Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 959: Law Enforcement Hall [four more]

Enthusiastically excited, it can be seen that Jiang Chen took advantage of all the scent, which attracted a lot of dissatisfaction.


At the same time, the two stone gates opened at the same time. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, as well as Kong Yang and the ancient winds next door, came out at the same time.

"How come so many people are here, what happened."

Jiang Chen asked with amazement, and the big yellow dog on the side rolled his eyes. This guy is really like, why do so many people appear here, you will not know, just now the door is being smashed, you will not know.

"You are the old dust."

Many people have their eyes on Jiang Chen's body. Xiao Changfeng asked coldly. The masters of the ancient temple also looked at Jiang Chen. It is certain that this person has never seen it. It is really a newcomer, but it is not important. The important thing is that this guy is the ancient temple person, they can't stand by, the internal things inside, outside, unity is still very important.


Jiang Chen nodded.

"I am Xiao Dian Xiao Changfeng, you killed our Xiao Dian, that is a dead end. If you kneel down now, I may give you a happy, no pain for you to die."

Xiao Changfeng said that he was gnashing his teeth.

"It seems that you are a virtue, you always like to let people squat, but in the end they squat down, I kill them because they are looking for something first, because he is not good, they want to kill me, Is it a joke that I will stand here and let them kill?"

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and not light, and he did not put Xiao Changfeng in his eyes. He looked at his calm and self-contained manner. The peerless geniuses of the ancient temple could not help but secretly gave a thumbs up to Jiang Chen. Others did not say that this alone It is admirable. We must know that although Jiang Chen has just been promoted to the second-level sage, Xiao Changfeng is a powerful six-level sage. The gap is unimaginable.

"Sure enough, it seems that it is not polite to deal with such a person. If so, I will kill you directly."

Xiao Changfeng killed a shock and was about to shoot.

"Xiao Changfeng, you don't exist when I am ancient double pool, you want to fight, I will accompany you."

Gu Shuangtan is in front of Jiang Chen, and Xiao Changfeng is opposite.

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter. The master of the ancient temple shot was not expected to disappoint him. At least the ancient hall was very solid outside, and today’s unity has greatly helped the contradictions within the ancient temple. .

"The contradiction between you will be said later, the ancient dust, I will ask you how you can do all the fairy scent."

A genius in the fire hall asked, this question is what many people want to know, especially those powerful genius figures of the six-level Dasheng level. They have not known how long they have cultivated in this tower, and want to absorb the scent. There is only a clumsy way of taking chances, but this guy is able to achieve a wide range of scent. In addition to making people angry, this kind of thing makes people want to know how Jiang Chen did it.

"I didn't do anything. Xianxian took the initiative to run me here. The towers absorb the scent. Everyone relies on air transport. It seems that my air transport is stronger than you. Isn't it a violation of the rules?"

Jiang Chen looked at the genius of the fire.

For a time, many people couldn’t take it anymore. No matter how angry they were, Jiang Chen’s words did not seem to be wrong. For a long time, the people who cultivated in the tower were relying on their own air and who had great luck. There are many sensations that have been absorbed. What happened today, Jiang Chen said that his gas is strong, and there seems to be no problem.

"Haha, you can't do it yourself, but you ran here to scatter wild. There is really no quality. I really look down on you. I am practicing here. Everyone is a skill. You masters can enter the ninth floor to practice. Once you absorb the most scent, and the benefits are also the biggest. It is your skill, and no one is going to find you trouble. Now our air is stronger than you, it is our skill, you are coming here to hang around It’s shameless.”

The mouth of the rhubarb dog is called a powerful one, which directly turns on the taunting mode, and the side of Kong Yang and the ancient winds grin.

"Yes, it makes a lot of sense. It seems that their air transport is too strong, so it is possible to absorb all the scent. This does not seem to violate the rules."

Ying Yunkong nodded and said, this time naturally is to stand with the people of the demon hall, absorb a total of four people, two are demon hall, they have no way to stay out.

"That is, the air transport of this kind of thing, who can say it."

The ancient double pool is a big point, and the invisible middle temple and the demon hall are already standing in a team.

"I don't think this is a gas transportation problem, but the ancient dust deliberately used it. It used some means to forcibly collect all the celestial scent. You know that a vortex is absolutely deliberate."

The genius of Nalan Temple said.

"Yes, it's about everyone's welfare, we must make it clear."

"In my opinion, everyone shot together and forced the ancient dust to say it."

"Yes, it must be like this. Otherwise, every time after the cultivation, he will be gathered and taken away, and we will practice a fart."


The people in the six halls are ironic and will not give up.

"Haha, do you want to fight? We have never been afraid of the demon hall, but you have to think about it. So many of us are playing in the tower, and you may not be able to bear the consequences. I will see if you dare not Dare to shoot first."

The eagle cloud laughed, the genius of the demon hall, the least fear is the battle.

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire tower was tense. There are too many masters here. If the two sides do not give in, then it is a big melee. In this towering battle of this scale, once the tower is destroyed, No one can assume this responsibility.

But the geniuses of the six halls are not willing to let them go through Jiang Chen. They must know that Jiang Chen’s means of gathering the scent is really horrible. If they don’t pursue it today, they will not absorb it again. It is.

Kong Yang and the ancient winds looked at each other, and they couldn’t help but shook their heads. Jiang Chen is not a mixed-race demon. No matter where he goes, there will be countless troubles. No matter where it is, there is no focus of light. The second day of the Holy Order, I made such a big move.

Coupled with a rhubarb dog, it is simply a combination of two swords. Whenever you go, you can think calmly.

"What are you doing in the tower?"

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, a big drink rang from a distance, and three tyrannical figures appeared on the fifth floor. The three were old. The three people exude a sigh of breath and make the whole There is a certain pressure on the fifth floor.

This is the unparalleled master of the three seven-level Grand St. level.

"It’s the law enforcement hall. It seems that things here have alarmed the law enforcement temple."

"It must be because of the immortality. We must know that the tower has existed for such a long time, and there has never been such a thing. It is normal to alarm the law enforcement hall."

"The law enforcement hall is above the Eight Great Halls and has the right to solve all the things in the Shengyuan Temple. The tower is the most important place in the Shengyuan Hall. Now that there is an accident, it is sure to investigate a clear one."


When the people who saw the law enforcement hall arrived, many people showed a trace of fear in their eyes. Even if they were all geniuses, they did not dare to confront the law enforcement hall.

“The fairy in the micro space is charged, who made it.”

When an elder asked, he asked.

"Elders are ancient dust."

Xiao Changfeng pointed his finger at the ancient dust, and his eyes were full of gloating. The elders who spoke just now, they are the people of Xiao Dian, who have a certain position in the law enforcement hall.

"What is the law enforcement hall?"

Jiang Chen’s voice asked Gu Shuangtan.

"The Law Enforcement Hall is an independent temple of the Holy Yuan Temple. It has the right to control all matters of the Shengyuan Temple. In other words, in the Shengyuan Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall has a unique right. The Law Enforcement Hall is elected every three years. The Lord of the Eight Halls I have chosen one to serve as the lord of the law enforcement hall, but it has been for many years. The law enforcement halls are in the hands of Xiao Dian. The distribution of the public resources of the Shengyuan Temple is also the calculation of the law enforcement hall. The old guy who spoke just now is Xiao. The people in the temple."

Gu Shuangtan was sent to Jiang Chen.

Wen Yan said that Jiang Chen’s eyes couldn’t help but feel cold. It seems that the strength of the Eight Halls of the Holy Yuan Temple has begun to tilt. This point can be seen from the fact that Xiao Dian has been in charge of the law enforcement hall. Although the law enforcement hall has gathered eight halls. The people, but the real control, but in the hands of Xiao Dian, thus showing the ambition of the Xiao people.

“Not just the ancient dust, they all absorbed a lot of fairy tales, and everyone was promoted to a level.”

Someone said that they pointed the spear at the same time to the big yellow dog.

"The four of you go with us to the law enforcement hall."

The elder said coldly.

"Elders, the ancient dust can absorb the scent, that is, his gas is strong, the tower is cultivated, and the fight is the air transport. This kind of thing, the law enforcement hall should not be involved."

Gu Shuangtan said, "If the ancient dust is taken away by the law enforcement hall, the fart will be very serious."

"Kids, law enforcement halls do things, but you can't turn your fingertips, ancient dust, you four honestly follow us to the law enforcement hall to explain things clearly."

The tone of the elder is unquestionable.

"Well, I am going with you, but this is what I did alone, and has nothing to do with them."

Jiang Chen said.

"No, take them away."

The elders grabbed a hand, and a wave of air directly wrapped the Jiang Chen four people, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Shuangtan brother, the ancient dust they were taken away by the law enforcement hall, what to do now, will it be dangerous."

Gu Yong asked with some concerns.

"I can't manage that much. I'm going to tell this to the Lord, the place where the law enforcement hall is, is not a good place."

After the ancient Shuangtan finished, he flew away in the direction of the ancient temple. At the same time, the eagle cloud also flew to the demon hall. They did not have the right to interfere with law enforcement in the law enforcement court, but some people could.

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