Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2059: Ask for help

The other emperors in the room calmly looked at Jiang Chen. In their view, Jiang Chen, an outsider, was able to join the gold family. For Jiang Chen, it was absolutely glory. Jiang Chen must be excited and grateful to Jin Chi. .

For Jiang Chen, it doesn't matter if you join the gold group. Anyway, it is to fight against the barbarian, and the dancer is a golden saint. As a husband who dances bamboo, Jiang Chen itself is half. A person of the golden family.

But Jiang Chen is now unable to promise to stay in the gold family because he still has important things to do.

"The patriarch's good intentions Jiang Chen can only take the lead. After the golden family is here today, I have to go to the straits."

Jiang Chen said that he would never be able to hide from the gold family because he was thinking about being able to get some benefits from the gold family.


After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, more than a dozen senior emperors were exclaimed. They were still angry and Jiang Chen even dared to refuse Jin Chi, but when Jiang Chen went to the straits, all the anger turned into surprise.

"Jiang Chen, you are going to the savage world, aren't you kidding? With your cultivation, when you get to the barbarians, I am afraid I will die immediately."

A great emperor said unceremoniously.

"Jiang Chen, you go to the straits, what is it?"

Jin Chi-hsien asked.

"Save people."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Save people?"

Golden Akasaka.

"Yes, I have a very good friend, but the sacred woman of the Uk family. We are the birth of life and death, all from the next flight."

Jiang Chen said.

"Why did your friend fly to the savage world? And, how do you know your friend is in the Uk family?"

Asked a great emperor.

"The seniors listened to me and said, my friend, the body has a complete blood of the gods, so when it rises, it automatically enters the savage world. You should be very clear about the importance of the blood of the gods, so the Uk family will directly regard it as a holy The woman came to cultivate, but the intention of the Uk family is very obvious. Just waiting for the repair of my friend to reach the great emperor, she will extract the blood of her sacred god. If the barbarian gets the blood of the barbarian, the strength of the barbarian will be The skyrocketing is very unfavorable for us in the fairy world. Not long ago, I went to the wild and ancient places to save people. I happened to meet my friend. It happened to be a barbarian genius. I shot too many barbarian geniuses. It attracted a lot of turmoil, so that the Uk family’s patriarch Wu Kejun personally shot himself. If my friend refused to die, I am afraid I have already died in the wild."

Jiang Chen said everything he knew, how important the blood of the gods is, and he believes that these people in front of him are clear.

"The blood of the gods."

Including the Golden Akasaka, everyone’s face has changed, because they suddenly realized that Jiang Chen’s going to the straits this time is not only to save people, but also to prevent the blood of the gods from falling into the hands of the barbarians. The top of the barbarian is getting the blood of the gods, and the consequences will be very serious. The barbarian is likely to have horror characters that the fairy world can't cope with.

At the same time, everyone fell on Jiang Chen's body, and there was a slight change in the look of Jiang Chen. A person who could escape from the hands of Ukman was proud of whatever method he used.

What kind of horror is Ukman Jun they are too aware of.

"Now the time has passed since the last barbaric ancient land, I guess that my friend is likely to reach the realm of the great emperor, so there is no time to delay, even if the savage is the Longtan Tiger Cave, I have to go and see."

Jiang Chen’s slap in the face, the tone of the firm, there is almost no room for negotiation.

Jin Chiqi and others moved again and looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes again, and the appreciation from the beginning has reached the point of attention.

This young man, with a strong sense of righteousness, for his own friends, does not hesitate to go to the barbarian regardless of his life, and does not say that Jiang Chen can finally complete the task, this alone, has been convincing.

"Jiang Chen, if this seat is not mistaken, your repair seems to be only the second-level emperor. How can you go to the Uk family to save people?"

Jin Chichen said.

"Nature is an opportunity to act. I have played with the barbarian people and have a good understanding of their characteristics. It is not difficult to pretend to enter the Uk family. Moreover, the practice I practiced is very restrained against the barbarian. Of course, now is not what I want to do, but I have to do it. Anyway, this trip to the savage world, I have to fix it."

Jiang Chen paused and continued: "Of course, I should have gone directly to the savage world. I have to go to a gold family before, and I want to see if I can get some help. After all, the gold family is the barbarian nemesis. There are ways to help me."

"Jiang Chen, do you want the masters of our gold family to go with you?"

There is a great emperor.

"Of course not, the atmosphere of the golden family is too strong, and it can't be concealed. The barbarian is very familiar with you. I am afraid that it will be discovered when it comes to the savage world. When it is time to save people, even life is difficult. Barbarians are barbarians. The base camp, even if the Emperor Akasaka personally traveled with me, I am afraid it will not help. I can still hide when I go alone."

Jiang Chen said that if he only seeks help, he will not use it for the gold family. The strength of the Uk family is not a golden scorpion. Even the nine-level emperor of the gold family can not easily follow the Uk family. If you save someone, even if you can save the left-winger, you will not be able to walk out of the barbarians.

"Jiang Chen, you went to the savage world to save people, it is dangerous, but the blood of the gods can not fall into the hands of the brethren, so our gold family must support you, I can come up with the help of your baby, But you have the ability to fight for yourself."

The Red Emperor said openly.

"Please ask the patriarch."

Jiang Dust Road.

"At that time, the Golden Emperor sealed the golden family by means of the sky, and saved the lifeline of the golden family, but he fell, leaving the golden feather fan of the gold family of our family. But the golden feather fan is spiritual, not everyone can control Even if it is this seat, it can't be controlled. All the families decide, and after two days, they will conduct a test of the younger generation and choose a person who can get the approval of the golden feather fan."

Jin Chichen said.

"The patriarch, Jiang Chen is not my family, and is not qualified to participate in the competition for the golden lupin."

"For the patriarch, Jiang Chen is an outsider after all."

The emperor who was present heard the meaning of Jin Chih-hsuan and quickly stopped speaking. Although they recognized Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen had a favor for the golden family, the golden feather fan was a holy object within the family, so that an outsider could control it.

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