Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2074: Lupin Shenwei


A four-level savage emperor was killed by the spike. This scene made the entire Uk family's tops in a strong vibration. The eyes of Jiang Chen also changed.

All along, the barbarian has a certain advantage in fighting against the human beings in the fairy world. The same level is almost a force, but now, the four-level emperor is killed by a human being of a third-class emperor. This is not what you see, it is fundamental. unimaginable.

Moreover, everyone feels a pressure from the soul of Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's body exudes a breath of sensation just to the sun, which makes them feel terrified, as if they have encountered a natural nemesis.

"Human, where did you get the holy lady?"

Wu Ke's ancestors looked at Jiang Chen and asked him. Before killing Jiang Chen, he had to figure out where the saint is now. For him, Zuo Linger is the most important.

"I have already sent the Uk family, and you can't find another saint."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"court death."

A six-level emperor shot, and in the blink of an eye he rushed to the front of Jiang Chen. He shot a large black cage and wanted to trap Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen snorted, and Tianlongjian appeared in his hand instantly. He was a sword, and the horrible swordsman instantly condensed into a sword net, which not only destroyed all the attacks of the six-level sage, but also completely covered it. Among them, more importantly, Jiang Chen's sword net carries the boundless fire waves, which creates unparalleled pressure on the opponent.

"Damn, how is this guy so powerful, the flame is simply my nemesis, playing against him, I can only play to the general strength."

The six-level emperor was shocked. Before the shot, he was completely confident. After all, he was three levels higher than the other, and it was a very easy thing to kill a third-level emperor.

However, it was only after Jiang Chen’s confrontation that he found out how ridiculous his self-confidence was. The other side’s only one sword made him feel the threat of death.


The sword net rips, even the six-level savage emperor, can not withstand the strong impact of Jiang Chen, the whole person was torn on the spot.


The golden wind whistling, that is the power of engulfing. After the sixth-level emperor was killed, he was directly absorbed by the Zulong Tower.


The increase brought by a six-level sage is undoubtedly huge, which makes the sixty-seventh floor of the ancestral tower completely condensed. At the same time, Jiang Dian also adds 10,000 dragon patterns to the body. It was even more horrible before.

His momentary changes have made the high-ranking figures of the Uk family look in the eyes. Every look has changed greatly. They have already seen it. The human being in front of us is too abnormal, and they have a special restraint on their barbarians. Things are simply the biggest threat to the barbarians.

This kind of threat is much bigger than the gold family. Although the blood of the golden family can restrain them, they can never do three levels of enemies, and they are powerful emperors.

"Old ancestors, this person must be removed. He can not only restrain us, but also absorb our spirits to strengthen oneself. Every time we kill us, his momentum will grow stronger. Such people, if they are allowed He grew up, and in the future we will die in the hands of the barbarians."

Wu Kebanjun said with great solemnity that he had already recognized Jiang Chen. When he was in the wild and ancient land, he used to shoot. If it wasn’t for Zuo Linger’s death, he would not give the other side a living.

Uk Manjun clearly remembers that when he first encountered Jiang Chen, the other party was only a small fairy, and it took only a long time to grow to the third-level emperor. It is a bit shocking.

Looking at Jiang Chen in front of him, Wu Kejunjun has begun to regret a day and let him go. Fortunately, Jiang Chen entered the initiative to send him to death, just to eradicate it and never suffer.

"This seat is to control him. Before killing him, you must first find the saint."

Wu Ke's ancestors said in a cold voice that he is not a fool. Naturally, he can see the dragon's divine in front of him. Such a character can never be let go. Once released, in the soon after the catastrophe, it will become Barbarians have a general nightmare.


The tyrannical spurt rushed out of the body of Uck's ancestors, like a tidal wave, rushing toward Jiang Chen. If it is rushed, it will be smashed, and if it falls into it, it will be unk. The ancestors were completely controlled, and it was difficult to get out when they came.

Jiang Chen’s nephew shines, and Rao is confident that he will not be able to reach the edge of the 9th-level sage. He will be the ultimate emptiness to the extreme, and will go to the outside of the Uk family and have already killed two emperors. Jiang Chen knows that now is not the time when the Uk family is entangled. There is no advantage to entanglement. It is imperative to escape with the left spirit.

"It’s very fast to run, but unfortunately I want to escape from the Uk family, I am crazy.”

Wu Ke's ancestors looked indifferent and murderous. He lifted the crutches in his hands and pointed at Jiang Chen. Once the black light rushed out, the light came out, just like the most evil existence between heaven and earth.

The whole void was imprisoned, the whole world was still, and the black light locked the dust, so that Jiang Chen could not avoid it.

An extremely dangerous atmosphere rises from the heart of Jiang Chen. Under the imprisonment of this black mang, he feels that his body is not his own. This great death threat has not been felt for a long time. .

The nine-level emperor is really terrible. It is not the eighth-level emperor. It is the strongest between heaven and earth.

"Golden feather fan, look at you."

Jiang Chen’s arm swayed, and the huge golden feather fan suddenly emerged and floated on top of Jiang Chen’s head. At this time, the golden lupin fan was his only reliance, and Jiang Chen knew that he had only one chance now, that is, the golden lupin fan. The implied gold emperor made a full blow, he must rely on this hit to defeat Uk ancestors, break the space blockade here, and then use the big void to escape.

This is also the reliance of Jiang Chen with confidence. He has reason to believe that the attack of the Golden Emperor is definitely not the ancestor of Wu Ke.


The huge golden feather fan has a size of a hundred feet. After the appearance of the big fan, it emits infinite golden light and flame, illuminating the entire Uk family.

"Golden feather fan, damn, how this fan has re-emerged."

Seeing the golden lupin fan, Wuke's ancestors couldn't help but exclaimed. As an old antique who participated in the last catastrophe, he was too familiar with the golden feather fan.

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