Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4383: Ancient snow

There is no water here, only a cold current. Layers of cold current gradually encase Jiang Chen, from the initial layers of ice crystals, and finally into a snowman with a height of more than a foot, Jiang Chen's figure has completely turned into a sculpture .

"It looks like we are really planting here."

Balzaha gritted his teeth and opened two snow mountain trolls, but there was nowhere to go. He couldn't run. He couldn't fight, but he couldn't get out.

Tong Ling and Sang Zhuo also kept silent, said nothing, and were hit hard by numerous snow mountain trolls one after another. Their bodies and movements were also quite slow, and even became desperate, covered with thick ice crystals, The extremely cold temperature has made them lose control of the source gas. Above this other people's territory, they have already returned to the sky.

"You guys are all damn! Hahahaha!"

"Kill me, one does not stay! On the territory of the Snow Mountain trolls, such a humble race is not allowed, never allowed."

The violent sound of the snow mountain trolls resounded between heaven and earth. The avalanche came from all directions and fell above the high hills. The snow mountain trolls were proud of the world, and Tong Ling and others felt unprecedented despair.

"Click ... Click Click ..."

At this moment, Jiang Chen, who was frozen in the extreme realm, began to fall apart, the ice melted and the snow roared, and the sky roared. Jiang Chen held the Tianlong sword, broke through the cold and comfortable, extreme realm, did not trap him!

"He is still alive?"

Tong Ling and others instantly felt a trembling.

Jiang Chen raised his sword and stood proudly, looking at the Snow Mountain troll without squinting, Ling Yun Yun of war!

"Your extreme field, it doesn't look very good."

Jiang Chen smiled. The confrontation between the two once again became the focus of everyone's attention. Even the few snow mountain trolls took a breath of air. Under the extreme realm of the boss, this How could the guy escape?

"Then I will let you die once."

The snow mountain troll shot, countless ice thorns flew out again, blocking Jiang Chen's way, the storm re-started, and the extreme field crushed Jiang Chen again.

"This time, even the emperor can't save you."

Snow Mountain trolls roared like thunder, and once again cast extreme areas, and this time Jiang Chen would not sit back and wait.

"Five elements away from the fire array!"

Jiang Chen set up in an instant, the real dragon! Thunder God Fire! Qilin Shenhuo! Sun God Fire! Suzaku Skyfire!

The Five Elements Divine Fire came together in an instant, and the Five Elements Disengagement Array made the entire void become bright. At this moment, the surrounding ice and snow began to melt at a variable speed with the naked eye. The Void Icicles had already melted before Jiang Chen's eyes, and the extreme realm was also restrained by Jiang Chen's Five Elements Divine Fire, instantly losing power.

"This ... this, this, how is this possible?"

The Snow Mountain troll felt a panic, his eyes full of shock.

As soon as the five elements were out of flame, Jiang Chen was enveloped in the five elements away from the fire array, with a radius of ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, and ten thousand meters!

It melted in an instant, and the ice and snow that had remained unchanged for thousands of years turned into running water, flowing down the mountain. The horror of the Five Elements Shenhuo could not be understood with common sense. Since entering the eternal world, Jiang Chen has barely used the Five Elements Shenhuo, but everything Mutually restraining each other, Wuxing Shenhuo's restraint on this snow mountain troll is extremely profitable.

A warm breath haunts Tong Ling and others, and their strength seems to be constantly returning, becoming more and more excited.

"Nothing is impossible. To deal with you, I have to sacrifice the killer skills to see if it is your extreme field, or my five elements are out of fire, which is better!"

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth was slightly raised, and the glory in his eyes was extremely eye-catching.


The fear in the eyes of the snow mountain trolls came from the heart, because Jiang Chen's hot flames had already made them feel extremely painful. If these **** fires fell on them, they might melt instantly and disappear.

The Snow Mountain troll stepped back subconsciously. He knew that he was kicking on the iron plate. This guy was terrible. It was a big fire. If he continued to fight, he might not get the slightest benefit.

"Want to kill me, you don't deserve it, real dragon handprint!"

Jiang Chen roared, and the five elements of the Divine Fire gathered together, accompanied by the earth-shaking palm prints, descending from the sky, just like a terrifying seal of the fire dragon, splitting the wind and waves, slamming into the snow mountain troll.

"Do not--"

The Snow Mountain troll exclaimed, and was shot directly away, and the fire dragon lingered on his body, and his body made a clicking sound, clicking sound, wanting to play the extreme realm, but to no avail, that blow flame Long Yin almost completely injured him.

The rest of the snow mountain trolls also became hesitant. The strength of Tong Ling and others were restored. Faced with them, they were not afraid, and even gradually gained the upper hand. If they were not on this ice and snow, they also I wo n’t be bullied like this. Now that Jiang Chen ’s flames are guiding them, their fighting power returns, and finally they start to be ashamed.

"You are an immortal! The small universe inside Laozi is finally about to explode, wow ha ha ha."

Sang Zhuo constantly patted his chest, roaring again and again, raised his knife, and traversed the sky, killing the six snow mountain trolls without killing them.

Jiang Chen walked step by step towards the Snow Mountain troll in the Star Emperor Jiuzhongtian. The latter's eyes were full of fear, and his body had shrunk a lot, becoming the same size as Jiang Chen. There were five elements of fire around Jiang Chen. He was constantly panicking, and was very panic. Mo said that it was five kinds of magical fires. Even if it was one of them, he was not an opponent at all. This is not a common flame.

"Don't kill me, please, don't ..."

The Snow Mountain troll knelt on the ground, constantly begging for mercy, and his face was frightened, while the other six had been suppressed by Tong Ling and others and could not lift their heads.

"I don't want to kill you, then you talk about what is the place here."

Jiang Chen coldly said.

"You don't know where this is?"

"Don't you know? This is the ancient snow field. This was brought by our ancestors. It is a pure land. There is no secular disturbance and no external invasion. It is the territory of our snow mountain troll family."

The Snow Mountain troll looked at Jiang Chen in horror.

"You know how to get out of here."

Jiang Chendao.

"I don't know. For thousands of years, no snow mountain troll has left here. This is our home. Why should I leave?"

The Snow Mountain troll shook his head.

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