Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 118 Orianna: Do My Best For The Red Dragon Clan (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

Inside the Dragon's Nest.

Orianna was brought back by Philosia, and Philosia left the dragon's nest, leaving only one red and one silver dragon shadow in the huge space.

"You seem to have something to say to me?"

Bei Luo casually glanced at Orianna's small face, and saw the tangled look on her face.

"I... Bei Luo, the Black Dragon Clan will attack your clan tomorrow, aren't you worried?"

Seeing that Bei Luo brought it up, Orianna hesitated for a moment before talking to Bei Lu about it.

Tomorrow is the time for the Black Dragon Clan to invade the Red Dragon Clan, but there is no worry on Bei Luo's face.

On the contrary, it still looks like an understatement.

"What's the matter? It's just a black dragon. I'm a red dragon. Why should I be afraid of a black dragon's invasion?"

Bei Luo felt that Orianna underestimated her strength too much.

Could it be that the shocking strength displayed in front of Orianna made Lianna mistakenly think that she was weak?

It doesn't make sense, even if he didn't show his strength much, he would know how powerful he is just by looking at his body shape.

"What you said seems to make sense~"

Orianna smiled a little embarrassedly, she almost forgot that Bei Luo's strength lies in this.

Just this size, which is comparable to that of a young dragon, can make Bei Luo invincible.

Unless it is an adult black dragon, it is really impossible for Beilu to lose.

"So you can rest assured to rest and recuperate here, the black dragon will not have any influence on you, and 790 will not be able to shake my Red Dragon Clan even more."

Bei Luo gave Orianna a reassuring look.

He will take care of the affairs of the Black Dragon Clan, and there is no need for Orianna to worry too much.

Just took this opportunity to let the little female dragon see how strong she is.

Let alone a young black dragon, even if there are four or five, he doesn't have to be afraid.

He even hopes to have four or five black dragons, so that he can harvest four or five black dragons as slaves at once.

"Then...then can I fight with you?"

Orianna said.

"Fight? You don't need to fight, just rest in peace and heal your wounds.

Bei Luo raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, it seemed that the speech was faster than he expected.

Did this give Orianna the idea of ​​fighting for the Red Dragon Clan?

"No, I am recuperating in the Red Dragon Clan now. Strictly speaking, I have long been a member of the Red Dragon Clan, before I left the Red Dragon Clan."

"I also want to do my part for the Red Dragon Clan. If my wings are injured and I can't fly, I will help the Red Dragon Clan solve the monsters on the ground."

Orianna's sapphire blue eyes moved slightly, as if her true feelings were flowing out.

Although the Red Dragon Clan is composed of monsters from the chaotic and evil camp, she unexpectedly felt the taste of home here.

It is impossible for a silver dragon to join the red dragon clan, her ultimate belonging is to go to the silver dragon's lair.

But before going to the Silver Dragon's Nest, she stayed in the Red Dragon Clan, let's say she was a member of the Red Dragon Clan.

Think of it as repaying the kindness of the Red Dragon Clan and contributing her meager strength to the Red Dragon Clan.

"What are you going to do?"

Bei Luo asked.


Orianna responded to Bei Luo with firm eyes.

The strength of the young silver dragon is not very strong, but it is more than enough to deal with some weak low-level monsters.

The most important thing is that she is not fighting alone this time, and beside her is the monster partner of the Red Dragon Clan.

"When you wake up tomorrow, go to Philosia, and she will arrange a combat position for you. I hope you can obey Philosia's orders during the battle."

Bei Luo's main energy is to fight the black dragon.

He is not interested in the other monsters of the Black Dragon Clan, and the monsters handed over to the Red Dragon Clan should be no problem.

If the monsters of the Black Dragon Clan could not be defeated by relying on the fortress, Bei Luo had to consider whether to change the monsters of the Red Dragon Clan.

"no problem!"

Orianna didn't mind listening to Philosia at all, and she had a pretty good relationship with the elf Philosia during the two days they spent together.

When she learned that Philosia was once the queen of elves and the tribe was destroyed by the lava dragon, Orianna felt sad for Philosia.

But when she knew that it was the red dragon Bei Luo who killed the lava dragon and saved Philosia, Orianna changed her view of Bei Luo again.

If Orianna knew that Bei Luo was the chief culprit in destroying the elf tribe, she didn't know how she would feel.

After chatting with Orianna about tomorrow's battle, Orianna became very excited, so excited that she couldn't sleep for a long time.


Orianna, who hadn't slept almost all night, immediately got up and saw that Bei Luo was still lying on the throne and hadn't woken up, so she ran out of the dragon's nest to look for Philosia.

As soon as she walked out of the dragon's lair, Orianna was surprised to find that all the monsters had woken up long ago and were forming their formations in a decent manner.

"How early are they up?"

Orianna (bbaf) tilted her head in doubt.

She thought she got up early enough, but she didn't expect this group of monsters to be earlier than herself.

It seems that this battle is very important for the Red Dragon Clan.

On the contrary, Bei Luo, the master of the Red Dragon Clan, acted as if nothing had happened. Still sleeping soundly in the dragon's nest.

Is this the courage brought by strength?

After taking a brief look at the group of monsters from the Red Dragon Clan, Orianna happily spread her limbs and ran towards Philosia.

Bei Luo's calmness indeed brought her a lot of peace of mind, as if the attack of the Black Dragon Clan was just a trivial matter.

"Philosia, Bei Luo asked me to follow your instructions on this day to resist the attack of the Black Dragon Clan."

As soon as she saw Philosia who was forming the formation, Orianna explained all this straight to the point.

"Your Majesty asked you to obey my orders?"

Philosia's rosy mouth opened slightly [What does this mean, Your Majesty.

Let a silver dragon listen to her words, this is something she never dared to think about before.

Silver Dragon is a giant dragon with orthodox blood, she is just an ordinary elf.

It's not a dream to be able to command a dragon or something.

"Yes, don't worry, since I decided to do this, it means that I will definitely not mind."

Orianna raised her head high, she wanted to make a little contribution to the Red Dragon Clan, and by the way told Bei Luo that her strength was not too bad.

Around the Sark city-state.

"Humble bastard! Wake up all of you!"

Completely different from the Red Dragon Clan, the monsters of the Black Dragon Clan were still lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, in extremely ugly sleeping positions.

Angry An Ruisi roared, urging the group of idiots to get up quickly.

He couldn't wait to let the young red dragon experience the oppressive feeling of a young black dragon.

Countless monsters were awakened by An Ruisi's roar, and got up from the ground in disarray.

"Where's my weapon?"

"Who took my trousers and used them as a mat!"

"Wake up! Wake up!"

The monsters of the Black Dragon Clan were chattering like a noisy downtown.

But Anris has long been used to this, and in his opinion, monsters are like this, which is normal.

After about half a day, when it was almost noon, the monsters were finally ready to go, waiting for An Ruisi's order.

"Your Majesty, it is your turn to give orders."

Terrence bowed his head flatteringly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

It's time for your black dragon to die later, you'd better hope that His Majesty the Red Dragon wants to play more and give you a few more seconds to live.

"Idiots! Listen to me! This plan to attack the Red Dragon Clan must not fail! Be nice to me."

"Whoever kills the most monsters of the Red Dragon Clan, I will reward whoever after the battle is over, do you understand?"

For the first time, An Ruisi explained the rewards in advance for this attack on the Red Dragon Clan.

When he attacked the Green Dragon Clan before, he didn't say in advance what reward he would get.

"Long live His Majesty the Black Dragon!"

"We're going to tear apart the bodies of the Red Dragon Clan!"

"Drink their blood!"

As soon as these words came out, the Black Dragon Clan immediately exploded.

His majesty the stingy black dragon is finally willing to give a reward, can they not be excited.

Among the black dragon clan, there are only ten monsters evolved by the blood essence of the dragon, and they were rewarded by An Ruisi when he was happy to become a young black dragon.

"Hey! Very good! Very energetic! Let me head towards the Red Dragon Clan!"

This book will not be ghostwritten, absolutely not. .

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