Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 963: Pit man

Jiang Chen himself came from the pure land. The whole pure land. There are so many people who have the best real stone. Only Jiang Chen. and. The number of five billion is too amazing. Xiao Tianwang will definitely check the source. By then, his identity will be directly exposed.

and. In Jiang Chen’s view. There is no suspense in this gamble. Xiao Yitang will die. He is now trying to win the most benefits for the ancient temple. Improve the reputation of the ancient temple. Now I can see that Xiao Tianwang dare not gamble. Five billion exchange for the main position of the law enforcement hall for three years. This is a big gamble. He believes that Xiao Tianwang will not let it go.


really. I heard a huge sum of five billion. Even the three giants were shocked. Five billion Saint Yuan Dan. That is not a joke. Even their own body. There is not so much wealth. five billion. This bet is indeed not small.

Then the problem is coming. Jiang Chen is a kid from pure land. Where did you get five billion yuan? Even the wealth of the entire ancient tribe adds up. I am afraid there are not so many.

"Kids. Don't talk big. Where do you get five billion yuan from the Yuanyuan Dan. Bet with this seat. You dare to come to the virtual."

Xiao Tianwang looked at Jiang Chen coldly. He absolutely does not believe that Jiang Chen can take out five billion yuan. This is simply a matter of Arabian Nights...

"If I can get it out."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"If you can take it out, this seat will bet with you."

Xiao Tianwang immediately said. first. He does not believe that Jiang Chen can come up with so many Saint Yuan Dan. Come. If it will be really taken out. He would rather gamble with the other party. His strength for Xiao Yitang. Still very confident.

Jiang Chen did not speak. He waved his hand. A small space has evolved on its own. A strong force overflowed from it. Everyone’s eyes looked over. I saw that space. A mountain that is completely deposited with medicinal herbs.

The entire mountain is full of golden light. That one has a fist-sized medicinal herb. It is not what Saint Yuan Dan is. Take their eyesight. Not only can we see that these are all Saint Yuan Dan. You can also see the quantity in it. five billion. Only a lot more.

"Oh my God. So many Saint Yuan Dan. And I feel that these Saint Yuan Dan exudes a very pure taste. It is more horrible than the general Saint Yuan Dan. It is a good medicine."

"This is the second level of the **** area. How can there be such a huge amount of wealth. This is not what I saw. I will not believe in killing."

"Five billions of holy Yuan Dan. This is a very expensive resource."


Everyone was shocked. The people present are high-ranking grand priests. What has not been seen. More remedies have been seen. But this five billion is Saint Yuan Dan. Not Tianyuan Dan. What is even more shocking to them is. A small second-level sage has such a huge amount of wealth. This is simply amazing.

"This kid."

The ancient sky smiled. It is also difficult to hide the shock.


Jiang Chen’s arm waved again. Shengyuan Dan disappeared.

"Xiao Tianwang. You saw it. I didn't lie. I once broke into a ruin. I got a treasure house. These medicinal herbs are all obtained from it. Five billion. Just a lot."

Jiang Chen said. He naturally does not have so many Saint Yuan Dan. The mountain that was just deposited by the medicinal herbs. Only the outermost is Saint Yuan Dan. All of them are the best real stone. But the two are mixed together. The breath that comes out. More pure than the average Saint Yuan Dan. So even with the eyesight of Xiao Tianwang and Gu Cangwu. There is no doubt about Jiang Chen.

"Old dust. Is this bet a bit big? Are you sure?"

The ancient sky was sent to Jiang Chen. He came here this time to protect Jiang Chen. I did not expect Jiang Chen to support the Tianpeng King with his own support. Counting Xiao Tian Wang came. This point makes him look down on Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Tianwang. How about. Gambling does not gamble."

Jiang Chen asked.

Xiao Tian Wang's brow is close. He looked at Xiao Yitang. Said faintly: "One. Is it sure?"

Xiao Yitang clenched his fist. A buzzing sound. There are two cold eyes in his eyes: "The Lord is relieved. I will kill him."

Xiao Yitang is also very confident. He does not believe that he can't take a second-level sage. and. If he says no one now. Retired. That is the person who lost the Xiao Temple. Also lost the people of Xiao Tianwang. There is no need to mix again later. Therefore, he must do his best to deal with Jiang Chen. To win this bet. if that's the case. Not only did Xiao Tang find his face. Revenge for Xiao Yilang. He also won a huge fortune of 5 billion for Xiao Dian. Then he is the hero of Xiao Dian. Since then, it has an extraordinary status.

bet. Why not gamble. Life is always betting. Sometimes I gamble with my own life. Winning a skyrocketing. Lost nothing.

"Good. Ancient dust. This seat will gamble with you. If I lose. The position of the master of the law enforcement temple is given to the ancient sky. If you lose. Five billion yuan Yuan Dan is ours. And your life. ""

Xiao Tianwang immediately agreed. As the owner of the temple of Xiao. This is still awesome. If you twist and pinch. Scared by a junior. It is inevitable that people will look down.

"Come on."

Jiang Chen’s body swayed. Directly entered the battlefield. He is black and open. The momentum is unparalleled. Turning his head and yelling at Xiao Yitang: "Xiao Yitang. Come over."

"court death."

Xiao Yitang is murderous. In the blink of an eye also entered the battlefield. Standing on the opposite side of Jiang Chen.

"Oh. This time even Xiao Tianwang was pitted by the kid."

The rhubarb dog is dark and refreshing. He is too familiar with Jiang Chen. This guy never plays with the shackles of uncertainty. And must get some benefits. more importantly. How strong is Jiang Chen’s strength. The rhubarb dog knows too. Although Xiao Yitang is the cultivation of the fourth-grade Dasheng Peak. But it is not enough for Jiang Chen to kill. If Jiang Chen is in the state of dragon transformation. To kill Xiao Yitang. It is directly spiked.

Within a hundred miles of the battlefield. Jiang Chen and Xiao Yitang stand opposite each other. The body exudes a strong murderousness. Xiao Yitang’s momentum has risen steadily. Be ready to shoot.

"The ancient sky. Now is a fair decisive battle. We are not allowed to step into this battlefield. No one can interfere with the battle between the two."

Xiao Tianwang said with a smile on the ancient sky.

"That is of course. But Xiao Tianwang. You are so confident that Xiao Yitang can win. If Xiao Yitang is defeated, don't forget to hand over the position of the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall."

The ancient sky said.

"Haha. This kind of words. Do you believe it yourself?"

Xiao Tianwang laughed. As a powerful nine-level grand priest. As the owner of the temple of Xiao. He has seen too many geniuses. I know more about the gap between the Second Great and the Fourth Great. Jiang Chen is even more genius. I want to beat Xiao Yitang across two levels. That is also impossible.

Perhaps Jiang Chen can defeat or even kill the general four-level holy. But definitely not the opponent of Xiao Yitang.

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