Chapter 906

It was no surprise that news of accepting the challenge caused another uproar in the Tianyuan Region . The bordering lands cast over countless gazes, hoping to figure out a little more about this very meaningful challenge .

For the other factions, although the unyielding manner in which the Tianyuan Region accepted the challenge appeared quite impressive, some of the sharper individuals felt that it was a rash decision . After all, in a manner of speaking, their acceptance was equivalent to using one's weakness to attack an opponent's strong suit .

The Tri-Mountain Alliance was clearly prepared and confident in Chen Xuandong . His ranking on the Divine Dwelling List also surpassed Zhou Yuan's . To be blunt, Lu Xiao likely did not have the qualifications to face Chen Xuandong, so even though Zhou Yuan had defeated Lu Xiao, Zhou Yuan likewise did not have the qualifications either .

Once Zhou Yuan lost the battle, the Tianyuan Region would lose a massive amount of face .

Placing the reputation of a region on a single Divine Dwelling stage practitioner was not very wise .

Moreover, chief pavilion master Zhou Yuan had delayed the fight by a month, which made him appear lacking in confidence . Was he hoping for some breakthrough at the final moment? It was said that the chief pavilion master had only unlocked seven Divine Dwellings so far . Although his potential would turn into true strength when he unlocked the final two Divine Dwellings and no longer needed to fear Chen Xuandong, time waited for no man .

Others would not foolishly wait for you to grow up before challenging you .

Of course, there were naturally some voices supporting the decision . They felt that the Tianyuan Region was confident since they had dared to accept the challenge . As for which new dark horse was stronger, one would only know the answer once Chen Xuandong and Zhou Yuan clashed!

However, the voices in support were the minority . After all, Zhou Yuan's ranking on the Divine Dwelling List was lower than Chen Xuandong's, and the Divine Dwelling List had always been very accurate .

When the Tianyuan Region's conditions for accepting the challenge entered the Tri-Mountain Alliance's ears, the super dark horse Chen Xuandong immediately responded with two simple words .

"Ready anytime . "

Simple and confident .

. . .

The four pavilions were likewise in an uproar due to the matter . However, in the face of an external threat, everyone, even the Heavenly Spirit Sect disciples, temporarily put aside their differences to stand against the common enemy . After all, everyone understood that Zhou Yuan was currently the leader of their generation of Divine Dwelling stage practitioners .

If he lost to Chen Xuandong, it would be a tremendous blow to their reputation .

Thus, even the Heavenly Spirit Sect disciples did not wish to see Zhou Yuan defeated .

All four pavilions were cheering for their chief pavilion master .

The chief pavilion building .

Yi Qiushui's and Ye Bingling's expressions were somewhat grave as they gazed at the crazy ruckus outside . After a long time, Ye Bingling asked in a low voice, "Where's Zhou Yuan?"

"He's been in secluded cultivation for the past two months . " Yi Qiushui sighed softly . She never imagined that Zhou Yuan would receive such a dangerous challenge so quickly after assuming the chief pavilion master position . Chen Xuandong was far more dangerous than Lu Xiao .

Ye Bingling gritted her teeth and said, "The Tri-Mountain Alliance is going more and more overboard . "

A top-tier faction challenging one of the nine regions was honestly very rare in Hunyuan Heaven . Hence, the members of the Tianyuan Region felt both offended and angered .

"What did Zhou Yuan say? I heard he accepted the challenge on his own accord?" Worry tinged Ye Bingling's voice .

Although the Tri-Mountain Alliance was loathsome, their ploy was indeed too cunning . After all, if both sides were to fight, the Tianyuan Region would not fear the Tri-Mountain Alliance in terms of Law Domain stage or Nascent Source stage numbers . However, the Tri-Mountain Alliance just had to jab them in their weakness: the Divine Dwelling stage .

With regards to the Divine Dwelling stage, even members of the Tianyuan Region had no choice but to admit that they had not done well over the past few years .

Yi Qiushui gave a slight nod . She already found out everything from her grandfather . Zhou Yuan had indeed accepted the challenge letter .

Yi Qiushui slowly said, "Zhou Yuan is no fool . This matter is very important, and he wouldn't easily accept the challenge if he didn't have a plan . "

Having known Zhou Yuan for so long, she knew that he was someone who could wait patiently for his chance . Since he dared to accept the challenge letter, he had to have some sort of plan .

Yi Bingling let out a bitter laugh . She could only hope this was true . After all, Chen Xuandong had already named Zhou Yuan, and if he did not accept, it would be a near-fatal blow to his reputation . The other party had clearly chosen the timing very well .

As for what would follow . . .

This battle would be far more dangerous than the one with Lu Xiao .

. . .

The Fire Pavilion .

Lu Xiao, Zuo Ya, Zhu Lian and the rest were currently gathered . Naturally, they were discussing the challenge letter from Chen Xuandong .

"Zhou Yuan is so arrogant . Does he really believe that becoming the chief pavilion master has made him invincible under the heavens?" said Zuo Ya in a resentful voice . In contrast to the faith Yi Qiushui, Ye Bingling and the others had in Zhou Yuan, she did not believe that he was Chen Xuandong's match .

From what she could see, it was stupid of Zhou Yuan to recklessly accept the challenge .

If he was defeated, the Divine Dwelling stage younger generation of the Tianyuan Region would become a laughing stock in Hunyuan Heaven .

Zhu Lian looked towards the contemplating Lu Xiao . "Senior brother Lu Xiao, do you think Zhou Yuan has a chance?"

On this matter, they were in the same boat as Zhou Yuan: his glory would be their glory, his shame would be their shame . Hence, no matter how unwilling they felt, they could only support Zhou Yuan .

Lu Xiao was silent for a moment before answering, "It will be very difficult . If my estimate is correct, Chen Xuandong's Genesis Qi foundations alone have likely reached almost 30 million Genesis stars . "

This terrifying number made Zuo Ya and Zhu Lain gasp involuntarily . Nearly 30 million?

What kind of notion was this? One must know that even Lu Xiao only had 23 million, but Chen Xuandong had nearly 30 million?

"It's not unbelievable . " Lu Xiao indifferently said, "The top rankers on the Divine Dwelling List have been nicknamed 'Little Heavenly Suns' . Although there is still a gap between Chen Xuandong and them, it is not impossible for his Genesis Qi foundations to have reached nearly 30 million .

"In my fight with Zhou Yuan, his Genesis Qi foundations had only reached 21 million . If he manages to unlock the eighth Divine Dwelling, he might be able to put up a fight against Chen Xuandong .

"The final two Divine Dwellings are far harder to unblock than the first seven . From what I know, Zhou Yuan has spent the past two months in the Four Spirits Origin Tower . Hence, his focus should be on the mountain spirit rune and forest spirit rune, which means that the possibility of him unblocking the eighth Divine Dwelling is quite low . . .

"To be frank . . . even if he completes all four spirit runes, I do not feel it will let him beat Chen Xuandong . "

Expression grave, he looked towards Zuo Ya and Zhu Lian and slowly shook his head .

"That's why our new chief pavilion master will likely be beaten this time . "

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