Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1842: All promoted

God beasts, the most noble existence among the heavens and the earth, they have the supreme blood, and they are also the symbol of auspiciousness. The beasts of the beasts represent the auspicious signs. Unfortunately, in this fairy world, the beasts are too scarce, even if they exist. Inheriting the blood of the beast, and the number is very small.

The blood of the gods and beasts of the fairy world are almost exclusively existed, and they are unique. The dragons and dragons of Dragon 13 are like this. The blood of the dragons is also the same. There are also the unicorns and white tigers that have appeared, and now they are powerful. The phoenix is ​​coming, it is imaginable, this is also unique.

The real beast is hard to appear between heaven and earth. It is a presence comparable to the gods. The blood in them has the potential to become a god. Or, as long as they give them time to grow, sooner or later they will become gods. I feel that the beast will not be extinct, but the immortal world is not gone. Above the fairy world, there is probably a supreme world. This is the perception that he cultivates the dragon and the dragon is more backwards, and the dragons are endless and boundless. The fairy world is about to reach the end, but the real mystery and secrets of Hualong, Jiang Dian still has not explored, and it is still far away. The road of Hualong is still very long and long.

This point of the ancestral tower can explain everything. When I was in the Sacred Continent, I got the Zulong Tower, the ninety-nine-story ancestral tower, and it has only reached 50 layers until now.

The ancestral tower follows the heavens, and the fairyland naturally has the heavens of the immortal world, consuming the level of energy, indicating the number of condensed layers of the ancestral tower. The more it is to the back, the more difficult it is to gather the ancestral tower, the more difficult it is. It is affirmative, so Jiang Chen feels that even if the ancestral tower is crazy to absorb the essence of the peerless emperor, it will not be able to be completed. Perhaps at the top of the ancestral tower, it is simply not accessible to the emperor.

"The road to practice is boundless, there is no end, only one step can be taken."

Jiang Chen’s light looks into the distance. He likes to challenge. He likes the experience of this journey. He likes the feeling of stepping on the peak. The original Sanyuan continent is the same. Now the fairyland is also the same. The fairy world is definitely not the end. Jiang Chen’s Road, it will never slack off and stagnate.

Jiang Chen left with the morning rain and looked forward to the next encounter with Yancheng. He never dared to face up and face the feelings of Yancheng, but at this moment, Yancheng was taken away by Shenfeng, but Jiang Chen’s heart was I began to worry and worry about it. Perhaps, this fateful destiny, I could not escape.

In the thirty-three-story space of the Zulong Tower, the dragon thirteen knees sat on a huge futon, and the blood of the demon scorpion, the impact on the dragon thirteen is undoubtedly very huge, here is thirty times The law, for the dragon thirteen to digest the devil, is really a blessing.

Under the operation of the vocabulary, the broken arm has begun to grow, as intact, did not let the Dragon 13 feel a little discomfort, his cultivation has begun to grow, and the blood of the sorcerer is in the blood of the battle. To suppress it firmly, it will not be able to resist at all. It is like a 10,000-year-old beastmaster eating a low-level prey. The prey is not even able to resist.

The next day, the genius was bright, and a strong momentum of the stock rose from the sky above the genius, shining the entire genius.

"It’s a powerful momentum. Someone wants to be promoted to Xianzun."

"More than one person, it seems to be the place where Jiang Chen’s brothers live. So many people are promoted to Xianzun at the same time. It’s too spectacular.”

"It’s the king, they are amazing. It’s really amazing. Let’s add a lot of Xianzun masters and this is a good thing for the younger generation. It’s a great thing, Jiang Chen’s brother is really the gospel of our great empire. If there is no Jiang Chen brother, there will be no tomorrow for us to die."

"That is, Jiang Chen is the great benefactor of our great empire. This will not change forever, and must be included in the history of the empire, so that future generations will admire."

"But these are the friends of Fan Wang, not the people of our great empire."

"What do you know, where the king and them are handed over, the key moments will come to help us. They rushed through the seals yesterday, so they are coming in a dangerous situation. This is friendship, you don't understand."


Suddenly there are so many young immortals born, the genius will naturally start a stormy wave. In fact, it is normal for people who retreat yesterday to attack Xianzun at the same time. Some of them have hit a level, and some people have directly hit two levels. , like the ruthless and savage masters.

The Emperor's essence, the impact on the human body is very big, the temperament of the whole person will change, not to mention the fact that they have absorbed so many great emperors, their qualifications also belong to the upper class, and promotion is not surprising.

Dongfang Yu and Yang Zanqing looked at the momentum of the sky, but they were also embarrassed. When they thought that Jiang Chen had just come to the genius house, why did he think that there would be such changes today, such changes are too fast, let them Unprepared.

"It seems that your original vision is very sinister."

The Oriental Yu is a beard.

"But we still look down on Jiang Chen. This situation, when I want to come, it takes at least ten years, it is a miracle."

Yang Zanqing shook his head and sighed. For the first time, he felt that he was really old. A character like Jiang Chen was completely beyond his imagination.


Just when people were shocked, it was a more reinforced energy shock. The energy of the golden light dazzled and went straight into the sky. It was like trying to bring out a big hole in the sky. This is a powerful road. The momentum of this momentum, as soon as this momentum appeared, immediately suppressed other momentum, making other momentum bleak.

"Haha, Monkey, I am going out."

The sound of laughter was overwhelming, and it was raging over the entire genius house. Everyone saw that Dragon 13 was dressed in a groom dress and suspended in the sky. He was full of unparalleled golden light, and the stabbing people could not open their eyes. Infinite air and waves spread out, his cultivation, directly impacted the degree of the mid-south of the Xianzun, compared to the previous half-step Xianzun, the combat power does not know how much stronger.

"It’s Dragon Thirteen, well, his injuries are all good."

"God, he ate the devil, and he was forced to succumb to this horrible situation, and all the other people's momentum was suppressed."

"Great, powerful, this is the real anti-day existence, the legendary battle of the holy sacred, can fight with the sky."


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