Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 110 Instilling Thoughts (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

"That should do the trick."

Seeing the two million gold coins disappearing from the panel, Bei Luo felt a pain in the flesh.

It takes two million gold coins to inject memory into the Mother of Silver Dragon. If it is to inject memory into the gods, then I don't know if the gold coins in the whole world are enough.

I hope the two million gold coins are worth the money.

The expense of two million gold coins made Bei Luo not interested in continuing the simulation.

When the number of gold coins is refreshed tomorrow, he will use it again.

After closing his data panel, Bei Luo looked at the little female dragon Orianna who was sleeping next to him.

Unexpectedly, this little female dragon would stand up at a critical moment to prevent the mother of silver dragons from attacking her.

It seems that under her own influence, the future Orianna successfully 'turned away from the dark and turned to the bright', and came to his red dragon's camp.

Teen Golden Dragon?

The future self is so cunning that he uses bewitching magic to make the young golden dragon attack the human city, and he acts as a hero to confuse Orianna.

Is he a red dragon or a green dragon?

In fact, he can probably use bewitching magic to make Orianna obedient. "Eight-five-three", but there is a disadvantage in doing so, that is, the bewitching magic can be dispelled, just like the mother of silver dragons dispelled the bewitching magic on the black dragon and the golden dragon in the simulation.

If it is released during the battle, it will be 100% rebellious.

You still have to treat the other party "sincerely", so that the other party will listen to you from the heart.

The black dragon will come in four days, right? Let's test the water with that black dragon.

The next morning.

Liya and Cellulu brought food and placed it in front of Bei Luo and Orianna.

"These are the only food of the Red Dragon Clan, I don't know if you like it or not."

Bei Luo didn't eat these foods first, and after eating so many times, he almost got tired of eating them.

The food in the Red Dragon Clan comes from the cattle and sheep that were temporarily raised in captivity.

Since the monsters are not very good at captive breeding, the cattle and sheep are easy to die, so we simply expanded the pasture and started free-range breeding.

Let the flock of cattle and sheep go by themselves.

It's not like this group of cattle and sheep are so stupid that they don't even know how to survive.

"Thank you Bei Luo, I don't even know how to thank you."

Orianna smiled embarrassedly, eating other people's food and living in other people's food, she still doubted Bei Luo so much.

It's really a bit unkind.

The main reason is that the red dragon in the dragon inheritance impressed her too deeply.

It was like something engraved in her mind, lingering.

Yinlong also eats meat. Orianna ate those fruits before, in the final analysis, her own strength is too weak.

He couldn't afford to provoke those beasts and monsters at all, and he was a little timid, so he had no choice but to eat fruit.

"It's okay, since I brought you back, I will naturally take care of you until you recover from your injuries. You eat first, and I will go to see the situation of the Red Dragon Clan."

Bei Luo smiled gently at Orianna, and walked out of the Dragon's Nest with Liya and Celluloid.

The moment he left the dragon's nest, the arrogance and domineering aura that belonged to the red dragon was unstoppable.

It is completely different from the red dragon in the dragon's nest before.

Li Ya looked at His Majesty the Red Dragon with eyes of admiration. This is His Majesty the Red Dragon she knew well. The stalwart figure fascinated her.

Compared with Liya, who is a fan girl, Cellulu looks a little more nervous and scared.

Only by getting acquainted with His Majesty the Red Dragon can one understand how terrifying His Majesty is. This is simply the beginning of her nightmare.

"What's up with Piccolo's Dingo and Manticore Sky Troopers?"

Bei Luo raised the dragon's head and looked into the distance and asked.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Red Dragon, the Jackals and the Manticore formally started training yesterday, but the effect may not be particularly good.

"A lot of gnolls fell off the manticore's back during training, and it seems that the fall was not light."

When Sai Lulu talked about this matter, she thought of the training scene yesterday.

The jackals fell from mid-air one by one like dumplings, and fell on the lawn if they were lucky.

I was unlucky and fell on a solid rock and broke my hands and feet. I guess it won't get better in a few months.

"fall down?"

Bei Luo didn't have the slightest surprise.

First of all, when the manticore is flying in the sky, there will be strong winds, and the wolf man on his back will fall easily if he doesn't hold it firmly.

Second, even a horse without a saddle can easily cause the rider on its back to fall off, let alone a Manticore.

In order for the Gnoll to sit firmly on the Manticore's back, something similar to a saddle must be made so that the Gnoll has a place to sit.

You can't just grab the Manticore's mane.

The male lion can grab the mane, but the female lion can grab the back of the neck.

This will make the Manticore very uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty the Red Dragon, I said that this group of werewolves used the wrong method."

Liya interrupted at this time.

"Using the wrong method? Then tell me where you used the wrong method.

Bei Luo didn't expect Liya to suggest that the method was wrong.

"Look, Your Majesty, when this group of jackals were taming and riding the monitor lizard, they all knew to make a saddle for the monitor lizard."

"But when I was training with the Manticore, I didn't even know how to create an exclusive saddle for the Manticore."

Liya analyzed it logically, put her hands on her small waist, paced back and forth in place, and explained the reason why the wolf man could not tame the manticore.

Celluloid originally thought that Liya would talk about some reasons indiscriminately, but she never expected that what Liya said was very reasonable.

That's right, she didn't even think of this.

Yesterday, she was so absorbed in watching the Gnoll fall off the Manticore's back that she didn't notice the reason at all.

"Since you guessed the reason, why didn't you remind Piccolo?"

Bei Luo frowned..

Liya really saw some problems. It seems that Liya is smarter than Lulu in this respect.

As for whether Philosia saw it, he didn't know.

Now Philosia has been assigned a new task by him, which is to look for monsters with the potential to become priests within the Red Dragon Clan.

"Because I want to express myself in front of His Majesty the Red Dragon, to prove that I am not a waste in the Red Dragon Clan."

Liya didn't hide it at all, and stated her purpose very simply.

Just to show myself in front of His Majesty, I deliberately didn't tell Piccolo yesterday.

She believes that in front of His Majesty, one must tell the truth, and there must be no falsehood.

"Hahaha~ very good, Liya, you make me very satisfied, do you want any rewards?"

Bei Luo couldn't help laughing, Elf Liya, he remembered the name.

Even after thousands of years, he will never forget that there was once an elf named Liya by his side.

"No, how can such a trivial matter make your Majesty expect to reward me, this is my duty.

Liya shook her head, she really didn't need the reward from His Majesty the Red Dragon.

Her thing is very simple, that is, to express herself in front of His Majesty, and there is nothing else.

"Did Celulu see it? This is the thinking you should have. I think your thinking seems to have slipped a bit. Come and find me on the top of the mountain at night [I will give you some correct thinking."

Liya made Bei Luo more and more satisfied, which caused him to dislike Cellulu next to him a little.

Looking at Liya, there is almost no need for him to say anything, he is so sensible.

And look at you, Sai Lulu, after so many enlightenments by yourself, you still don't know how to face up to your 2.6 status.


Sai Lulu wanted to cry but couldn't help but tremble uncontrollably for some reason.

Leah, you really killed me.

"Don't be afraid of Cellulus, His Majesty won't eat you, just talk to you, I wish His Majesty could talk to me and instill other thoughts in me.

Liya patted Cellulu on the shoulder, thinking that Cellulu was in the midst of blessings but didn't know her blessings.

Even though she performed so well, His Majesty the Red Dragon did not interview her alone, but instead interviewed her friend Sai Lulu.

What a happy thing this is, I don't understand why I have to be so sad.


When Cellulu heard Liya say this, she almost wanted to tell the truth subconsciously, but in the end she stopped on her lips and swallowed.

Now I really broke my teeth and swallowed.

I didn't do that for Liya.

Besides, isn't His Majesty's behavior just eating himself?

"Uh... Bei Luo? Are you busy?"

At this time, Orianna came out of the dragon's nest and asked cautiously. .

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