Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 976: The mad tyrant is boundless [three more]

The strong arrogance of the tyrants rushed out from the body of Jiang Dust like a frenzy. He stood there, and his body was full of arrogance. He was black and open, holding a dragon sword, just like a **** of war, and dazzling People dare not face up.

Dozens of six-level great saints have already given Jiang Chen a strong siege. The voids have become viscous, and they have been completely sealed. Even the slightest gap has not been left. The comprehensive array of the heavens is filled with air. Exudes a ray of light, and the faces of each of the dozens of six-level sages are full of tension and solemn color, which shows their fear of Jiang Chen and the kind of murder.

"Little dust, it looks very powerful."

Seeing such a scene, Han Yan could not help but swear.

"Crap, dozens of six-level grand priests united to arrange a comprehensive array of heavens, can you not be awesome, A Yan, you are not hurt by the injury, first enter the ancestral tower to heal, these people handed it to me." ”

Jiang Chen said.

"Zulong Tower."

Han Yan is puzzled, but this does not blame him. Jiang Chen got the news of the Zulong Tower, and Han Yan did not know that it was normal.

Jiang Chen tore open a hole in the Zulong Tower, let the cold Yan go in, the coldness at the moment, seriously injured, plus repair is not very strong, there is no advantage in such a large array, it is likely to even yourself The life is all put in.

"Jiang Chen, show your transformation, you have to look at this seat, you are the strength of one person, how to fight with the big battle."

Xiao Yun’s weather is skyrocketing, and the comprehensive array of the heavens is perfectly arranged. This makes him feel relieved. Today’s Jiang Chen is too difficult to deal with, and can kill any one of them, including him Xiao Yuntian, so, If you want to kill Jiang Chen today, you can only use it if you are trapped by Jiang Chen.

We must know that these dozens of people in front of us are the tops of the middle and high ranks of the Pure Land. They are the real peaks. Dozens of them are united together to display the comprehensive array of typhoons. The horrible power is even a powerful level seven. The Great St. is trapped in it, and it is impossible to retreat from the whole body.

"To deal with you, you don't need to change."

Jiang Chen’s sword screamed in his hand, and all of his body overflowed with strong self-confidence.

"Hurricane, this seat kills you."

Xiao Yuntian shouted, his momentum began to climb, and the effort between the blink of an eye climbed to an extremely horrible level. At this moment, the skills of dozens of six-level grand priests were all integrated into him, let him The strength of the battle does not know how much to improve.

"Cracking the gods claws."

Xiao Yuntian’s voice is like a thunderous thunder. All his strengths have evolved into a huge and majestic wild animal. The wild beast has only one form, no facial features, and can’t see clearly, but one is very clear. The claws, the terrible claws, the claws of the gods, will be torn apart.

This is the strong warfare skills of the Xiao people, at least the peak of the holy-level combat skills, compared to the previous Jiuyang Xuan finger of Jiang Chen, not inferior.

Jiang Chen’s face changed slightly. He knew this skill very well. When he and the Xiao’s ancestors battled, the other side was the discoloration of the heaven and earth. If this powerful combat skill was only applied from Xiao Yuntian’s hands. If you come, Jiang Chen will not be able to break it directly, but now Xiao Yuntian combines the skills of dozens of six-level masters. The power of the claws of the gods is tyrannical, even if it is Jiang Chen. Do not take it seriously.

"It's too strong. The power of the comprehensive array of the heavens is unpredictable. This trick combines all the skills of dozens of great saints. Even if I am right, I am afraid it will be dead. Jiang Chen has a lot of support this time."

Gu Xuantian said with great concern.

"Yes, Jiang Chen is too confident, and should not let them arrange the big array successfully. That is the combination of dozens of six-level grand priests. What a horror, even if a powerful seven-level sage is caught in it, I am afraid it will be a life of nine deaths. what."

The face of the wolf is not very good-looking. He and Gu Xuantian’s thoughts are the same. Jiang Chen’s savvy person is actually a little big today. With Jiang Chen’s ability to kill the sixth-level grand priest, he can do it. If you don’t give the other party a chance to make a big battle, now they are caught in a big battle and they are also in an embarrassed place.

However, a smashing force rushed out of Jiang Chen's body. The stronger the enemy, the more excited he was. The claws of the gods did not make Jiang Chen fear or discourage. The whole man's momentum was violent.

"Five elements of the dragon seal."

Jiang Chen burst into a loud, powerful five-line battle dragon print completely released, more than a dozen colorful dragons like the real wilderness of the ancient dragons, the moment the battlefield is faint.


Under the horror of everyone, the five elements of the dragon seal and the scorpion claws collided together, such a powerful impact, so that the sturdy and sturdy space around is about to be torn.


The five elements of the dragon seal were destroyed by the horrible cracked gods claws. Jiang Chen wowed a blood and his face was very pale. In the previous collision, he did suffer a trace of trauma, but this is as he expected. After the integration of the great array of Mi Tian, ​​Xiao Yuntian's shot is equivalent to the seven-level Grand St. in the shot, with the strength of the Jiang Dian three-level Grand St., is not the opponent of the seven-level Grand St., unless the display of the dragon.

"Look, Jiang Chen is hurt, he can't."

"Haha, this guy is too arrogant, and dare to confront so many six-level sacred priests. Isn't this a death? This is a terrible synthesis. The first move has made Jiang Chen a serious injury. It seems that he is today. It must be dead."

"You must kill him. This guy is too horrible. If you can't kill it, Jiang Chen will become a big problem."


The people of the six ethnic groups saw Jiang Chen injured, and all of them cheered up. The power of Jiang Chen has left a shadow that they have hard to erase. In today, Jiang Chen once again appeared to kill four six-level grand priests, even more scared. Broken everyone.

"Everyone continues to work hard and will take this one step."

Xiao Yuntian was also excited. The other six-level grand priests were also delighted. When they saw Jiang Chen coming up, they were hurt. They felt a long sigh of relief. At least let them know that Jiang Chen was not strong enough to resist. The point.

"Hey, do you think that this will hurt me? I just want to see how much this tyrannical complex is tyrannical. If so, I will be welcome. Everyone here today will die."

Jiang Chen snorted and immediately gave a dragon scorpion and displayed the body of the dragon. His eyes are blood red, with a bloodthirsty taste. When you look at people, you will be like an abyss. His power is doubled. The soaring is ten times stronger than before.

And this is not a big deal. After all, Xiao Yuntian knows that Jiang Chen possesses this transformational skill, so he didn’t feel too much shock, but what really made them unable to stand was that Jiang Chen’s injury recovered quickly. The guy had just suffered the injury under the claw of the **** of the celestial gods. The effort between the blink of an eye was completely restored. According to their eyesight, it is impossible to see that Jiang Chen is at the peak of the moment, and his body has a little bit of injury. No, it’s like nothing.

"Mother's, how can there be such a terrible recovery speed, what kind of enchanting this guy is."

"Damn, this kind of resilience is too fast. Some of the blows we made with our skillful efforts did not pose any threat to him. If this continues, we will not kill him if we are exhausted."

"The injury has recovered too quickly. Now, the transformation skills that have been applied have increased the combat power by ten times. It is really difficult to kill him. It seems that we have to fight for it."


Xiao Yuntian, they all have the urge to spurt blood. They know all the means and chassis of Jiang Chen. Even the powerful transformation skills are within their expected range, and they are not afraid because they have a comprehensive array of With great self-confidence, as long as Jiang Chen is constantly injured, the combat power will be consumed a little bit. They can use this powerful big array, even if it is consumption, they can kill Jiang Chen, but what they did not expect is that Jiang Chen’s ability to repair the injury has reached the point where he is so horrified that he is unacceptable.

Naturally, they can't know that this injury is simply fur for Jiang Chen. With the constant transformation of Hualong, the ability of Jiang Chen to repair itself is stronger, and the more horrible wood spirit, It is simply to create an immortal body for Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Yuntian, you can try again."

Jiang Chen is boundless.

"Cracking the gods claws."

Xiao Yuntian screamed, once again hit the cracked gods claws, the huge wilderness of the beasts and the huge horrible claws once again emerged, shrouded toward Jiang Chen suddenly.

At the moment when the claws of the gods were displayed, Jiang Chen also moved. He stepped out five steps in a lightning-like manner. Each step gave a hollow to the hole, and the fifth step just stepped on the claw of the god.


Just listening to the bang, under the strong pressure of the five steps of Canglong, the claws of the celestial gods were instantly torn and turned into pieces. Xiao Yuntian’s body swayed, and the whole cyber comprehensive squad swayed. Everyone’s face was big. Changed up, you must know that this is the union of dozens of six-level sacred priests, and Jiang Chenlong suddenly became violent and unsuccessful, directly smashing their attacks, but also shocked the big squad itself.

"Haha, Xiao Yuntian, Shi Tiantian, Nalan Changtian, you all shot together, let me see how big your ability is. I have a hundred ways to crack your meditation and big array, but today, I only use one, that is, to break you up and to break up all your skills."

Jiang Chen laughed wildly.

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