Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1957: Death of Li Wangye

"Kid, since you take the initiative to find death, then this seat will be yours."

Li Wangye’s face was sneer, and his body came to the opposite side of Jiang Chen. The whole man was murderous, and the ten laws of the Emperor were hovering around his head. However, Li Wangye’s rule of the Emperor was too thin, only the thickness of his fingers, and the arms of the big yellow dog. Compared with the thickness, the gap is not a little bit two points.

"Blue brother, can Li Elder kill Jiang Chen?"

A disciple asked.

"Reassure, even if Jiang Chen is a genius, it is only the mid-term of the Xianzun. How can it be the elder opponent of the first-class emperor level? This is not at all a grade. This kid is dead."

Lan Xian’s mouth sneered with sneer, and the faces of the people on Xian Xianting came out with anger, not to mention that the hatred between Jiang Chen and Xian Ting did not share the sky. Just the big yellow dog just killed them and it was enough. Let them get angry, so many people standing here, but let a dog kill them, such loss itself should not exist.

On the other side, Yu Huafan has some concerns in his eyes. After all, he has not seen the means of Jiang Chen. He and Lan Xian’s thoughts are the same. A fairy is in the middle of the middle class, even if he is a genius, he can go where the genius goes. .

"Do not worry, he can't die."

The rhubarb dog said with a smile, his face is full of confidence in Jiang Chen, no one knows Jiang Chen better than him. Today, Li Wangye is not enough to look at Jiang Chen.

Over the waters, Jiang Dust and Li Wangye are opposite each other. The momentum of both sides is extremely strong, and the surrounding waters are banging loudly, and there are surges everywhere.

"The fire is ruined."

When Li Wangye came up, he showed a powerful killing trick. In his eyes, this Jiang Chen is too embarrassed. If there is a chance to kill each other, he must not miss it. He must kill it with a blow.


The infinite flame instantly burns up over the waters, but unfortunately because of the relationship between the waters, the fire always feels so fierce.

"Haha, Li Wangye, you are a real fire in the waters, you are really good."

Jiang Chen laughed loudly. He only remembered this time. Li Huoyuan, Li Yuanye, was playing with fire. Unfortunately, playing in this sea area seemed to have chosen the wrong place, and he could not play the most powerful force. .

Even if Li Wangye plays the most powerful combat power, it is still not the opponent of Jiang Chen, not to mention the huge impact now.

"Water Dragon Print."

Jiang Chen screamed and turned into a dragon-changing state. At the same time, he played a tyrannical water dragon print. Since the five elements of the dragon seal practice, Jiang Chen rarely worked alone on the water dragon seal. After all, there is no suitable environment, but the immediate environment, for The actual water dragon print is really suitable.


At the moment when the water dragon prints out, the waters within a thousand miles are completely shaken, and the infinite tide is directly swept out, forming a water dragon with hundreds of miles in the sky.

There are five elements in the body of Jiang Dust. Now in this waters, the spirit of water plays a powerful role. The tides of the whole waters can be mobilized by Jiang Chen, and even the power of the water below must be taken by Jiang Chen. Utilization, the combat power is directly superimposed.


The water dragon roared and lived like a real dragon. The huge water dragon opened its mouth and the water column, which was combined with powerful power, spewed out from the mouth of the water dragon, and instantly destroyed the fire of Li Wangye.


The mad dragon combines the inexhaustible power of water, circling and squirming over the waters, stirring a side of the wind, directly impacting the past toward Li Wangye.


Upon seeing it, Li Wangye couldn't help but exclaimed. His face changed instantly, because he felt extremely powerful pressure and dangerous atmosphere from the water dragon in front of him. It was never felt before. Enough to crisis life.

"It's not good. This kid doesn't know what means to use. He can control the waters and directly use the powerful water to attack. Li may not be an opponent."

A genius disciple said shocked.


The mad dragon completely locked the breath of Li Wangye, and the blood basin opened wide. Even though Li Wangye displayed a powerful attack, in front of the water dragon, all the attacks appeared to be vulnerable, and the eyes would be swallowed directly by the water dragon. Finally, the color of despair appeared.

He wanted to escape, but he was shocked to find that the waters of this piece were completely controlled by Jiang Chen, surrounded by water curtains, covering everything here.

"Do not!"

Li Wangye made a last cry, and the whole person was directly swallowed up by the water dragon.


In the next moment, hundreds of miles of water dragons burst directly into the water, and countless water waves fell into the waters. Li Wangye’s figure once again emerged. He was covered in blood, and half of his body was about to be torn. He closed. With his eyes in the attack, Li Wangye suffered a powerful attack. Although he has not yet died, he has reached the end of the strong, and he has no ability to control his body in the subconscious. The body can only continue to fall from above.


A sturdy sword mans was smashed out by Jiang Chen, and the unsettled swordsman, who was unbiased, fell on Li Wangye’s body and smashed his body into two halves.


Lan Xian and others all exclaimed. Looking at Jiang Chen’s eyes one by one seems to see ghosts. If you don’t see them, you won’t believe it. If you look at it, Li Wangye will be inferior. In any case, it will not be a trick in Jiang Chen’s hands.

The reality is like this. From the beginning of the battle to the death of Li Wangye, Jiang Chen also exerted a trick.

However, they are all discerning people. They can see that Jiang Chen is so easy to kill a great emperor. Part of the reason is that he has control over the weather and can control the waters and control the water power. In addition, Li Wangye's own cultivation is the fire attribute method, and he is restrained by the extreme.

Even so, Jiang Chen was able to kill the Emperor in one stroke, which was enough to make people feel shocked.


Yu Huafan was also surprised by the face. At this time, he finally understood why Jiang Chen was worthy of the scenery Yang personally invited him to enter the Longtang, so the enchanting of the sky, even if he was feathered, he had to say a word, admire I don’t want to say it now. If I say talent alone, I am afraid that Jiang Chen and I are not at a level at all. In the middle of his immortality, let’s not kill the first-class emperor. Even the half-empire can’t deal with it.


Jiang Chen said coldly that Li Wangye was smashed into two halves of his body. There was no emotion on his face.

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