Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1818: Advance to the late Emperor

This is completely unexpected. Except for Jiang Chen’s prediction, although the Zulong Tower can devour a lot of energy, in the magma area left by this great emperor, Jiang Chen never thought about absorbing it. After all, Although he is confident, he is still somewhat self-aware.

Today, the Zulong Tower has opened a black hole-like mouth, like a long whale, and began to absorb the madness of the magma.


The forty-seventh floor of the Zulong Tower broke out with a roaring sound. The energy contained in this area is too large. In the blink of an eye, the forty-seventh floor is completely condensed and begins to move toward the forty-eighth layer. Shock.


Under the strong impact of the ancestral tower, the vortex that was originally incomparably strong, shattered and shattered, and the banned by the Emperor of Heaven, after losing the support of the magma, began to collapse and collapse.

"What is that? Jiang Chen, what have you done?"

The Southern and Northern Dynasties saw this in their eyes and felt the magma that was constantly being lost in this area. His eyes became red and red. Although the figure of Jiang Chen could not be seen at this moment, the Northern and Southern Dynasties can be sure that this change must be It is related to Jiang Chen.

"Haha, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, your magma prohibition is just like this. Not only can you not help me, but I finally fulfilled it."

Jiang Chen’s laughter came out from the depths of the vortex. Where there was a little bit of injury, it seems that the vortex that carried the devastating power just did not have any effect on Jiang Chen.

"What? That kid is not dead, how is this possible?"

"Impossible. He obviously has been swallowed up by the vortex. How can he not die? This is unreasonable. A master of the mid-level peak of the Xianzun is dying. He is a little emperor, and he survives."

"It seems that we have all looked down on this person. The enemy who can be seen by the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven is inevitably not ordinary. In the hands of this person, there must be a means to restrain the emperor from prohibiting. Such a genius character against the sky, we do not know the old Su level people."


No one is not surprised, although Jiang Dian still can't see the shadow of Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's powerful voice is enough to prove that he is still alive now, and he is alive, so that they can't be surprised, but there is the emperor's left. The ban was banned. Not long ago, a master of the middle of the Xianzun died. Now that a fairy emperor has survived, this is a miracle, an unacceptable miracle.

"Well, the eyes of the Emperor really are so sinister. I didn't expect this kid to be so different. I really entered it and didn't die."

The excitement of the half-empiré is full of faces. For him, this situation is just a miracle.

Everyone was very surprised, but their surprise was just beginning, because now they only know that there is a lot of movement, but they don't know why it is so big. Only the Southern and Northern Dynasties can accurately sense that the magma energy is rapidly losing.

According to the custom of the ancestral tower, once absorbed, it will never stop. It will not take long. All the magma here will be absorbed by the ancestral tower, and there will be nothing left. At that time, people outside may still be instructed. What did it look like?

In the vortex, the ancestral tower is strong to the extreme, and countless magma is absorbed into the ancestral tower, and the most pure energy is absorbed by the ancestral tower. The forty-eighth space is also rapidly condensing. Jiang Chen’s estimate is that if all the magma here is absorbed, the Zulong Tower can be directly condensed to the 50th floor, and Jiang Chen itself will also get huge benefits, and it will be a direct breakthrough to the late Emperor’s problem. No.

The roaring sound is endless, the speed of the ancestral tower is too fast, the magma energy in the entire magma area is disappearing rapidly, and the sound of Jiang Chen’s mad laughter keeps ringing from the center of the whirlpool. He has no unhappy reason, not only succeeded. When I arrived at Jiuyin Xuan Xin, I also destroyed the ancient area of ​​the Emperor of Heaven, which can be said to be a double-edged sword.

"Jiang Chen, I advise you to stop your actions immediately, otherwise I will make you feel uncomfortable."

The North and South Dynasties are red-eyed against the Jiang Chensong above the altar, but now he can only do it. At this moment, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, on the throne and the emperor's body, have reached the most critical moment, absolutely not able to Any signs of loss, Jiang Chen’s move has seriously affected his mind and is very unfavorable for him to integrate the flesh.

"I don't want to be born? I don't know who is suffering from life, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, what I have to do, you can never stop it. When you meet me, you are destined to be unlucky."

Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky...

The sound of Jiang Chen is a layer of sound waves constantly floating throughout the region, especially the last two words, the echo is constant, and the long-lasting.

"Jiang Chen..."

The North and South dynamism almost spurted blood. He finally knew why he was uneasy when he saw Jiang Chen. This **** guy is simply his own natural nemesis. Every time he meets, he will be unlucky. Even now that he has dominated everything, he was eventually destroyed by Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen does not appear, everything is under his control. When he has completed his physical integration, he can collect the nine yin sacred hearts, and then directly destroy the Jiuyin female emperor, **** the burial fairy, and then Destroy all the creatures who enter this space, under the heavens, I am the only one.

However, all this was because Jiang Chen’s sudden arrival was completely broken, and his plan was completely disrupted. Not only was Jiuyin’s Xuanxin taken away by Jiang Chen, but now this area is also facing destruction.

"There is no use, and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, everything is beyond your control."

Jiang Chen continued to speak out to stimulate the Northern and Southern Dynasties. This accident was entirely caused by the Zulong Tower. The Zulong Tower, the supreme artifact, exceeded the expectations of the Northern and Southern Dynasties and was beyond his imagination.

"Damn, I must now converge my mind, and I will finish the integration with the flesh. As long as I succeed, Jiang Chen will die."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties bite his teeth. He didn't know what Jiang Chen used to absorb the magma energy here, but he knew that it was too late to stop it, so what he has to do now is to concentrate on the completion and integration of the body. As long as it succeeds, it will be destroyed. Killing Jiang Chen, this area, can't be saved anymore.


The entire region has been violently abused. It seems that the end of the world is in general. Countless magma rolls over and disappears rapidly. The entire area is constantly decreasing. Soon, the forty-eighth floor of the Zulong Tower is completely condensed. The cultivation of the emperor will also affect the late Emperor.

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