Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1993: Dragon pattern

Jiang Chen's body swayed directly into the thirty-three-story space of the Zulong Tower. It is always the best place to advance, and the rhubarb dog habitually plays the role of the law.

However, after the love with the first generation of the saints, and thoroughly bid farewell to the past, the cheerful big yellow dog appeared again, and since then, there will be no Longyang demon emperor.

In the thirty-three-story space, Jiang Chen is not too sloppy. The bird's blood is swallowed directly. For him, there is support for the dragon's scorpion. There is nothing between the heavens and the earth that Jiang Chen can't refine.

Jiang Chen’s repairs only hit the middle of Xianzun in the near future, and the body reached 1.56 million dragons. It is extremely difficult to promote the late stage of Xianzun in a short time. After all, Jiang Chen’s The foundation is too thick, and every time you advance, you need to consume too much energy.

Moreover, the continuous promotion will make the foundation of Jiang Chen affected, resulting in unstable foundation. This is the most concerned and worrying thing of Jiang Chen, but the blood of Zhuque is not the same. It is a real god. Even if it helps Jiang Chen to hit the late stage of Xianzun, it will not affect the details of Jiang Chen. This is beyond doubt.


A drop of Suzaku's blood was swallowed up by Jiang Chen, and the arrogant energy suddenly hit the limbs of Jiang Chen. This kind of barbaric refining method, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can do it. If the average person, even one is The semi-emperor did not dare to swallow a drop of Suzaku's blood directly. The violent impact is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Moreover, in addition to the violent energy in the blood of Suzaku, there is a powerful Suzaku Shenhuo. This kind of supreme level of flame can not be absorbed by anyone, but for Jiang Chen, this is not a problem, he is physically tyrannical. The horrible energy of the horror can be tolerated. As for the Suzaku Shenhuo, it is better. There are already four kinds of Supreme Flames in the same level in Jiang Chen. For the flame, there is already great immunity.

The dragon's madness began to work, and the violent energy in the blood of Suzaku began to be quickly transformed into its own energy by Jiang Chen. A new dragon pattern began to form in the sea.

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand......... ten thousand...two thousand...

The speed is too fast. In just a few minutes, 40,000 dragons are formed directly, which makes the number of dragons in Jiang Dust directly reach 1.6 million. The number of dragons is the promotion of Xianzun. The number of later.

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, and a large number of Xian Yuanshi began to sneak into his madness and resurgence.


That is the sound of the bottleneck being broken. At this moment, Jiang Chen’s cultivation succeeded in the late stage of Xianzun. The 1.6 million dragons in the sea were like roaring like countless dragons, and the whole sea became a dragon. The ocean, the scene is unusually spectacular. At this time, if someone sees the internal situation of the river dust, it must be shocked by the open mouth.

After the impact of the late stage of the Xianzun, the speed of the increase of the dragon pattern did not mean to stop.

"I don't think it's the blood of Zhuque. I thought that a drop of Suzaku's blood made me hit the late stage of Xianzun. It was already good. I didn't expect this drop of Suzaku's blood to contain the origin of the Suzaku bird, so I will give it to me. The benefits will be doubled. According to this trend, at least 30,000 dragons can be formed, which makes my cultivation directly impact the peak of Xianzun."

Jiang Chen is extremely excited. This is also an accidental surprise. If the repair is directly impacted on the peak of Xianzun's later period, then it is not far from the semi-emperor level.

Now that the situation in the fairyland is clear, coupled with the barbarians, the enemy is getting stronger and stronger. Jiang Chen feels that his strength is not enough. What he wants to see now is his own strength.

The Xianting battle in front of him does not say that Zuo Linger is trapped in the barbarian. This is a stone in Jiang Chen’s heart. He will not save the left Linger in one day, and Jiang Chen will not be able to let go one day.

"Come on, go crazy."

Jiang Chen’s inner violent, Suzaku’s blood played a huge role, and the new dragon pattern began to squirm again.

This time, time is enough, so Jiang Chen is not in a hurry, so it took an hour to fully refine the Suzaku blood.

When Suzaku's blood was completely refining, as Jiang Chen expected, the number of dragons in the body directly reached 1.63 million. From the semi-emperor level, there were still 20,000 dragons. His cultivation was also It is a direct impact on the peak of Xianzun.


The dust of the fire is constantly erupting in the body of the river dust. It is the violent sound of energy. He is now like an energy body. The energy that is radiated casually is like Wang Yang, and it is endless.

"In the late stage of Xianzun, with my current strength, killing the first-class emperor will not bother, and in the state of the dragon, the second-class emperor can be killed."

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed brightly, which was a powerful feeling. He liked this feeling.

After being promoted to the late stage of Xianzun, Jiang Chen did not leave the ancestral tower directly, but continued to choose to retreat. Now the energy in the body is arrogant. He needs to be firm and complete his own cultivation. Anyway, in the thirty-three-layer space. With the advantage of the law of time, even if it is closed for three days here, it will only be dark outside.

Three days passed by, Jiang Chen’s strength was completely stable, and the energy was no longer moving. Not only that, but he also completely integrated the Suzaku Shenhuo, which is the previous four flames. Jiang Chen now has five flames in his body. Planted, bringing him greater blessings.

Jiang Chen slowly got up and walked out of the Zulong Tower. At this time, the weather was already late.

Seeing Jiang Chen, the big yellow dog ran over.

"Not bad, kid, progress is very fast, look at your breath, it will not take long, you can hit the half emperor."

The big yellow dog said.

"Well, the help of Suzaku's blood is very big. This time I came to the Fairy Island and it was a great harvest."

Jiang Chen laughed and said that the biggest winner of this demon fairy island is undoubtedly his Jiang Chen. The repair has been greatly improved, and he has also made a deal with the Tianpeng demon emperor. The love problem of a hundred years, and the encounter with the dragon thirteen, the dragon thirteen is the first generation of the saint son of the demon fairy island, repaired to reach the first level of the horror of the horror.


Just then, a light and shadow flashed, and Dragon 13 came to Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog.

"Would you like to go?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes, the other people in the Fairyland and the Luoxian domain have left the Fairy Island, and at their speed, they will soon be able to leave overseas."

Long XIII said.

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