Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 965: glory

He is a high-ranking Xiao Tianwang. He doesn’t know how long he hasn’t been angry, because no one has ever dared to make himself angry, but today is not just irritating, it’s so grievous and depressed. Going crazy.

Was played, was played by a kid, and he Xiao Tian Wang actually planted a big heel in a junior's hand, shameful, if it was spread out, his face did not know where to put it, and the supreme power was seriously Provocation and loss.

However, Xiao Tianwang knows that this matter will soon be spread out and passed to every corner of the Shengyuan Hall. Even if he is Xiao Tianwang, there is no way to block the spread of this news.

"Xiao Tianwang, in your capacity, is absolutely impossible to say and not believe. Since you are betting with the ancient dust, you are willing to gamble and lose. The position of the law enforcement hall is also changed. You Xiao Tianwang After sitting for so long, it is estimated that you should be tired."

Tianpeng Wang said in a serious way, the typical standing and speaking does not hurt, Xiao Tian Wang really has an impulse to rush to pick up this Dapeng bird.

I haven’t waited for Xiao Tianwang to speak, and Tianpeng Wang is a serious and clinging fist to the ancient sky: “Old, congratulations.”

"Haha, with the same hi, everyone is their own, or the position of the main lord, let's sit together."

"That is not suitable. The position of the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall has always been sitting alone. How can two people sit together?"

"Tianpeng brothers are not polite, they can't do it before. Now it is OK. I am now the master of the law enforcement temple. I have the final say. In the future, this law enforcement hall will come together."

"How is this so..."


Looking at these two old guys singing and sharing, the law enforcement hall has been completely regarded as their own home, everyone is a look of horror, even Jiang Chen can not help but cracked the crack, today is finally to see what is called not Face.

The ancient sky and the king of Tianpeng are afraid of the air and do not die. Xiao Tianwang, from the time of consideration, how to manage the law enforcement hall, and prepare to reform the law enforcement hall.


Xiao Tian Wang Tong with a red eyes and a roar, the mother of a xipi, can't stand it, he feels that he is about to explode, he is the master of this law enforcement temple, even if he loses, his own people are still here, so you both The **** waited for Laozi to go and replenish it. When it was really a face, the position of the law enforcement hall was robbed, and it was changed from one person to two. The two guys here are shamelessly discussing reforms. The law enforcement hall is also very serious.

This is really going to kill people.

"Xiao Tianwang, willing to gamble and lose, put the token of the law enforcement hall out."

The ancient sky can not only have Xiaotianwang vomiting blood, but directly stretched out his hand. On the side of Tianpeng Wang, his face was gloating. For the performance of ancient sky and Tianpeng Wang, Jiang Chen was very satisfied, as long as these two guys Being able to come together, the ancient temple and the demon hall are completely united.

Xiao Tian’s temper trembling, but there is no way. His identity is there, he is not allowed to lie, and Xiaotang Wang, if he can’t even cash a bet, then he can’t just lose the temple. The main position, there is a world name.

"Give you."

Xiao Tianwang took a glimpse of it, and a golden light flew out and was caught by the ancient sky. It was a golden token with the words law enforcement on it. It was the token that ruled the law enforcement temple. The law enforcement hall is one piece, and only the lord is qualified to own it.

Later, Xiao Tianwang’s eyes looked at Jiang Chen, and he did not hide his killing intentions. Such a genius made him unable to bear the heart of sorrow. If Jiang Chen is the person of their Xiao Dian, how good it is, but unfortunately not .

Xiao Tianwang’s body slowly disappeared and disappeared. He is no longer the master of the law enforcement temple. If he stays here, he will only find himself unhappy.

The entire law enforcement hall has been shaken up. Since the establishment of the law enforcement hall, the position of the main hall has been elected every three years, and there has never been a bet. Today, it is finally a knowledge. The elders of the ancient temple are happy. He ran to the ancient sky and congratulated him.

"Congratulations to the Lord, He Xi Dian, our ancient temple finally took control of the law enforcement hall."

"Yeah, the ancient temple is really proud today, old dust, you are so good, we have such a genius in the ancient temple, and the future will definitely be more brilliant."

"Yes, the second level of the ancient dust, you can kill the genius of the fourth-level Dasheng level, this is the enchanting of the sky, and he can absorb all the scent in the tower, the air is also prosperous Jiang Chen will become a great instrument, and it is the blessing of our ancient temple."


The elders of the ancient temple were very proud, but some people were not happy. The elders of Xiao Dian were depressed to the extreme. Today is really wrong. It was originally to punish the ancient dust. I did not expect that the ancient dust was not punished, but also lost the law enforcement hall. position.

"The law enforcement hall is used for law enforcement, but it is not your ancient temple."

The elder of Xiao Dian who came with Jiang Chen before said that he was very angry.

However, his voice just fell, the ancient sky turned to look at him, coldly said: "You, now has been dismissed, immediately rolled out of the law enforcement hall."


The elders stared at each other and made a joke, saying that dismissal was dismissal.

"The Lord is here, how can you speak, let you roll and roll, you just disrespected the Lord, it is a big rebellion, and dismissal is already the lightest punishment."

The ancient sky and the big hand waved, and an air wave hit the elder of the Xiao Dian, and directly pulled it out of the hall.

"The guy is really arrogant."

The rhubarb dog couldn’t help but whisper.

"That is, of course, as a giant, you can have no strength."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders, and the ancient figures like the ancient sky were a bit tempered. The elders of Xiao Dian did not have long eyes. They ran into the muzzle. The new official had three fires, let alone the ancient sky.

"Okay, the law enforcement hall is still in accordance with the previous, this seat will often come to see, the ancient dust, go, follow me back."

Xiao Tianwang said that a wave of air would wrap Jiang Chen and then disappeared.

Subsequently, Tianpeng Wang also left with the big yellow dog and Kong Yang. The ancient winds left the law enforcement hall and went to the direction of the ancient temple.

In the ancient temple, in a void space, a palace was built. This is where the ancient sky is. There is no permission from him on weekdays. The average person can't get in. Now, he brought Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you have earned a face for our ancient temple today, so that Laozi has been greatly refreshed. You have such a talent in your childhood, it is a miracle."

The ancient sky was extremely satisfied with Jiang Chen. He called Jiang Zhen’s real name, not the ancient dust. It is obvious that Jiang Chen’s identity has already been known.

In this case, Jiang Chen is no longer hidden, and the facial muscles are distorted and become the original look.

"I did this by the power of the lord. If the lord does not appear, I am afraid there is no chance at all. Xiao Tianwang has a hundred ways to kill me."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Haha, you have a kind of kid. You are doing the earth-shattering things in the Pure Land. Gu Xuantian has already told me. I heard that you are still the son-in-law of the ancients. That is the people of our ancient people. Today you are practicing. The tower helped the ancient temple people to absorb all the immortality, which made the ancient temple Shengwei shocked. Now even the position of the law enforcement temple master has been won, and the face of Xiao Tianwang has been swept away. You are now the ancient temple. Great hero, I believe that after the news comes out, the ancient hall will know you up and down, and your future status in the ancient temple will also rise."

The ancient sky said with a smile, Jiang Chen's performance today, he really satisfied him, he has not known how long it has not been so refreshing.

"The power of Xiao Dian is getting bigger and bigger, and the ambition is great. The balance of the eight majors will be broken sooner or later. Our ancient temple must be in the first place, and it must be united with the demon hall. Xiao Dian is getting stronger and stronger these years. You can know why. ""

Jiang Chen asked.

"Xiao Dian is indeed getting stronger and stronger, especially their younger generation, which is more powerful than the younger generation of the other seven. They seem to have access to resources we can't get. This is not just because of Xiao Dian. The reason for controlling the law enforcement hall is definitely that there are reasons we don't know. I have also investigated it, but I have not investigated it, but the ambition of Xiao Dian has already been revealed. You are right, the balance of the eight majors is very good. It’s about to be broken, and if we can unite with the demon hall, that’s a good choice.”

The ancient sky said, for Jiang Chen, he is still very confident. At the beginning, Gu Xuantian said that the hope of the future of the ancients was not in the hands of Jiang Chen, but he really believed after seeing it today.

"This is not for the time being, but now there is a matter of urgency to do well, that is to solve the internal contradictions of the ancient temple. Inside the Eight Great Halls, the demon hall is the best. There is basically no internal contradiction. We don’t care about other temples. Our ancient temple must resolve this internal contradiction. Otherwise, this contradiction will affect the entire future of the ancient temple."

Jiang Chen said with great solemnity.

"You are right, but this contradiction has not been solved, but your appearance has made this contradiction come to the surface, and what you are doing in the refining tower is of great help in resolving internal contradictions. Now you have made great contributions to the ancient temple and helped the ancient temple to achieve supreme glory. Therefore, it is best for you to resolve this contradiction. I believe that you have already solved the problem. In addition, your ancient refining The battle between the two can be canceled. You are now a second-class sage. Even Xiao Yitang has been killed by you. It is basically meaningless to fight with ancient refining."

The ancient sky said.


Jiang Chen immediately denied.

[Thanks to 137,575 brothers for their red envelopes, and tomorrow, add more, today is too busy,] the book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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