Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 107 Orianna's Wonderful Thoughts (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

"Remember, I only give you three days, I don't ask you how powerful you are, only that the sky troops you form can fly normally.

After saying this, Bei Luo turned around and flew away.

In three days, even the human knights led by the seniors could not train sky knights who could fight the enemy at any time.

So Bei Luo gave these monsters three days in a very humane way.

For three days, I don't ask how tacitly you can cooperate, I just hope that you can fly normally, and you won't drop the monster on your back.

Looking at the figure of His Majesty the Red Dragon flying away, Piccolo and Cape looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Ahem, look, this is what His Majesty said, what can we do.

Piccolo said so, but there was a gloating expression on his face.

How cool it is for Gnolls to be able to ride a flying lion.

It just so happens that there are not enough Xilin monitor lizards in the Explosive Wolf tribe, and now there are more mounts like manticores, the Explosive Wolf tribe has really taken off.

"I know that since it is an order from His Majesty the Red Dragon, our wanderer tribe will naturally not refuse."

Cape glanced at Piccolo, the jackal was smiling so happily.

At first glance, it seems that he has no good intentions, but what can he say, the order of His Majesty the Red Dragon is the sky, even if it is a god of faith, it is not as good as the words of His Majesty the Red Dragon.

Inside the Dragon's Nest.

After the red dragon and elves had all left, Orianna quietly opened her sapphire blue eyes with her eyes closed.

The silver dragon's pupils are beautiful, shining like natural sapphires.

The blue color seems to be friendly, making the eyes of the silver dragon not as domineering and majestic as the red dragon, but a little more gentle and kind.

"It's finally gone~"

Orianna breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the direction of the hole.

Although the restriction set by Bei Luo is transparent, the dragon's pupils can see the restriction clearly at a glance.

It is a powerful magic prohibition, used to prevent the dragon from being disturbed when it is sleeping.

Orianna will not use this dragon magic, but she can recognize the specific effect of this magic through the dragon inheritance.

The dragon inheritance is like the encyclopedia of the dragon. When needed, the dragon can read this encyclopedia and learn about some affairs.

If something that is not recorded in the dragon inheritance is discovered, then this memory will be passed on to the descendants born of that dragon.

This is the origin of the dragon inheritance.

Now that the red dragon is no longer here, Orianna has the courage to get up and wander around inside the dragon's lair.

Legend has it that the red dragon's favorite thing is gold and silver treasures, and they often plunder the treasures of humans and elves to fill their lairs.

But after shopping around, Orianna found no trace of gold coins.

Only on the throne occupied by the red dragon, one saw pieces of fallen dragon scales.

After looking back at the hole and confirming that the red dragon will not come back so soon, Orianna picked up the dragon scale on the throne and looked at it carefully.

According to the feedback from the dragon inheritance, it seems to be a dragon scale owned by a lava dragon.

Could it be that... the owner of this layer of rock was once a lava dragon, but was killed by this red dragon?!

Orianna suddenly realized, and suddenly felt that her guess was almost inseparable.

As for the evolution of the lava dragon into a red dragon, she couldn't believe it.

In other words, this kind of thing has never happened in the entire continent, unless it was the miracle of the great Platinum Dragon God.

Putting down the dragon scales and recalling what she saw inside the dragon nest, Orianna made a bold guess.

In the past, this place was ruled by a lava dragon. It did all kinds of evil, and the surrounding elves were killed by it.

Finally! A brave and kind red dragon stepped forward and defeated the lava drake.

However, due to kindness, he did not kill the dependents of the lava dragon, but assumed the responsibility of taking care of them.

Not only that, but also sheltered those elves who only survived.

"It must be like this, otherwise it is impossible for such a big Red Dragon Clan not to plunder even a little gold coins.

Orianna thinks she already knows the truth.

I also understand why the red dragon will save itself, in the final analysis, it is because the red dragon is on the side of justice!

If this whimsical idea is known to Bei Luo, he will definitely not be able to help laughing, good guy, I will kill myself.

It has to be said that the juvenile dragon is still a juvenile dragon, even with the inheritance of the giant dragon, the thinking will still appear a little naive.


Regarding the situation of Orianna inside the Dragon's Nest, Bei Luo could see clearly.

What the hell is this silver dragon doing? At first, his face was terrified, but then he thought of something, so he smiled and smiled silly.

If it hadn't been confirmed that Orianna was a silver dragon with a dragon inheritance, he would have doubted whether Orianna was a dragon beast.

"That is to say, this silver dragon was picked up by Your Majesty halfway?"

Philosia listened to the whole process of bringing back the silver dragon from His Majesty's mouth.

Unexpectedly, as a red dragon, His Majesty would be fine if he didn't kill or enslave a young silver dragon when he met a young silver dragon.

Now he brought this injured young silver dragon back to the camp to recuperate. Is this still the Red Dragon Majesty I knew before.

Even Philosia didn't know what His Majesty the Red Dragon was thinking.

"That's right, if she is left in the wild, sooner or later she will be discovered by monsters, beasts or humans, and you will know what will happen when the time comes.

Bei Luo said calmly.

Filosia nodded beside her. As the elf queen, she knew very well what the injured young silver dragon meant.

"Philosia, I need you to do a few things for me next."

Bei Luo had a plan for Orianna in mind.

The silver dragon who stands on the side of kindness and law, after experiencing this human incident, just needs a little guidance, and he doesn't believe that Orianna can continue to stand firmly on that side.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty the Red Dragon, what do you want to entrust to me?"

Philosia looked at His Majesty curiously.

Bei Luo lowered his dragon head and whispered in Filosia's ear.

I saw Philosia's expression was very wonderful, sometimes surprised and sometimes stunned.

a long time.

'..Your Majesty, do you really want me to do this?"

Philosia was a little hesitant. Doing so was really something that an elf queen could do.

"I know what you are thinking about, don't forget Philosia, what you have done."

It seems that because of this month's absence, Philosia seems to have regained the feeling of being an elf queen.

Bei Luo decided to make Philosia understand again her position in the Red Dragon Clan.

In an instant, Philosia's body trembled, recalling what had happened in her mind.

"Mother, Your Majesty the Red Dragon!"

At this time, Liya and Cellulu came over.

Facing His Majesty the Red Dragon, Liya was the only one among the three who did not find His Majesty the Red Dragon scary.

Now Liya only feels that His Majesty the Red Dragon is very kind, waving her little hand, and warmly greets His Majesty the Red Dragon.

They didn't know that both Cellulu and Philosia had been frightened silly.

I am afraid that Liya's move will make His Majesty the Red Dragon unhappy.

But to their surprise, His Majesty the Red Dragon didn't show any (for money), but simply glanced at Liya.

"Liya, you... why are you here?"

Felosia pulled Liya nervously, beckoning her not to talk too much.

This is the case with Cellulu next to her. Only the elves who have really faced His Majesty the Red Dragon will know what side of His Majesty's terrifying manifestations.

"What's the matter with you? You look nervous and scared, Your Majesty the Red Dragon, you are finally back. Liya missed you so much when you were away."

Liya looked at her mother and Cellulu strangely, then smiled again and looked up at His Majesty the Red Dragon.

"Miss me? Do you still miss me?"

Bei Luo remembered that he didn't seem to have much contact with Liya.

In the simulator, apart from the first few simulations, and the subsequent simulations where things were changed, Liya, the elf princess, was the first to express her loyalty to him.

"Yeah, it's hard to get used to calling His Majesty the Red Dragon to wake up every morning. His Majesty the Red Dragon is not here this month, so I'm not used to it for a while."

Liya touched her golden hair embarrassingly.

[Ding! Successfully made a kind and lawful elf abandon light and turn to darkness! Get reward +100,000 gold coins! Yuan].

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