Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 996: Big curse

The fluctuations from the outside can be heard, the battle between Nalan Yu and the Mozu genius Samba is very intense, but this fierceness only lasted for a few minutes and the outside void returned to calm.

"Haha, Nalan Yu must have killed Samba, the old brother, the Edean of the Law Enforcement Hall should be ready?"

Nalan Yunhe, the master of the Nalan Temple, laughed happily. He was very confident in Nalan Yu. In his opinion, a genius of the Mozu, how would it be the opponent of Nalan Yu, Nalan Yu killed this time. The genius of the Mozu, the growth of the human race, it is a great contribution, not only has won an award of an elixir, in the future will stand out among the many geniuses, but also give them Nalan people greatly increased their faces.

"Of course, Xiandan is ready, as long as Nalan Yu kills Samba, Xiandan is his."

The ancient sky nodded and said.

"It's a pity that Nalan Yu took the lead. I don't know if the Mozu has any genius to come to challenge. If there is, I must shoot and not give other people a chance."

"Nalan Yu’s luck is really good for his mother. If she is so relaxed, she will get an elixir. If he is promoted to the seventh-level grand priest in a short time, it will be a pity to compare me."

"Don't be too happy, the ending doesn't know, maybe Nalan Yu is killed by the Mozu genius."


The geniuses who were present were all moved up. Many people were secretly annoyed. They felt that they had lost a great opportunity to make a name for themselves. They should have taken the lead before Nalan Yu, and they did not get a reputation. They also got an elixir.

There were smiles on the faces of the high-rises of Nalan Temple. The Sanyuan Continent had just had a truce with the Mozu. Their family had publicly killed the genius of a Mozu, but it greatly improved the morale of the Terran. Not to mention, what kind of face is Nalan Hall.

Just then, a little monk walked in hastily, with a hint of fear on his face.

"Not good, not good, Nalan Shizhu was killed."

The little monk said eagerly that he had witnessed the process of killing Nalan Yu, and he couldn’t help but be scared.

"what did you say?"

Nalan Yunhe Huo stood up from the seat, and all the masters of Nalan Temple changed instantly. The smile on some faces was frozen. The news was simply to beat the face of Nalan Temple. Just now they also vowed to conclude that Nalan Feather killed Samba, and Nalan Yunhe also opened the ancient sky to Xiandan, but did not expect it would be the end.

"Nalan Shizhu was killed by the samba."

The little monk tried hard again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Yu is a genius of the Nalan people, and the cultivation of the sixth-level sacred peak, even if the general seven-level sacred is not enough for him to kill, how can he die so quickly? In the hands of a six-level demon?"

A middle-aged man in Nalan Temple is very emotional. I can't believe this is true. He is the father of Nalan Yu. Nalan Yu can be said to be the greatest pride of his life. Now he is proud of his son. It was killed by people, which made him feel how to suffer.

"That's true, that samba is too horrible. I don't know what magical skills I have cultivated. I will directly eat the Nalan Shizhu, and there is no bone."

The little monk witnessed the scene with his own eyes. It was too fierce. Nalan Yu of the sixth-grade Dasheng was eaten at once.


This time, the whole audience was amazed, everyone’s face changed, not only the people of Nalan Hall, but also the masters of the other seven halls. The devil’s emergence of such a dazzling genius is not a good thing. Although the relationship between the Eight Great Halls is not very good, and the competition between them is constant, but the other seven people have to admit the skills of Nalan Yu, this person can definitely be called the young generation of the Shengyuan Temple. Now, even Nalan Yu is not the opponent of Samba, then what kind of samba should be.

“How can this be good?”

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple frowned.

"You, this war is related to the morale of both sides, the genius of our Terran was killed by the genius of the Mozu, which greatly lost our popularity. The Mozu is fighting against us in a morale. Once the morale is lost, It is very unfavorable to us, and if the entire San Yuan Temple can't find a young man against Samba, the Shengyuan Hall will become the laughing stock of the whole world, not only the Mozu will laugh at us, even the Holy The people of the Yuan dynasty will also look down on us and feel that our Shengyuan Hall is a vain name, and which genius is willing to kill this samba."

The tone of the ancient sky has become solemn. Many people know in their hearts that the battle between them and Samba is definitely not just as simple as the contest of the younger generation. This is related to the reputation of the Holy Yuan Temple and even the fate of the entire battle.

Every genius is silent for a time. Many people think about their own skills. They think that compared with Nalan Yu, they will not be strong. If that is the case, it will be a life of nine deaths. No one wants to make a joke about their own lives.

"Is there no one in the younger generation of the Holy Yuan Temple? Whoever wants to kill the samba, the law enforcement hall is willing to come up with two elixir."

The ancient sky was shocked, and the number of elixir was extremely limited even in the law enforcement hall. Two of them were used as rewards at once, and there was never a thing in the history of the temple.

"I will meet him."

A young man stood up, not someone else. It was the ancient temple genius Gu Shuangtan. After he stood up, he immediately walked outside the hall. Everyone saw a manifestation of death from his face. The people of the ancient temple They all looked at him with a respectful look. In fact, people knew in their hearts that even if the two elixir rewards, it would not be important to their own lives. You must know that Samba can kill Nalan Yu to Gu Shuangtan. I will not be able to ask for anything cheaper, but I will be killed.

Gu Shuangtan is only for the dignity of the ancient temple. This is the battle for dignity. Now the ancient sky sitting on it is the master of the ancient temple. The ancient temple is not in the first place. Who is in the first place.

"Go, let's go out and see, this room has to look at this, the so-called Mozu genius, what is the strong position."

The ancient sky has stood up from the seat, and other people have also left the seats. In the blink of an eye, all the people have come out of the Great Leiyin Temple. The void outside the hundred miles of the Great Leiyin Temple has been swept by the war. The void has become A chaotic battlefield, the wolf smokes, and moves.

At this moment, there is a young man wearing a black robe. This person is extremely tall and strong. It looks like two meters high. The tiger's back is bearded, his face is covered with magic lines, his lips are black and purple, and his eyes are like snakes. Incomparably scary.

"This person is samba."

A small monk from the Great Leiyin Temple said.

Everyone's eyes noticed the samba. On the surface, this samba's cultivation is only a six-level magical peak, and there is no difference between Nalan Yu, but he can kill Nalan Yu, let Nalan Feather has no bones, which is enough to show the strength of the other side.

Gu Shuangtan held a long sword and his body came to the front of Samba.

"Hey, come one more to die, your people are really fallen. The younger generation has no one is my opponent. If you kneel down and give me a hoe, I will spare you a life."

Samba looked at the ancient double pool, said gloomy.

"Do not talk nonsense, do it."

Gu Shuangtan was originally a deadly posture. It is impossible to kneel down and squat. If the genius of the Terran squats, the dignity of the Terran will be completely lost.


Gu Shuangtan took the lead in moving, and the long sword in his hand turned into a Tianhe River, and came to Samba in the blink of an eye.


Samba snorted, his hands waved, the infinite magic waves rolled out, turned into a black magic wheel, the huge magic wheel and the ancient sword of the ancient double pool collided together, wiping out a large spark.

"Hurricane is also Barcelona..."

Then, in the mouth of Samba, a large number of magic words were issued. These magic words are old and difficult to understand. They turn into black characters and rush to the sky. These magic words are like some ancient spells. Uncomfortable to the incomparable.

Everyone saw that under the impact of these spells, Gu Shuangtan’s eyes appeared a short sluggishness.

"No, this is the great curse of the Mozu. This ancient spell that doesn't know how long it has disappeared has reappeared in the world."

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple had a bad passage. After seeing the spell cast by Samba, even with his heart, he couldn’t help but exclaim.


Sure enough, just after the abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple said it was not good, Samba’s body began to change. He became a huge troll of ancient times, and he was a hundred feet in size. He opened his mouth and opened his mouth. Around the mouth, there are curses everywhere, and the powerful curse directly evolves into a field. When Gu Shuangtan has not reacted, it will be swallowed up.


The old man of the ancient temple shouted.

The magic wave rolled, and soon recovered calm. Samba appeared again, but the ancient double pool has disappeared. It is obvious that Gu Shuangtan and Nalan Yu were swallowed by Samba, and they can obviously feel it. After samba ate the ancient double pool, the breath was stronger than before.

"A horrible curse, this spell can evolve a horrible demon domain, and the people who enter it will be deeply affected. Like entering a illusion, there will be a short-lived loss. If you can't think of a way to crack this spell, How many people will die?"

Xiao Tianwang said.

Many people are shocked, especially the geniuses of the younger generation. Everyone's face is full of fear. This samba is terrible, and the horrible curse has almost no flaws.

"This is an ancient big curse. It has disappeared countless loads. I didn't expect it to appear again."

The master of the Great Leiyin Temple is also ugly.

"Don't you have a big Leiyin Temple to fight against this big curse?"

The ancient sky looked at the abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple.

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