Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 903: Because I am Jiang Chen [four more]

This is an extremely ridiculous mountain range. It can be said that it is deserted. No one will come here on weekdays. There are no mountains and even a monster. It is obvious that the shadow selection base is so secret and self-conscious. Into a space, it is no wonder that the Shadow Killer organization has existed for so long and few people know their specific location.

"The nodes that connect to the shadow space are constantly changing, so I have to sense it before I can find it."

Warcraft said.

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s momentum was shocked, and the real dragon handprint was suddenly displayed, and the past was caught in the void.

"get out."

Jiang Chen burst into a burst, and a figure was directly captured by Jiang Chen. It was a small holy, and was killed by Jiang Chen on the spot.

"This is the killer of the shadow. It seems to be here, but it has been caught by Jiang Chen, otherwise it will be a surprise."

The Peacock King said that he and the Griffin looked at Jiang Chen with admiration. The Shadow Killer has always been good at concealing. A small holy level killer is hidden. If they are trained, they will certainly be able to sense it, but they will Ignore this directly, only Jiang Chen found it. It can be seen that Jiang Chen is not only sensitive and sensitive, but also cautious and unruly.

"It's here."

World of Warcraft quickly found the space node, the Peacock King took a step forward, he shot the barbaric, one will tear the space node, then a few people flashed, disappeared directly in the deserted mountains, appeared in a piece Inside the space.

This space was created by the master of the great saint. The space is not large. There are not many buildings in it. There is only one black palace. The whole space is filled with a strong murderousness, which makes people feel very incomparable. Comfortable, this is the gathering point of the killer. Everyone here is a ghost walking in the darkness. Everyone's hand is covered with blood.


Jiang Chen where they appeared, just happened to be seen by the two killers, immediately shouted, as a killer, they have a natural perception of danger, it is like a keen sense of smell, not to mention the hinterland of the shadow, No outsiders have ever come in, even if they are the killers they have cultivated, there are not many who can qualify to enter here.


Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog took the lead and came to the two killers in the blink of an eye. The head of the rhubarb dog hit a killer and smashed his entire body. He is now a first-class sage. In front of him, like an ant, it can be squeezed to death.

Jiang Chen’s shot was equally hot and decisive, and the head of another killer was pinched, and the two killers died in an instant, and there was no chance of screaming.

"Rhubarbler, remember the Moon Tower."

Jiang Chen looks at the black palace in front.


The rhubarb dog showed a hint of smile, and then the brush disappeared. He and Jiang Chen have been together for a long time. The tacit understanding between them has reached the point where they can communicate with each other. This attacked the shadow organization and the purpose. It is to uproot it and completely eliminate this organization from the Shengyuan continent. It is undoubtedly the best to use the means of dealing with the Moonlight Tower. The Dahuang Dog has now been promoted to the Great Saint, and it is also a proficient source of books. In the law, he is going to make further progress. He wants to secretly lay a large array, and block this space to fly, not letting go.

"What did the rhubarb go?"

The griffin asked inexplicably.

"Turn off their back road."

Jiang Chen smiled, then a group of five people strode toward the stronghold, the World of Warcraft walked in the first place, and soon came to the stronghold, outside the stronghold, there are three or four small Saint-level masters, they saw people The look immediately, but when they saw the World of Warcraft, they were relieved, and the four men came forward and prayed to the World of Warcraft, thus the position of Warcraft in the shadow is still very high.

"The land of Warcraft is back, these are."

A killer asked, his eyes swept over the four people of Jiang Chen, and the brow couldn’t help but squatted. You know, this is the core place of the shadow. No outsiders have ever come in. If it wasn’t because of the Warcraft brought in, They just sent a signal directly.

However, the World of Warcraft did not answer their questions, a magic wave rushed out of the World of Warcraft body, shrouded all four small holy, the four did not have a chance to scream, on the spot was killed by the World of Warcraft Net, even a little residue is not left.

"Whoever, dare to come to me to shadow the wild."

At this moment, a loud drink suddenly sounded from the black palace, and then, a sturdy figure flew out, looking at it, black pressure, there are hundreds of people, more than a dozen big holy out The one who leads, looks like 50 years old, is skinny, looks like a gust of wind can blow it down, but the murderousness of this person is the strongest.

"He is the supreme leader of the shadow, the repair of the fifth-level great saint."

Warcraft whispered.

The perception of the shadows is extremely keen, not to mention the fact that these great saints, when Warcraft shot and killed, just did not make any movement, but it was still sensed by the people in the base.

"These should be all the killers in the entire stronghold."

Warcraft once again said.

For a time, the whole sky was filled with cold murderousness. These were the top killers of the Shengyuan continent. Their murderousness was united enough to form a murderous storm, and people’s hearts were affected. Shock.

In the face of Jiang Chen, these uninvited guests, the shadows of the people have their eyes on the body of Warcraft, including the leader, everyone in the eyes of the surprise, they do not know, why Warcraft came together with these outsiders .

"Warcraft, you know what you are doing."

The leader yelled.

"The master will destroy the shadow, I will kill you."

Warcraft said that after being demolished, he now listens to Jiang Chen, and everything else does not matter. Jiang Chen will not hesitate to let him commit suicide, let alone those who kill the shadow.

"Ground World of Warcraft, your **** brain was kicked, you are the king of the devil, even obeying a human being, but also exposed the base of the shadow, bringing outsiders into it, it is simply sinful."

A four-level Great Saint shouted at Warcraft.

"Less nonsense, die."

The Peacock King burst into a bang, there was no extra nonsense, and he hit it up. He grabbed his big hand and volleyed. A huge palm with a colorful ray appeared out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, there were shadows on the heads of those people.

Obviously, the leader of the shadow did not think that the other party would say that the shot was shot, and there was no omen. In his opinion, the other party came to such a few people and wanted to deal with the shadow base. It was undoubtedly to hit the stone with the egg, and they did not put the Peacock King at all. In the eyes.

Unfortunately, he still does not know the identity of the Peacock King.


The Peacock King made this move, and the huge energy overflowed. The screams suddenly sounded, and the killers of five or six small holy levels were affected by the energy and the body was torn.


The leader responded, and immediately screamed with anger, raised his hand and shot a beam of light, blocking the attack of the Peacock King.

"Everyone listens, killing these outsiders at all costs, and can't let them go out of their strongholds."

The leader was murderous and immediately issued instructions. This stronghold is the core of the shadow. It has been in business for a long time and has never been known by outsiders. If these people come in, they must not let them go out.

"Haha, come on."

The Peacock King vacated and his goal was clear, that is the leader.

"A small four-level sage, and dare to scream in front of the leader, is simply not knowing how to live."

The anger of the leader was hard to come by, and immediately opened up a separate battlefield with the Peacock King.

"The lion patriarch, the two sacred priests will be handed over to you."

Jiang Chen directly pulled out the Tiansheng sword, applied the dragon's body, and the shadow organization for so long. Now, right, there is nothing to say, that is kill.

"Don't worry, these two old guys, this seat easily pinches them."

The Griffin immediately gave a sigh, and rushed to the past with the two four-level grand priests. As a patriarch of the lions, the means are that ordinary people can compare and generally exist at the same level, and they are not in the eyes. Even if it is an enemy, it is not a problem.

"Warcraft, Devil, Rhubarb, you have to deal with the three third-level grand priests, others, give it to me."

Jiang Chen gave instructions to the World of Warcraft and the devil. At the same time, the rhubarb dog also appeared. He had already laid a seal in the void, and sealed the entire space. Most people want to escape, it is impossible. As for the leader, the peacock The king is afraid that he will not give him the opportunity to escape.


When the killing of the killing period, the two sides smashed together in an instant, the whole space was divided into several battlefields, the Peacock King battled the shadow leader, the Griffin battled two four-level Grand St., the World of Warcraft and the Devil and the Rhubarb Dog, respectively, to deal with a three Great Saint.

Jiang Chen’s strength is weak, and he can’t beat the third-level grand priest for the time being, but he’s not to deal with other people.

"Boy, why are you attacking our shadows?"

A second-level sage looked at Jiang Chen, and asked coldly. At this moment, the masters of the five great sacred ranks will be firmly besieged by Jiang Chen. They are all the first sacred and the second sacred, in their view. Jiang Chen is nothing but a small eight-level little saint. They can pinch it to death. The leader has given instructions. All the people who come to the stronghold today will die, and one will not stay.

"Because I am Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen said coldly and reported his name. He believed that these people were not fools. After hearing their names, they should know the reason.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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