Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 922: Kong Yang's blood

The evil spirit killed by Jiang Chen was only a small holy level, so after Jiang Chen’s killing, he was too lazy to use the Zulong Tower to absorb it.


There are many evil spirits in this space. After discovering the appearance of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, there are several evil spirits rushing toward Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. This time, Jiang Chen did not shoot, and these evil spirits I gave it to the rhubarb dog.

The rhubarb dog with a hard head and rushed forward, the evil spirits were instantly crushed by the rhubarb dog, only listening to the lingering in the space, the roar of monsters everywhere, and sometimes the violent The roaring sound, that is the fluctuation of the battle, it seems that there are not only a lot of evil spirits and monsters in this space, but also a lot of human monks in it.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at each other and flew away in the depths of the space. At this moment, there were a few people in front of them. The person in front was extremely embarrassed, and all of them were blood, and they fled and fled. Called, chasing after.

"Stand up, leave the armor."

A powerful nine-level little holy roared loudly.

The running man saw Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog in front, and suddenly seemed to see the savior. He quickly shouted: "Jiang Xiong saved me."

In fact, at the moment of seeing Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, the man knew that he was saved. The strength of this person as a dog, he knows too much. The latter few people are strong, they are ranked top on the list. People, but it is impossible to be the opponent of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog.

"Kong Yu."

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog also exclaimed at the same time. This person who is blood is not someone else. It is the younger son of Peacock King, Kong Yu. This kind of scene is already very obvious. The people behind him are chasing Kong Yu.


Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog's body swayed, and they were blocked in front of Kong Yu. The eyes looked cold and looked at the few people behind. These people had not seen him, but they could judge from the costumes that they were pure land and eight people.

"Who are you, advise you not to gossip about things, I am Nalan and, there are also Shi and Xiao people, not yours."

Nalan and I don’t know Jiang Chen. Although I feel that this white youth is not easy to provoke, he himself is also a strong man. Plus, he is a genius of the Nalan people, and he will not be afraid, so he is still proud of Jiang Chen. Said.

"Kong Yu, hand over the armor, otherwise, go down today with your brother, and the stupid leopard."

One of the Shi people said loudly to Kong Yu, and directly ignored the existence of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. They now think about the armor in Kong Yu’s hands. They didn’t even think about the identity of the white youth in front of them. In fact, If they really think about it, this person's combination of dogs, it is impossible to think of the identity of Jiang Chen, after all, the pure land now, and who does not know the famous Jiang Chen.

"A bunch of idiots, if I were you, I would immediately disappear from me. Although I have hatreds with your five major families, I am too lazy to kill you, let it go, and immediately disappear from me."

Jiang Chen said very impatiently.

"Let's get out, it's a joke. Who do you think you are? Since you don't let it go, then you can kill it together and offend our Nalan people. That is a dead end."

Nalan and Jiang Jiang screamed at him, he even released his own momentum, ready to shoot against Jiang Chen, and the Shi and Xiao people felt that something was wrong, Emei was thinking about something.


Nalan and just released her own momentum, the body suddenly shocked, completely stopped there, he looked down, a cold sword is inserted in his chest, pierced his body, blood mad Huge, he can feel that his vitality has been lost.


Nalan and Yan looked at Jiang Chen, but he was a powerful nine-level little saint. The existence of the celestial beings, the genius in the genius, was directly killed by the other side. He didn’t even see how the other shot was. .

Until now, his mind only thought of a name.

"Remember, the person who killed you, called Jiang Chen, I just gave you the opportunity to survive, you don't know how to cherish."

Jiang Chen’s words are like a sharp knife in the heart of Nalan’s heart. He now has endless remorse in his heart. He’s really blinded. He was fascinated by Kong Yu’s armor, even Jiang Chen’s. Recognized, unfortunately, everything is late now.

"Jiang Chen, he is Jiang Chen."

The Shi family only exclaimed that day, where they still care about Nalan and, a few people quickly turned and ran, for fear that they were slower, they hated Jiang Chen, but they were afraid of it, in their hearts, Jiang Dust is an uncompromising comet. It is a demon king. Although they are powerful and have few geniuses on the list, they are far from reaching the point where they can compete with Jiang Chen. This self-knowledge is still there. .

"Thank you Jiang Brother for saving, otherwise I will be buried here today."

Kong Yu hugged the fist against Jiang Chen, thank you very much.

"What kind of armor did your kid get, so let them chase you so much."

The rhubarb dog curiously asked.

Kong Yu’s arm, a golden armor suddenly appeared in his hands, this armor looks extremely ordinary, but full of a sacred taste, indestructible.

"This is the golden silkworm armor, the great holy soldier, your luck is very good, no wonder they are going to chase you, the soldiers of the Great Holy Spirit are extremely rare, and the defensive class of the Great Saint is even less and less. The golden silkworm armor is made of western silk silk, which is indestructible and extremely defensive."

Jiang Chen saw the origin of this armor at a glance, but also understood that Nalan and why they pursued Kong Yu.

"Right, Jiang brother hastened to save my big brother and Leo Wei."

Kong Yu suddenly thought of something, and said quickly.

"What happened to them?"

Jiang Chen's eyebrows, he knows that the big brother in Kong Yukou is Kong Yang, the first genius of the Yaozu, the third existence of the list, see Kong Yu's expression, Kong Yang and Leopard seem to have encountered a crisis.

"Big Brother and Leopard Wei found a treasure, is a legacy of a great master, but unexpectedly met Xiao Yuan that enchanting, Xiao Yuan did not know what adventures, now is the master of the great level, but I Big Brother is now promoted to the Great St., and there is also a battle for Shang Xiaoyuan. However, Xiao Yuan seems to have gained a lot of benefits in the ancient battlefield sites, and he has reached the peak of the first-class Grand St. Sheng is only a step away, my big brother is definitely not his opponent, Leo Wei is not even a great saint, let alone, and there is also the genius of the Shengyuan Temple."

Kong Yu quickly said the situation of Kong Yang and Leo Wei, and the two are now at the most critical moment. If the rescue is late, I am afraid that I will only accept the body.

"Go, look at the past."

Jiang Chen did not say anything, and immediately flew away from the depths of the space. He had a very good relationship with the Peacock King. The Peacock King is still helping him to protect the Holy War Dynasty. Kong Yang is the son of the Peacock King. If there is an accident in front of himself. If he can't blame, he will probably face the Peacock King in the future.

Kong Yu wiped a sweat, secretly met Jiang Chen, he knows Jiang Chen's means, as long as Jiang Chen shot, his big brother will be saved.

Deep in the space, before a cave shrouded in formation, a fierce battle is going on, and there are many onlookers around.

There are three people on the battlefield, two of whom are very embarrassed. These two are Kong Yang and Leopard Wei of the Yaozu. Kong Yang is better. He is now a powerful first-class grand priest. Although he can’t beat Xiao Yuan, Xiao It’s basically impossible for Yuan to kill him in a short time, but Leowe will be miserable. Although he has gained huge benefits in the suspended tower, these benefits have not been fully digested. Now The repair is still in the middle of a half-step, and there is still a step away from the true great sanctuary.

At this moment, Leopard Wei, the body is full of blood, the momentum is completely wilting, the whole person is at the end of the strong, there is no power to fight again, Kong Yang's momentum will cover him, try to give him the greatest protection.

"Kong Yang, you fight against me, then there is only one dead road. I heard that your Yaozu and the **** Jiang Chen are a group. Then it is the enemy of Xiao Yuan. I killed two of you today and killed them. The genius of the Yaozu, and once again meet the Jiang Chen, I must smash it."

Xiao Yuan sneered and said that he was at a disadvantage when he was in a downturn with Jiang Chen. It was the biggest shame in his life. Now he has got a huge advantage, his combat power has almost doubled. If he is allowed again In the case of Jiang Chen, he absolutely grasped Jiang Chen to kill.

Not far away, there are still two young people standing on the ground. They are so arrogant and arrogant that they don’t put the whole world in their eyes. Their cultivation is the same as Xiao Yuan, they are the first sacred peaks, but they With one of the most noble identities, that is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

"Xiao Yuan, don't waste time, kill them quickly."

One person said that he was Xiao Cong and was also a member of the Xiao nationality.

"Do not worry, they can't live without one."

Xiao Yuan sneered, and did not put Kong Yang and Leopard Wei in his eyes. In his heart, they are already dead.

"Kong Yang, don't worry about me."

Leopard Wei bite his teeth and said to Kong Yu. He is very aware of the current situation. Kong Yang itself is not an opponent of Xiao Yuan. Now he has to protect himself. In the end, I am afraid that not only can I not protect myself, but my life will also be When he came in, he knew the ability of Kong Yang, the genius of the peacock, and the speed was unparalleled. If Kong Yang wants to escape, there may still be opportunities, but Kong Yang did not escape because he stayed.

"shut up."

Kong Yangtou did not return to scream.

Leopard Wei's eyes were red, and a warm stream was born in his heart. When the inner contradictions of the Yaozu were fierce, he regarded Kong Yang as his biggest rival, but now, Kong Yang is in front of himself.

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