Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4424: Qian Yufeng

At this moment, Jiang Chen was sitting on the ground with his buttocks. The source gas in his body was almost exhausted. Now, he is also at the end of the crossbow. He is simply unable to fight anymore and kill Gao Gao, which is already his limit.

On the other side, after seeing Gao Jun killed, the more than 20-star Emperor Jiu Zhongtian was also trembling and creepy, Gao Jun was invincible in their eyes, and Jiang Chen, a talented star who had eight emperors, actually had Such a terrifying skill? Is this okay?

Although Luo Ying was at a disadvantage at this moment, Jiang Chen's methods made them feel their inner fears. Even the paper tigers, they were unable to fight anymore, fearing to follow the footsteps of Gao Jun.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

"Brother Jun is dead, withdraw!"

Everyone's face was ugly, no longer in love, and faded like a tide.

Luo Ying wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and also carried scars on his body. He hurried to Jiang Chen and knelt on one knee, his eyes full of complexity.

"This place should not stay for a long time, let's go quickly!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Chen nodded and looked at the three remaining women in the team's business brigade, feeling sad in his heart.

"Let's go quickly. I'm afraid that there will be chasing soldiers afterwards. The poor forest is too dangerous. Never come in again."

The little girl was already crying into tears, and was guarded by two women, staring at Jiang Chen.

"Thank you Eun Gong! Thank you Eun Gong!"

After the three of them bowed their knees, they had no time to clean up and hurried away toward the distance.

"Let's go quickly."

Luo Ying glanced at Jiang Chen. They killed the apprentices of Cui Daoren. In this poor forest, they must be unable to walk, and they had to leave quickly.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

Cui Daoren is one of the four villains in the poor forest, and his strength has even reached the star rating. It is not comparable to what they can now. Offending such a thief, they can only choose to retreat, and they are not originally Staying here for a long time is just a way to pass here. It was already a life of nine deaths, and it has caused a scourge of murder. Even Dong E is far away, and the only people they can rely on are themselves.

"Um, poor forest, you should be familiar with me."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Leave it here and say it again. It will take at least six or seven days to reach the Great Rift Valley of Gwangju. There are too many dangers in the poor forest."

Luo Ying said very seriously.

The two didn't have time to stop and quickly left here, walking towards the depths of the jungle.

Poor forest, in the middle of a valley.

More than a dozen villains were frightened and lost their souls and returned home, their faces filled with horror.

"It's not good, Brother II, the event is not good!"

A villain said breathlessly, staring at his eyes full of fear.

"Everyone is so scared, what kind of system is it, if they are seen by the master, you guys will inevitably be punished."

The second elder brother in a yellow robe, said coldly.

"Gao Jun, Brother Jun was killed!"


Ma Yuliang stood up and turned to look at the man behind him, staring at him fiercely.


"Brother Jun... was killed by someone. Just now."

Ma Yuliang shuddered, his face gloomy like water, clenching his fists tightly, and flew the person in front of him directly.

Gao Jun and him are the eight worshipers, one of the top ten disciples of Cui Daoren, and the oldest ones they both care about. They are brothers who die together with Ma Yuliang. If Gao Jun is killed, how can Ma Yuliang not be angry?

"Who has such a courage, dare to kill us Cui Jiajun, to death!"

Ma Yuliang roared and shook the mountains and forests. He kept flying for thousands of miles and flew birds and beasts.

"Second Senior Brother, you must avenge Brother Jun. Ooo."

"Take me! No matter who he is, dare to move me Cui Jiajun, I want to let him die without burial."

Ma Yuliang's voice was biting, and he was so angry.

A group of people followed Ma Yuliang straight to the depth of the poor forest and pursued away.

Jiang Chen kept on going to the Apocalypse Galaxy City, and along the way, no matter what obstacles, the two did not stop at any point, because once stopped, the crisis is likely to come again.

"That is? Qian Yufeng?"

Luo Ying saw a colorful and dazzling flying phoenix, and his eyes lit up suddenly. Thousand feather phoenix was a rare warcraft, and the blue and white feathers above it only took thousands of years to form. There are two thousand feather phoenix on the head, indicating that the thousand feathers Feng's Daoxing is definitely not low, but Luo Ying still has a hot light in his eyes.

"Is this thing a thousand feathers and phoenixes? The cyan flower above it is indeed a baby."

Jiang Chen's eyes moved and whispered, the two looked at each other, smiled at each other, no matter how anxious it was for a while, if they could get this blue and white feather, it would be absolutely great. Blue and white Ling can be used as medicine, and it is very beautiful. It is something that countless kings and nobles are rushing to.

Now that the two of them have met, naturally they don't want to let go of such a good baby.

The two figures flashed into two blasts and immediately caught up.

"Sister Feng, can you borrow blue and white for a while!"

Luo Ying said.

"Despicable mankind, and want to beat me blue and white again, you guys don't have a good thing, yuck!"

Qian Yufeng mouth spit, said with a sneer.

"If we don't borrow, then we have to move."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Move **? You are also worthy? My old lady, I am one hundred thousand miles, you want to chase me, there is no door, the shameless big yellow dog chased me for three days and three nights, but did not catch up, Putian Below, no one can catch up with me except the peerless genius of the Kunpeng family. Hehehe."

Qian Yufeng said disdainfully that Jiang Chen and Luo Ying were not taken into consideration at all. The two people also wanted to move the flowers on their heads.

"Dead dog? What kind of dead dog?"

Jiang Chen was stunned, chasing her dead dog for three days and three nights, is it rhubarb?

Jiang Chen was very excited and asked in a hurry, but Qian Yufeng had turned away and turned into a blast of lightning.

"Asshole! Come back to me!"

Jiang Chen gritted her teeth and was extremely angry, catching up. This guy probably knew the news of Rhubarb, and she must not be allowed to run away. Even if it was the end of the world, she would have to catch up with her.

"Want to chase me? Hehehe, next life."

Qian Yufeng's voice echoed in the air, but her figure had disappeared.

Luo Ying also followed in the footsteps of the two of them. At this time, they will definitely be able to do everything. For the sake of blue and white, they are chasing at the risk of their lives.

After entering the Apocalypse Star, Jiang Chen has never had any news about rhubarb, but this rhubarb dog in the mouth of a thousand feathers made Jiang Chen's heart move, wouldn't it be rhubarb? Whether it is right or not, he has to ask clearly, he will not let go of any clues.

Qian Yufeng took it easy, fluttered his wings, relaxed and happy, and did not care about Jiang Chen and Luo Ying who were chasing behind him. These two human beings, trying to catch up with her, was even harder than going to heaven.

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