Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 132 Latis, Who Offended The Nobles (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

Latis made small gestures with her index finger and thumb, her expression slightly awkward.

"Little trouble?"

Liya and Philosia looked at each other. Judging from Latis's expression, it seemed that this trouble was not a small one.

"Tell me, what kind of trouble is it?"

Philosia couldn't figure out why Latis didn't mention this when His Majesty the Red Dragon was around.

Now they are all away from the strata, and suddenly it is said that there is a little trouble for the king in the Kingdom of Sanford.

"It was before~ I didn't have money to eat, so I wanted to use my ability as a thief, and I stole a money bag from a passerby in a fancy dress on the street.

"But who would have thought that the other party was an aristocrat, and arrested me. Not only that, but my portrait was pasted on the wall, and then I ran out."

When Latis mentioned this matter, she poked her two index fingers at each other and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

As for thieves, they are not welcome everywhere, and she can't find any job, and it is even more impossible to do that kind of thing that sells her body.

So I planned to use my ability to steal a money bag from the unlucky ghost and use it to live.

Never thought that she would be so unlucky. This unlucky guy is a nobleman, and it is not easy for the power of the nobles to find her.

In one night, her arrest warrants were posted all over the capital, and her portrait was even on the reward list of the Adventurer's Union.

In such a situation, it was impossible for Latis to live there, so she ran out of the capital in the dark.

In order not to be caught, he even ran out of the Kingdom of Sanford, and wanted to visit the city-state of Sark.

But he saw the destroyed Sark city-state, and then heard the rumors of the Red Dragon Clan from the passing monsters.

Desperate, Latis finally thought of a stupid plan to go to the Red Dragon Clan to steal the Red Dragon's treasure.

That's how it all started.

"Is it that troublesome to offend nobles?"

Both Philosia and Liya, who are elves, have no idea how terrible it is to offend the nobles that Latis said.

"Of course it's troublesome. If you are elves, you will definitely not understand. Let me tell you this, nobles are like the leaders of your Red Dragon clan.

"Once you offend these chiefs, do you think ordinary people like me can survive?"

Latis used a figurative metaphor to explain to the elves what nobility is.

"It's not a very troublesome thing, just go and tell His Majesty the Red Dragon no.

Leah disagrees.

.......Do you think an ordinary thief like me has a chance to meet His Majesty the King" "?"

The corner of Latis' mouth twitched.

If she is qualified to meet His Majesty the King of the Holy Ford Kingdom, why not go to the Red Dragon Clan to steal treasures?

Liya shrugged, she didn't know that,

Anyway, in the Red Dragon Clan, as long as there is something very important, it is not very difficult to meet His Majesty the Red Dragon.

The premise is that this matter will affect the Red Dragon Clan.

In addition, Liya is very close to His Majesty, so Liya doesn't find it difficult to meet His Majesty the Red Dragon.

It is also impossible to understand the troubles of Latis.

"I probably understand, so what are you going to do? It's impossible for you to look outside, let's go in and buy something."

The older and more mature Philosia almost understood what Latis said.

If this is the case, it will really be a little troublesome.


Latis didn't think of any good plan for a while.

Anyway, if she dared to show up, she would definitely be arrested the next moment.

"Mother, I think we don't need to think so much for the time being, what we should think about now is how to plunder to buy things.

Liya said.

This is the most important thing at the moment. Anyway, the Kingdom of Saint Ford has not arrived yet, so it is not very urgent.

"It makes sense, according to what the giant eagle leader Terrence said, when the giant eagle was flying outside the Kazak forest, a human caravan passed by not far from the Kazak forest.

"We will follow what Terrence said and continue walking towards the south. We may bump into the caravan, but the people who guard the caravan may be a bit strong."

Philosia heard from the giant eagle that there were hundreds of humans escorting the caravan.

Unless there is a sudden powerful magic trick for the other party, if the other party is given time to react, she and Liya may be in danger.

"Yeah, I'm still one step away from being a senior magician, and I can't use such powerful fire magic."

Liya stroked her chin in thought.

Her fire magic is more destructive, but it's a pity that the fire magic of an intermediate magician is obviously impossible to defeat so many people at once.

The lack of a warrior profession to stand in the front is a bit more restrictive for magicians.

"Hey, I said you don't have to bother so much, and you don't have to destroy the caravan."

Latis heard the conversation between the two elves. Are you sure the elves are not some monsters from the chaotic evil camp?

Or the elves who hang out with the red dragon have such a tough personality.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Philosia and Liya looked at Latis suspiciously.

"Don't forget my profession, I am a thief after all.

Latis crossed her hips proudly.

Kazaklin outside.

Five carriages were driving on the road, and the surrounding guards in armor followed the caravan.

"Don't pass by this forest, let's go around it."

Stick, the chief guard who was at the forefront of the team, ordered everyone to take a detour.

"Why, Captain Stick, according to our original itinerary, we can pass through Kazaklin and reach our destination in less than three days."

"It would take an extra week if we bypassed Kazakrin.

Albert, the rich man who organized the caravan, rode to Stick's side in puzzlement.

He doesn't like sitting in a carriage much, and prefers to ride a horse and breathe the fresh air outside.

"Master Albert, you may be a little unclear about Kazaklin, let me tell you, the Red Dragon Clan lives in Kazaklin."

Stick put away the map in his hand, and explained to Albert earnestly.

"The Red Dragon Clan?! Is... the Red Dragon Clan I imagined!"

Albert's eyes widened in shock, when Kazaklin was inhabited by the Red Dragon Clan.

When he passed by Kazaklin last year, he had never heard any rumors about the Red Dragon Clan.

The caravan passed through Kazaklin safely, and some of the disturbing gnolls were killed by the guards.

"..That's right, it's the Red Dragon Clan you think of. In fact, the Red Dragon Clan has been rumored since last month.

"The Adventurer's Guild of the Kingdom of Sanford even posted a notice warning us not to get too close to Kazaklin, so Master Albert, my suggestion is to detour."

Stick explained.

If Albert insisted on passing through Kazaklin, he would rather give up the reward and leave decisively.

The official announcement of the Kingdom of Sanford can be false.

Don't think that if there is news about the dragon, the adventurers will start hunting the dragon with great interest.

They are not stupid.

A giant dragon that can destroy a city-state is definitely not something they can defeat.

If they could be defeated, it would be impossible for the Kingdom of Sanford to list this announcement.

"Okay, just take a detour."

Albert finally chose to compromise.

What can he do, Captain Stick said so.

Isn't it just a loss of some money, it's better than no life (De Nuo Zhao).

"Hey everyone, where are you going, can you give us a ride?"

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind the caravan.

Everyone's eyes were attracted, only to see two beautiful elves and an ordinary human woman appearing behind them.

The human woman greeted them with a smile.

"who are you?"

Stick did not let down his vigilance just because there were three women in front of him.

How could a guy who appeared near Kazaklin for no reason and was still intact be an ordinary person.

"I am an ordinary adventurer. By chance, I passed by an elf tribe and met these two elves. They said they wanted to see the human world, so I took them out."

Latis is indeed a thief who has been in the human world, she speaks in the same way,

Without thinking too much, I started to get close to this group of caravans.


"There are still two giants!"

"As expected of an elf, it's really beautiful."

The guards chattered.

They have all heard the name of the elves before, but they haven't heard of it. Today they finally have a chance. .

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