Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 893: Complete

When Jiang Chen appeared, it became the focus, and it was the kind of hatefulness. He and Wu Ningzhu were so bright and bright, and they were a great stimulus for many young people of ancient times. Of course, the stimulation To be motivated, these people are still self-aware, knowing that they have no qualifications for competition with Jiang Chen.

But they don't, don't mean that the ancient winds are not, today is a tribe, the ancient winds will certainly not be able to swallow the sound, but Jiang Chen is killing the existence of Shi Han after all, the ancient winds and the opposite words, the odds are not big.

For the voice of these arguments, Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu directly turned a deaf ear, as if they did not hear it.


The sound of the drums became more and more urgent. On the top of a high platform, there were suddenly more than twenty tyrannical figures. After these people appeared, the whole scene was quiet, and there was a faint majesty in the void. All the ancient The tribes looked at the high platform with incomparably respectful eyes.

The characters above, all of them are high-ranking. These people, the lowest ones are the first-class sacred, and more than twenty great sacs come together, even if they do not deliberately release their own momentum. Invisible pressure also makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

As one of the eight major ethnic groups, the ancient saints are not only so many, but a tribe, there is no need for all the great masters.

On the top, it is the ancient Xuantian that stands in front of him. The mighty face of his face, the supreme existence of the ancients, is the existence of the gods in all the hearts of the ancients, but at this moment, many people’s eyes are falling. In the white woman next to the ancient Xuantian.

"Look, it was the elder of the old man. She was imprisoned for twelve years by the patriarch. I didn't expect it to appear today."

"The elders of ancient times are so beautiful, it seems that the grievance between her and the patriarch has been solved."

"It’s so good. I’ve heard that the elders of the ancient elders are not only beautiful, but also gifted. Today, when you see them, it’s really different.”


The appearance of the ancient Shu, actually set off a stunned, few young people present have never seen the ancient ,, when the ancient 岚 left the ancients, they have been living in the South China, did not come back, 12 years ago When Xuantian brought her back, she directly entered the prison. It is normal for many people not to see the ancients.

However, I have never seen it. I don’t mean that I have never heard of it. In the ancient times, no one didn’t know the ancient Shu, and no one even didn’t know the story of the ancient Shu, but the topic of the ancient Shu was too sensitive. No one dared to mention it on weekdays.

Now that the dance has come, the ancient 岚 has also been released, and this matter has finally come to an end.

"The patriarch, everyone is almost there, can start."

An elder said.

"Well, let's get started."

Gu Xuantian nodded.

Just before Gu Xuantian just nodded, a figure appeared as a streamer, and landed on a battle platform. The person who came to see it was twenty-five and six years old. The Yushu was windy and extremely handsome. He wore a purple coat and squatted on his body. They were all filled with a domineering spirit. After he came, his eyes immediately locked in Jiang Chen’s body.

"It is an ancient wind."

"He finally appeared, see how he did it."

The coming is the ancient wind, his appearance, so that the atmosphere has become somewhat depressed.

The ancient wind looked at Jiang Chen and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, I know your intentions, but if you want to smash the bamboo, you will see that you are not enough. My ancient wind is now challenging you, as long as you can beat me, I It will automatically exit."

"Flower wind."

Ancient Xuantian Emei.

"The patriarch, this is something between us, let us solve it ourselves."

The ancient winds hugged the ancient Xuantian.

The ancient wind is a very intelligent person. He said that it was a big step for Gu Xuantian. He and Jiang Chen solved it himself. If he lost, he voluntarily quit, even if he would marry the dance bamboo. Jiang Chen, that is also his own initiative to withdraw, will not have the slightest impact on the ancient Xuan Tian's majesty, more importantly, their own things must also be resolved by themselves, otherwise, it is not people to look down.

Gu Xuantian nodded secretly, and he did not look at the wrong person. The ancient wind did not disappoint himself.


Jiang Chen did not say anything, jumped directly to the battle platform and stood on the opposite side of the ancient wind.

"An old wind, you are a good man, but you should not feel unconvinced, don't think that my arrival has affected you and dancing bamboo. You probably heard that, between me and Wu Ningzhu, I have already set After the marriage contract, there is no you in her heart. Of course, I agree with you. Only the strong ones are worthy of the cousin, so I accept your challenge. I have promised to be a sister, to defeat everyone."

Jiang Chen said faintly, this ancient ethos is extraordinary, and the work is not tweaking. When I know that I have killed Shi Han, I dare to stand up and challenge myself. One is that I have won it myself, but I have given it to Gu Xuantian. Steps, if the ancient winds do not appear today and Jiang Chen alone, it will put Gu Xuantian into a very embarrassing situation, after all, will dance the bamboo to the ancient wind, but Gu Xuantian said.

There is a saying that the golden mouth of the word, a word of Jiuding, the patriarch of the ancients, identity can be more noble than the emperors of the world.

"Jiang Chen, I know that you killed Shi Han, but I went out to practice this time, but I also got great benefits. I have tried to refine myself a lot. I was also looking for Shi Han and Kong Yang. Since you killed Shi Han, let me see, killing the people of Shi Han, what is the extent of terror."

The ancient winds and the momentum of the earthquake, there is no fear of the color between the colors, this is also a natural and militant.

"Unfortunately, you are still not my opponent."

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"I know that with my current strength, it is impossible to kill Shi Han, but if you and I fight, it will be inevitable, and I will not back down."

When the ancient winds were finished, the momentum of the whole person erupted like a volcano. His big hand slammed forward, and the void was directly gathered. Then, the ancient hand of the ancient wind evolved into a scorpio, and it was fierce toward Jiang Chen. The pressure is coming.


Jiang Chen did not slow down, and immediately displayed the dragon-changing state, dealing with the enchanting temperament of the ancient wind, and with his current cultivation, he must be able to cope with the dragon change state. This is already obvious when fighting against Shi Han. .


The real dragon handprint, the huge dragon claws and the ancient winds that evolved from the ancient winds collided with each other, and made a deafening roar. Under the shocking eyes of all, the attack by the ancient wind was directly shattered, and the battle platform was also It was a very powerful seal that was laid down. Otherwise, this collision alone would be enough to destroy the entire battlefield.

The ancient wind and body swayed, and he stepped back two steps to stabilize his body. His face immediately changed. Although it was expected, Jiang Chen was so strong that he still could not think of it.

"What is so powerful."

"It's too powerful. It's no wonder that he can kill Shi Han, but the windy big brother is the fourth person in the list. The half-step Dasheng's cultivation is even a step away from the Great Saint. I didn't expect this. Suddenly, even if he couldn’t beat a seven-level little holy, the first move fell into a downturn and he couldn’t believe it."

"Terror, this guy is really a enchanting. You find that after Jiang Chen has changed, the combat power has improved a lot. The experience of the big wind brother has been greatly improved. It can be compared with Shi Han and Kong Yang. It’s down, but now it’s not Jiang’s opponent.”


No one is not shocked, not only the geniuses and tribes of the younger generation, but even the ancient Xuantian and the ancient ancestors on the high platform and the high-level executives are shocked. I heard that it is a matter of two things, and how Jiang Chen kills. They didn't see the stone cold, but they knew the power of the ancient winds. Now the ancient winds are on the river, and they have fallen directly into the wind.

"The ancient wind, you are indeed very strong, but compared to Shi Hanlai, it is still a little bit worse, but I know that if you let you directly admit defeat, you will certainly not be reconciled, in this case, I will let you lose the heart orally ""

Jiang Chen’s bones squeaked, and every part of the body was filled with majestic energy. He only listened to the sound of arrogance. In a flash, the road was printed on Jiang Chen’s body and turned into a powerful real. The dragon, every dragon is alive and living, exudes a colorful radiance, as if the real dragon came into the world.

Jiang Chen didn't want to delay the time. When he came up, he displayed five lines of dragon seals. Five kinds of French seals were played at the same time. More than one powerful one, fifteen completely different attributes of the dragon formed a huge encirclement, directly imposing the ancient winds. Living.

The ancient wind is naturally powerful, but compared with Shi Han, the gap is still there. He spent a lot of effort to kill Shi Han, but to defeat the ancient wind, this move is enough. After all, all he wants is defeat, not kill. The ancient winds.

"Big brother, Jiang Chen is a powerful warfare technique. You find that there is no such thing. It is a horror that he directly combines the elements of the five elements."

"Yes, the five elements are incompatible, but the fire is not tolerated, but Jiang Chen’s combat skills can match the five elements to this level. It is rare. I did not expect such incredible combat skills between heaven and earth."

Both Gu Yu and Gu Xuantian were shocked. Such war skills, even with their cultivation and knowledge, have never been seen.

"This horror, future achievements can not be limited."

"It's too strong. I am now a master of the first level, but I feel that even if I am against him, it is a life of nine deaths."

"It seems that if the wind is not an opponent, he can kill Shi Han. It seems that it is not accidental. Such strength is terrible."


No one is not amazed, they all see it. Jiang Chen is not like playing the ancient winds. He used the most powerful means to defeat the ancient winds, which is also a kind of respect for the ancient winds.

On the battlefield, the ancient winds made all the stops, but still can't really block the five elements of Jiang Chen's battle. When all the violent battle fluctuations disappeared, the ancient winds of the body also revealed, the ancient winds at the moment, it looks Some wandering, with a trace of blood in the corner of the mouth, the breath has been completely scattered, it can be seen that in the previous battle, the ancient winds are not shocked.

"I lost."

The ancient winds showed a bitter smile. At this moment, although he still has the power of a war, the confrontation has just made him very clear. There is no point in playing it again. He is not an opponent of Jiang Chen at all. In other words, if this is In the case of life and death, Jiang Chen can kill Shi Han, and he can kill himself.

Jiang Chen took up the body of the dragon and jumped from the battle platform. He came to the side of Wu Ningzhu. At the moment, he danced with bamboo and his face was full of happiness. She still remembers what she said to Jiang Chen. Let Jiang Chen defeat all the people for himself, and Jiang Chen seems to have never really lost.

"The patriarch, the wind is convinced today, and Jiang Xiong is a rare genius who has never seen him in a thousand years. If he is married to him, it is not insulting us."

The ancient winds said to the ancient Xuantian Baoquan. In fact, he already knew the relationship between Wu Ningzhu and Jiang Chen, but his heart still has a knot. Today, Jiang Chen is defeated by the front, and the knot is also untied. Like him, he is a man of temperament. If he is defeated, he will be defeated. There is nothing to be tempted. Similarly, Jiang Chen has won the respect of the ancient wind with his own strength.

At this time, Gu Mu stood out from the crowd and took Jiang Chen's super dowry out and handed it directly to the ancient Xuantian and the ancient ancestors.

"The patriarch, the elder of the ancient elders, this is Jiang Chen's dowry, 1.5 billion yuan of true Yuanshi, three Jiuyang Leilongdan, ten bottles of Jiuyang holy water."

Gu Mu will choose the time, after the ancient winds admit defeat, read these baby out loudly <spanclass='character'style='bac


Kground-image: url (/img/1450969589350/32846786/2073006211602300653.png) '> suddenly caused a stun in the ancients, seeing these baby, the feeling is completely different, many people look at Jiang Chen The eyes are extremely hot, this guy is really a rich owner.

"Small, how do you look."

Ancient Xuantian looked at the ancient ancestors.

"very good."

Gu Yu was really satisfied with this son-in-law.

"Well, Jiang Chen, you came to the ancients to come to the relatives, experienced a lot of tests, and came with great sincerity. With your talent, being the son-in-law of my ancient family is also a blessing for the ancients. In the name of the ancient patriarch, this seat will be given to you as a wife."

Gu Xuantian took the dowry and collected it, and then said that this matter was finally completed. As for the ancient wind, he was defeated by Jiang Chen, and he was convinced that Gu Xuantian was not worried at all. There will be something unpleasant in the heart of the ancient winds. If he can't afford even such a setback, it can only show that he is wrong with Gu Xuantian.

"Thank you for the patriarch."

Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu said at the same time that Jiang Chen’s performance was good, and the deep happiness on the face of Wu Ningzhu was already unmaskable.

Jiang Chen’s heart finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the ancients’ affairs were finally solved satisfactorily.

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