Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 2438: Fins are difficult to fly

"Spirit and Li Yan are extraordinary, and I know their strength. Is this Jiang Chen really so capable?"

There is some unbelief in Li Heng, but these words are said from the mouth of Xuanyuan Cang, and Xu Jin of Bawang Gate is a witness.

"Jiang Chen, if it is really you, I want you to die without a place to die!"

Jiang Chengzi gnashed his teeth, and Li Yanchao, but his **** Danzong had a rare alchemy genius in a hundred years, especially 琅琊, that is definitely one of the candidates of the lord, but I did not expect it to be folded here, it is incredible.

"Jiang Chen, that is Jiang Chen! He finally came out."

The appearance of Jiang Chen made everyone shine in front of everyone. Some people are holding a lively attitude. Some people are full of anger at Jiang Chen, because Xuanyuan Cang said that he killed countless talented disciples and will be all genius disciples of Zongmen. Regardless of it.

Jiang Chen glanced at everyone, and most of them looked at themselves. At this moment, he knew that he would definitely become a target, but he had to stand up.

Yang Jian looked at Jiang Chen with the handsome man.

"Don't worry about Jiang Chen, we will always stand by your side."

"We know that you are innocent. Even if you face everyone, there is no fear of fear."

Jiang Chen smiled lightly. At that moment, Xuan Qingzong, the patriarch of Xuanfengzong, looked at Jiang Chen with a dignified look. People and the dragon ancestors and Mu Tianen also rushed over.

"Jiang Chen, have you killed other disciples?"

Xuan Qing looked at Jiang Chen with a burning gaze.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said:


Xuan Qingming sees Jiang Chen’s clear eyes. He is also willing to believe in Jiang Chen. He is innocent. As for why Xuanyuan’s sky will frame Jiang Chen, then it is not known.

"Jiang Chen, all of this time, you are still swearing, you dare to say that you have not killed the sturdy? The killing has killed Li Yan? The death of Shen Danzong and Liu Quanchao, has nothing to do with you? The bully of the king of the king, Zhu Mingyang, Not that you killed?"

Liu Quanchao sneered and said that Jiang Chen did not blame him for Jiang Chen’s disdain, because all the people present at the time were forbidden by the Xuanyuan Cang to display the seal of the soul. In the depths of their souls, they have already identified themselves. As a hangman, and the murderer who killed everyone, he was cruel and murderous.

"Yes, this thing, we all know that Jiang Chen is already a **** of anger. This guy has killed many of us."

Xu Jin of the Bawang Gate also came out at this time to "strengthen justice."

"Jiang Chen is in the secret of secluded secrets, killing many human powerhouses, others hunting and killing monsters, but he specializes in killing the genius disciples of our other sects. This is a sin."

Qin Yumo looked gloomy and glared at Jiang Chen. When they started and attacked, they wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but at this moment, he finally had to show his head.

"Yes, this moment, I have to look at it. Where can you go? Nowadays, hundreds of masters are here. What else can you argue? Do you still want to escape?"

Yu Rongyan is also sneer, thousands of people, countless patriarchal elders, all of them are surrounded by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen has become the thorn in the eyes of all Zongmen.

"You don't want to talk nonsense. You are all in the middle of the Xuanyuan sky. Jiang Chen did not kill them. Everything is planned by Xuanyuan Sky. He wants to let all of you have this pair of Jiang Chen, who wants to kill by knife. ""

Yang Jian said with a roar, but he stood alone with Jiang Chen.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen has become the target of criticism. Every master of the sect is pointing the finger at Jiang Chen. Only Yang Jian and the handsome man stand with him in a unified position, but both of them are all The people of Xuan Fengzong, what they said, simply did not believe.

"Haha, it’s really a slippery world. Do you think that with your words, can you reverse the black and white? You are all in the same place."

Xuanyuan Cang said with a sneer.

"Jiang Chen, you are talking about it, my second brother and three younger brothers, is it dead in your hands? The savage and savage of the ghost eye sect and Li Yan, the sacredness of Shen Danzong and Li Yanchao, is it that you killed?"

Xuanyuan Sky looked directly at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also looked at Xuanyuan Sky, only they understood each other, this farce has now risen to the life and death of Jiang Chen, now Jiang Chen wants to leave, afraid that it is impossible, Out of the secluded secret, Jiang Chen has not taken the lead, but he did not expect to be sued by Xuanyuan Cangwu.

Li Tianshen’s Li Tianhuo stared at Jiang Chen, and the strength of the peak of the Tianshen period was also extremely powerful and shrouded Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I ask you, I am very arrogant and Li Yan, is it really you killed?"

"And what about my **** Dan Zong?"

Jiang Chengzi Shen Shen.

"I am Zhu Mingyang of the Overlord Gate?"

Liu Yang also rushed up.

Jiang Chen was silent for a moment, and Ren Yuanzi, Dilong ancestor, Xuan Qingming and others all looked at him silently. At this moment, even Liu Quanchao was against the evil words of Jiang Chen, and Ren Yuanzi and others had to believe. This scene is over.

"I killed it, but the one I killed was the one to kill."

Jiang Chen cold channel.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect my two sons to die in your hands. Jiang Chen, I don't take your dog's life today, I don't swear!"

"Jiang Chen, my **** Danzong is not the same as you."

"I counted one of my fighters, Jiang Chen, and my younger brother."

Accompanied by Li Tianhuo, the impact of Jiang Chengzi and Liu Yang, all the Zongmen on the scene, all of them launched a crusade against Jiang Chen, including Meng Fanpeng, the elders of Qinghe Zong, but even the defenders were in the middle. Treated.

"Wu Rufeng and Tang Zhen are also dead."

Meng Fanpeng looked at Jiang Chen. He didn't say much. In view of the death of Tang Zhen, Jiang Chen did not say anything. At this moment, there was no accident. Jiang Chen had been firmly locked by the strong players.

"Jiang Chen, what else can you say? Countless Zongmen geniuses are dead in your hands. I didn't expect you to be such a human face. What is the mysterious style? You have cultivated a disciple with a heart like a snake. I really want to dig out your heart and see if it is black or red."

Meng Fanpeng’s words made the audience quiet, but everyone was angry and Jiang Chen’s crimes were completely settled at this moment.

"I said, I only kill the killer. I killed Li Yan and Li Yan, and Li Yanchao, and Zhu Mingyang, but I did not kill innocent people. People don't commit me. I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, Is it difficult for me to sit still and wait? Oh."

Jiang Chen said coldly, but now everyone is pointing his finger at him, and he himself has admitted that what he is saying now seems to be too late.

Xuan Qing looked at Jiang Chen, he knew that Xuan Fengzong was completely finished, Jiang Chen, is also destined to drink this hate, so many strong, Jiang Chen around the center, he is now difficult to fly.

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