Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 889: Twelve years of free body [plus]


The words of Jiang Chen sounded like a thunder in the ears of all people. Jiang Chen’s voice deliberately ran the refining of the soul, and every word was like a knife into everyone’s heart, especially the ancient Xuantian.

The elders of the ancient tribes were all masters of the older generation. In their eyes, the ancients were only a younger generation, a child, and some of them grew up watching the ancients, and they said that they did not have a little love for the ancients. ,That is impossible.

And Jiang Chen’s words, the most shocking is the ancient Xuantian, he was stunned. For twelve years, he was detained for twelve years, but never thought about it from another angle. He just thought that the ancient cockroaches made mistakes, they should be punished, but he forgot, Gu Yu is his sister, sister.

Gu Xuantian, have you been a little bit guilty about ancient times in these years?

Jiang Chen’s words are still lingering around his ears. Hey, really, no, no, just as Jiang Chen said, every time he goes to see the face of the ancient Shu, the heart will hurt once, so he rarely goes to see the ancient Oh.

Gu Xuantian has been screaming more than once. He has always thought about releasing the ancient scorpion. He just needs the ancient swearing to admit the mistake. Even if the ancient singer says that I am wrong, I will give her freedom. She is after all. It is his own sister, but Gu Yu prefers to be detained for 12 years and has always admitted that he has made a mistake.

In exchange for twelve years, I was wrong with three words. How hard it is, Gu Xuantian never knew, until now, Gu Xuantian really knows why Gu Yu refused to say these three words, because Gu Yu is right. The fault is self, the fault is the rules of the ancients.

Why people are human beings, because people have feelings and emotions, and the ancients know how to report, even with their own body, that is true temperament, Gu Xuantian as a patriarch, but forcibly split a pair of bitter life, and will give Being imprisoned is simply unreasonable.


She couldn’t take it anymore. She slammed into the ground, burst into tears and burst into tears. For twelve years, she would never forget the look of the old man. She always remembers that she was ten years old and ten in that year. Older children can already remember everything and remember all the bits and pieces.

Every word of Jiang Chen, every word is also poked on the body of Wu Ningzhu like a knife. She can't imagine how the 12-year-old temple passed.

Jiang Chen’s body is holding the shoulders of Wu Ningzhu. His eyes are full of distress. This is a very strong woman. Jiang Chen has never seen a dance of a little bit of tears. She is stronger than other men. Times, but only Jiang Chen knows that behind this strong, carrying a lot of acidity and suffering that is not for the outside world, Jiang Chen’s words make this 12-year-old acid and bitter all vented, just like the river ,unstoppable.


The tears of Wu Ningzhu completely destroyed the psychological defense line of Gu Xuantian, which made his eyes moist. Someone, no matter how strong, no matter how high the weight, he always played a variety of roles, ancient Xuantian is a high-ranking patriarch, but he is a brother, a beggar, no matter how high he stands, these are his relatives, relatives and these two words, only they will understand the meaning of the representative, ancient Xuantian Lost, and know the importance of loved ones.

"Is it really wrong."

Gu Xuantian shook his head, as if it was a few decades old. Jiang Chen’s words can be said to be disrespectful to himself, but Gu Xuantian did not hate Jiang Chen at all, and even grateful to Jiang Chen because Jiang When I was dusty, I woke up myself. He suddenly felt that he had lived for so many years, but he was not as good as a young man in enlightenment.

"Yes, you are not only wrong, but also a big mistake. You have been detained for twelve years. You actually blamed yourself for twelve years. He obviously loves his sister, but he has his sister who is suffering from twelve. Years of suffering, so you blame yourself, your power is so high that you feel that everything you do is right, so that you think that even if you are a sister, you must admit that you can be mistaken. Released, and the ancient 岚 also missed for twelve years, she could not watch her daughter grow up day by day, she could not stand up with her beloved man, and she didn’t even have a chance to meet her. She was missing every day. After spending the pain and dancing, Tianyang also suffered for 12 years. He felt that he was a man without a little bit of skill. He was a waste that even his own woman could not protect, but he must be strong for his daughter. Going down, dancing Ningzhu is not so bitter for twelve years. She knows that her mother is still in this world, but she can't see each other. She has seen her father more than once and secretly hurts in the middle of the night."

Jiang Chen said one sentence: "So, you have blamed for twelve years, the ancient sorrow has been missing for twelve years, the dance of Tianyang has been suffering for twelve years, and the dance has been sour and bitter for twelve years. You must be a man. In the end of these twelve years of fault, everything is still too late. I hope that you will release the ancient scorpion in person, instead of using the happiness of dancing bamboo to exchange the freedom of the ancient scorpion. If that is the case, the dancing bamboo will not be happy. It’s going to be painful for a lifetime, and when you come out, you won’t forgive you.”

"Stop, don't say it anymore."

Gu Xuantian screamed at Jiang Chen, and his eyes were red. It was obvious that Jiang Chen’s words were like a mirror, illuminating everything and crashing the psychological defense of Gu Xuantian.

Gu Xuantian did not want to let the ancients come out, Gu Yu did not admit mistakes, he always wanted to find an excuse to release the ancient ,, dance the bamboo to marry the youngest genius of the ancients is the best excuse, he is true to the ancient Hey, he did blame himself for twelve years, otherwise he would not cultivate the dance bamboo so strongly.

But he did not think about it, let the dance bamboo to marry the ancient wind, dance bamboo will not be happy.

"You don't let me say, I want to say, you have already harmed the ancient scorpion. Do you still have to kill the ancient daughter? You said that the ancient wind is the first genius of the ancients, but I don't put him in my heart at all. If the wind is not satisfied, I will use the battle to make him convinced."

"Hey, patriarch, old man, right or wrong, you have been holding her for twelve years. In my opinion, such punishment is enough."

"Yahah patriarch, although Jiang Chen is arrogant today, it can be seen that this person is a person who is sacred and holy. A man can do this for his own woman. It is also rare. Give him, I don’t see the blood of our ancients."

"The patriarch, twelve years, I see, this is the end."


Other great saints are also moved. They are all people of the inner tribe. They are all related to the ancient ancestors. The little gimmick of the ancient genie was very flattering. In their view, no matter what the ancient 岚 did The thing is right or wrong. Twelve years is enough to end it all. It should be a free body.

[The two chapters are written in love, the old Su Shi cried on the keyboard, I once had a sister, but left us forever on a night four years ago, it was a very cold night. I am cold and have no temperature in one's body. For four years, I don't want to think about it, because every time I think about it, my heart will be uncomfortable. I hate myself for why I didn't give her a little more love. I didn't expect the plot in the novel. I recalled again that this book is too much to kill and kill, so the story of the ancients I wrote in this way, let everyone see the most holy side of the sentiment, I hope that brothers and sisters cherish the people around, Happy every day, today's off topic is a bit more, sorry,] the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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