Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1930: Slap into the pit

Lu Yishan was too surprised. At the same time, after seeing the dust of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen began to be full of hope.

Opposite, Li Wei also looked at Jiang Chen in the state of transformation. For this powerful skill, it is very shocking. You must know that the general ban is able to double or even triple the strength after the exhibition. It is quite horrible. It has never been seen before Jiang Chen’s direct promotion of ten times of combat power. It is enough to describe it with the sky.

However, Wei Hui is not afraid. In his opinion, Jiang Chen is also doing this.

"How powerful should I be, is this the capital of your arrogance?"

Wei Hui sneered at Jiang's transformation, and he did not pay attention to it. In his mind, any ban that can improve his combat power has great side effects. The more the combat power is, the more the side effects are. Big, and such a ban can not support the powerful force for a long time, only a short-term support, once the past time, will fall into a strong period of weakness.

Unfortunately, Wei Hui did not understand Jiang Ding's dragon change. The dragon change state is also the state of Jiang Chen. It is a unique state of battle. He has a strong support of true dragon blood, endless in end, never exhausted. There are no side effects at all.


Just as Weihui’s voice just fell, suddenly he felt a strong tear from his own body. The sudden strength made him almost out of control and sat on the ground. Even so, he made his body look awkward and looks very incomparable. The wolverine is in stark contrast to the arrogant gesture of the previous second.

Dung prisoners, this trick has not been used for a long time, after all, for the battle between the masters, generally open up the virtual battlefield, almost no fighting on the ground, but at this moment Weihui is still standing on the ground, not flying Up, so Jiang Chen used this trick. From the results, the effect of the land prisoner is still very good.


Almost no opportunity for Wei Hui to respond, Jiang Chen's display of the big void technique, like ghosts appeared in the vicinity of Wei Hui, the real dragon handprints were overwhelmed.

At the moment, Wei Hui is still in the shock of the prison in the earth. In the panic, even the breath has not been adjusted. Where is the effort to deal with the attack of Jiang Chen, the speed of the big void is unique, even if it is a positive battle, Wei Hui There is not necessarily a chance of reaction, let alone the current situation.


The real dragon handprint was fierce and directly fell on Wei Hui's body. Wei Hui made a scream, and was directly photographed by Jiang Chen's slap. He shot a huge deep pit. From the above, it was a huge one. Dragon paw print.

The next moment, Wei Hui climbed out of the deep pit, and all the blood was on his body. The wolf was at the extreme. He yelled in anger, but it was useless. He had just emerged from the deep pit and was slap in the face of Jiang Chen. I took it in, this time, I can't climb up.

This scene will directly stunned everyone in the place, watching Zhang Jiang one by one, can't believe it is true, especially Lu Yishan, the worship of Jiang Chen at this moment is really like the water of the river. Endless.

"This, this is too good."

Yang Ming swallowed a hard smear, Jiang Chen's Thunder means is too against the sky, you must know, that is the master of the late Xianzun, and is a genius master, not the general Xianzun later than, but even This kind of strength, still did not go through a trick in the hands of Jiang Chen, was beaten without any counterattack, directly into the deep pit.

"Is this guy still a human? How is it so fierce?"

"He is only the beginning of Xianzun, and it is too bad."

"Lian Weihui's brothers have all gone up and lost. When the wind rushed to the fairyland, there was such a powerful genius."

The people who followed Li Wei were also shocked. Now they understand it. Jiang Chen is indeed very arrogant, but people have arrogant capital.

In fact, Wei Hui did not feel so bad. He was only paralyzed. All of it was caused by the light enemy. The sudden attack on the ground prisoner caused him to panic, but in the master’s move, such confusion Undoubtedly devastating.

Jiang Chen no longer manages Wei Hui in the deep pit because he knows that Wei Hui can no longer stand up.

Jiang Chen turned his head and once again reached out to Li Wei: "Seven people, ransom 4.9 million."

The lion opened his mouth. This is a lively extortion. The bridge that was lying on the ground was a little dizzy. Today, I finally saw what it was called shameless.

"Jiang Chen, your performance really makes me feel very surprised, but you really should not offend me. I am not the one you can offend. Today, I will personally give you the most profound lessons."

Li Wei said very coldly and proudly that there are air waves floating outside his body, and it seems that he is ready to take his own hands.


Li Wei’s body flew up to the sky, and a wave of battlefields emerged between the waves. He just saw clearly that Weihui’s defeat was due to the inadvertent presence of Jiang Chen’s road on the ground. In the past, Li Wei flew directly and did not give Jiang Chen a chance to attack himself.

Moreover, Li Wei is now fighting against Jiang Chen, and he will no longer have a little bit of heart and look at his dignified look. He has already treated Jiang Chen as a real opponent.

"Well, the repair of Master Li has reached the peak of Xianzun's late stage. It is only a step away from the semi-emperor. It is the leader among ordinary disciples. It is the most promising short-term impact on the existence of the half-emperor. How strong is Jiang Ding, even if it is even more powerful, but it is only the early stage of Xianzun, how can it be the opponent of Brother Li."

"Yes, the swaying nine-sound wave of Master Li’s cultivation has reached a peak of perfection, and it is not easy to deal with a river dust."

"Jiang Chen is definitely finished, even if he is going against the sky, he should not just come to Xianting and be an enemy of Brother Li. As a brother of Li, even if he kills Jiang Chen directly here, he will not be punished. ”

The people on the side of Li Yu are undoubtedly very optimistic about Li Wei. Li Wei has always been their idol and followers, which has caused them to have blind worship of Li Wei.


The turbulent waves here have attracted many people. Many ordinary disciples of Xianting have flown over. A new disciple directly challenges Li Wei. This is a big event for Xianting. They all want to see it. What kind of newcomer, there is such a great courage, what is Li Wei, even in the middle of the ordinary disciple, the powerful semi-emperor, do not dare to easily find Li Hao trouble.

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