Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2070: Raising the barbaric contradiction

In the following time, under the leadership of Jiang Chen, the people of the Uk family annihilated the genius of the Wu Zi family and the Wuhuang family, and even one day later, the whole genius of the ancient wilderness was the name of the Uk Mountain. They are all sorrowful, especially the Wuhuang family and the Wuzi family. They are almost in the hands of Wu Keshan.

Such targeted and killing is the first time in the wild and ancient land, and Jiang Chen’s behavior undoubtedly deepens the contradiction between the Wuhuang family and the Wuzi family.

And this is exactly what Jiang Chen wants to see. After the savage world will attack the fairy world soon, this time, if it can provoke internal contradictions of the mortal world, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the fairy world.

"The experience is about to end soon, Grandma's, this time the experience is really big, the Uk family has a metamorphosis, killing people everywhere, really do not die."

"Don't say anything, no one thought of the sudden rise of Wukeshan. Fortunately, he only targeted the Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family. If we don't want to mess with him, it's okay."

"Yeah, this time the loss of the Wuhuang family and the Wuzi family can be disastrous, and so many geniuses have died. I don't know if the two families will be willing to give up after the end of the experience."


Many people are talking about it. The name Wukeshan has almost become the focus. Before that, Wukshan was just a good genius. There is no fame in the genius of the savage world, but this time it is wild. After the experience, Uk Mountain immediately became a day in the sky.

The experience is coming to an end, and almost all the people who participated in the training stopped killing and came to a vast and innocent flat area. Soon after, there will be a passage open, they will leave here and return to their own families.

Twenty families in the savage world are divided into twelve camps. No matter what kind of killing happened before, everyone has stopped now, waiting for the opening of the passage.

This itself is also a process that has been experienced all the time. The people who died before are already dead. It can only show that their strength is not good. Now that the experience has ended, all the killing will stop automatically.

The Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family are all face-to-face, and their numbers are significantly less than those of other families. This is due to the sudden rise of the Uk Mountain.

Suddenly, dozens of Uk family masters came from afar, and one of them was not someone else. It was the Wuke Mountain that Jiang Chen changed.

The people behind Wukshan, one by one, are also imposing, with arrogance on their faces. They look at the Uk Mountain’s eyes full of worship. On this day, they follow Jiang Chen’s way to kill the enemy. Calling a happy, experienced for so long, today is the most happy.

"Look, it’s Wu Keshan. After this guy was promoted to the Great, it was so fierce."

"Yeah, the means are extremely ferocious. After returning this time, I must definitely pay attention to the Uk family, and maybe even focus on training."

"That is of course, he is so cruel to us barbarians. If you attack the fairy world in the future, it will definitely be more ferocious. It is the main force."


Seeing that Jiang Chen came here, everyone’s eyes immediately focused on him. Anyway, this day, this Uk Mountain is a real celebrity.

"Uk Mountain, stop."

Just then, a loud drink suddenly sounded, and everyone saw that two long and majestic guys went out and were in front of the Uk Mountain.

These two are the masters of the first-class sage, the Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family. Like Wukeshan, they were promoted to the Emperor in this experience.

At this moment, both of them are murderous, and it seems that they will not give up.

If it was before, the experience was over, and no more fighting or killing was allowed.

But this time the situation is different. The Wuzi family and the Wuhuang family have suffered heavy losses. They have lost their face and become the masters of the two great families. If you don’t save a little face for the family, you can’t say it.

"Mountain brother, what should I do?"

Wu Kehong asked, he now admires Wu Keshan to the extreme.

"You go first, I will deal with them."

Jiang Chen said.

"That mountain brother, you are careful."

Uk Red waved his hand and led the Uk family to stand in front of the Uk family camp. Their faces are still arrogant, and any one of them has unparalleled confidence in Jiang Chen. Over the past few days, they have seen too much of Jiang Chen’s life.

"You two, it is best not to shoot me, otherwise you will die very badly."

Jiang Chen said to the two people in front.

"Less nonsense, Uk Mountain, you have been promoted to the Emperor, according to the rules can not be shot of the people under the savage, but you not only shot, but also killed so many people, this account must be counted One count."

The Wuhuang family said loudly that day.

"When you count, you dare to yell in front of me, I don't know how to live and die."

Jiang Chen did not say anything, immediately the momentum of the earthquake, suddenly found a black big hand, toward the level of the Emperor took the past.


The man exclaimed, did not expect the other party to say the shot, and the horror that came up, just this trick, let him feel the real crisis.

The Wuhuang family only slammed out on the day, hitting a violent wave to counterattack, and collided with Jiang Chen’s thugs.



The attack that was only that day was under the pressure of Jiang Chen’s palms. It was completely unspeakable. It was destroyed by the destruction of the ancients. Then, it was screaming and screaming, and one arm was ripped off by Jiang Chen. Mad spray.


Everyone was exclaimed, and the scene in front of him was so shocking that it was the same level of the Emperor, and the tyrannical position of the Uk Mountain was almost terrible.


The violent swells and pressures spread from the body of the river dust, exuding the breath of the second-class emperor.

"Look, Uk Mountain is a second-class emperor, not a level. What kind of adventure did this guy get? He even went directly to the second-class emperor."

"It's no wonder that such a powerful one is actually a second-class emperor. This is a real genius."

Countless people can't control their emotions. The gap between the second-level emperor and the first-class emperor is not small.

Because Jiang Chen is too powerful, he deliberately released the cultivation of the second-class emperor. This way, it will not make people too suspicious. Otherwise, everyone will doubt why Ukshan suddenly changed. Against the sky, you can almost kill the same level.

If this is the case, some people think of the talent of the former Uk Mountain, there will be some suspicions.

However, promotion to the second-class emperor is not the same. People will only think that he has got a great adventure and has crossed two levels, which makes it reasonable.

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