dark passage is not good, and the people of Fenglumen are all exclaimed. After this trick, Jiang Chen is sure to die without a place of burial. In any case, Jiang Chen is helping Feng Luomen. In a sense, it is the benefactor of the Windsor. If it is killed like this, let the people of the Windsor feel better.

"Sinking, it seems that you don't even care about your son's life."

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Chen was dead, Jiang Chen’s voice actually sounded from a distance. Numerous eyes looked at the past and saw Jiang Chen’s hands squatting in Shen Yifei, where there was a slight injury.


When I saw it, I couldn’t believe it was true. I was so horrible that I had just shot it. It’s easy to kill a little fairy, and it’s effortless, but effortless. The reality is that Jiang Chen easily escaped his attack.

[The remaining two are more than 12 points. 】

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