Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1838: Shocked the audience

"Jiang Chen is Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is back."

"Haha, it turns out that this miracle is Jiang Chen. This guy always creates miracles. At the crucial moment, he still wants to save our big empire."

"Great, Jiang Chen is here, we are all saved."


The people of the Dagan Empire saw tears in the moment when they saw Jiang Chen. For a long time, Jiang Chen has created countless miracles. Jiang Chen is also the only one who entered the genius forbidden and did not die. In many people In the heart, Jiang Chen is almost an incarnation of a miracle. As long as Jiang Chen appears, they seem to have the bottom.

"This guy always plays some heartbeats."

The monk shook his head, but his spirit was completely relaxed. It was a kind of trust and confidence in Jiang Chen. In his heart, as long as Jiang Chen appeared, there would be no solution, and he could finally rest. It is.

"Who is that woman?"

Long XIII asked curiously, although he broke his arm, but this kind of injury is not a big deal for him, there is a vocabulary, and the broken arm is easy to regenerate.

"She is the morning rain, the most important person in the life of Xiao Chenzi, Xiao Chenzi finally found a light rain, we have to feel happy for him."

The monk said that the relationship between Yanchenyu and Jiangchen is the most clear. When Long XIII and Jiang Chen knew each other, the smoke morning had never appeared, so he did not know that the morning rain was normal.

"Hey, this guy is very blessed."

Dragon 13 nodded praise, but also restored the original look.

"Kid, let you run away last time, I didn't expect you to dare to die today."

When I saw Jiang Chen, I was screaming at the moment, and he would never forget what happened in the seal space that day. At that time, he and the big yellow dog almost became the food of the sorcerer’s sorrow. Forgetting to appear, Jiang Chen has already died.

"Death, you seem to have come out of the seal, but unfortunately you met me, or you have to be unlucky, today you hurt my brother, take the life to compensate."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Haha, arrogant boy, is it by you?"

Heavenly devil laughs and laughs.

"I? I am not playing with you today."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and then his body came to the side of the monk and the dragon thirteen, and the two men were lifted up and down. A lot of wood aura did not infuse the two people into the body.

"Little dust, light rain now looks very powerful, but that is a terrible horror."

The monk said with some worries that the smoke morning rain does look very powerful, and he knows that the ice arrow of the right is the smoke of the morning rain, but after all, the devil is a powerful semi-emperor, and has a strong blood, smoke. The morning rain is not a battle for the holy shrine, but there is no ability to restrain the devil.

"Don't worry, wait and see."

Jiang Chen smiled and laughed. The devil is really strong, but compared with the Jiuyin female emperor, it is still not a level. Even if there is a wound in the smoke, it can still be a battle with the devil, but the smoke is still buried. When Xian Xian is in his hand, he can directly kill the devil.

The demon scorpion looked up and looked at the morning rain like an ice god. His eyes suddenly contracted. He thought that it was not Jiang Chen, the woman who just hurt himself.

"Who is this woman?"

"Yeah, I have never seen it, but it looks very powerful."

"He has a close relationship with Jiang Chen, and he must be his own. If he is so young, he will have such a terrible strength. He just doesn't know if he is the opponent of the devil."


The countless gaze of the Dagan Empire also fell on the body of the smoke and the morning rain. They all know that it is not Jiang Chen, but the woman who is really fighting against the devil.

"Girl, are you fighting against this seat?"

The sorcerer looked at the morning rain and said arrogantly.


The smoke morning rain is too lazy to say a word, come up to play a palm, Xuanyin palm.

This palm is the strongest move of the smoke and rain to display the body of the nine yin. At the beginning, it was against the Emperor’s tyrants of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and it was not a winner. The smoke and the morning rain also felt the power of the devil, so come up. Just cast a Xuanyin palm.

The huge ice palms are overwhelming, locking in all the scent of the scorpio, and the speed is almost to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, it is near to the devil.


Originally, he was full of confidence, and after he noticed the horror of Xuan Yinzhang, the whole person’s face changed instantly, and this palm made him feel the real threat.


The devils are arrogant, the horrible claws hit, and they hit the past.


When the sky collapsed, the whole void was smashed, and the devil screamed, and the huge body like a mountain was blown away by the rain and the rain. The scorpion was **** and strong. The flesh is full of cracks everywhere.


"My God, how could this woman be so horrible, but the powerful sorcerer is a powerful semi-emperor, and she was seriously injured when she came up."

"Great, powerful, such a powerful force, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it."


The whole scene was shaken up, and all the people in the repressed Dagan Empire broke out and began to cheer.

"Grass, so arrogant, little dust, you tell your wife soon, don't kill the devil, and let me eat him."

The dragon thirteen eyes wide open, can't believe such a scene, this is too shocking, it is almost to the extreme.

"Light rain, be careful not to kill him."

Jiang Chen passed the sound to the morning rain.

Looking at the injured scorpion, the morning rain could not help but shook his head. Obviously, she was not satisfied with this ending. If she was injured, she could not exert all the strength. The palm of the hand was enough. I have to kill the gods.

"Damn, how is this woman so tyrannical, and she has a faint emperor pressure on her body, I am not her opponent at all."

The devil gnaws his teeth, but he is as clever as he is, and he can see that he is doing his best, and he is not the opponent of this woman.

If you don’t want to talk about it, you will turn around. If you have this woman, the desire to open the killing today cannot be realized. Simply leave and have the opportunity to kill it again.

"Want to go?"

The cold morning light of the smoke and the cold light came out of the cold mang, and her body caught up with the demon scorpion, and the burial fairy came out. The void was directly crushed, but the smoke morning rain used countless cold awns to be buried. The shape of Xianxun is hidden, so in the eyes of outsiders, this blow seems to be played by the smoke of the morning rain. After all, the appearance of the funeral fairy is too shocking, or it is not easy to show it, but it is also a Great card.

[Today is still three more, owe everyone two chapters plus, tomorrow to add]

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