Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 147 Meeting With Latis (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

After Tuppet scolded the group of guards, he called out the guards who were on duty last night and punished them.

"Go and find the thief for me, remember, if you find the thief, kill me immediately, and then take back my diary, you don't need to bring it back, is it clear?!"

It is about the honor of his own nobleman, and there is no room for Thompter to be sloppy.

The thief must be found out, and whether the thief knows the contents of the diary or not, he must kill him just to be safe.

The reason why he didn't want to see the other party was because Thompter was worried that the other party would use this to threaten him.

In case of being threatened, his aristocratic majesty will be completely healed.



The guards straightened up nervously, especially the guards on duty last night.

They knew very well in their hearts that if they couldn't find this thing, the only thing waiting for them was death.

"Remember! Don't peek at that book for me, or you will die for me too."

Thompter's eyes gradually became cold.

Don't look at what he said, in fact, once the group of guards complete their mission and come back, he will definitely kill them.

Although it is not clear whether they have seen it, but just in case, he must kill the group of guards.

"Yes! That's right... by the way, Master Tompter, that thief seems to have stolen your green pearl..."

When a guard counted the lost items, he also found that the green beads were missing.

Green beads are Master Thompter's favorite gadget, because each green bead is made by the people of alchemists.

There is a certain connection between each other, and one green bead can be used to find another green bead.

It is for this reason that Latis has been found wherever she has been hiding in the past few days.

"Hahaha~ What a life-or-death thief, even daring to steal my green beads."

Thompter couldn't help laughing.

If he hadn't stolen the green bead, it would have been difficult for him to find it.

Now that there are green beads, you can find each other only through the induction between the green beads.

Can greatly increase the speed of finding a thief.

To leave the royal capital, you still need to pass through two cities of the Holy Ford Kingdom before you can leave completely.

It takes about a week.

If you can ride a flying monster, the speed will be much faster.

It's a pity that they are not qualified to ride the flying monsters, besides, they still carry things.

Most of the methods of transporting goods in Western Fantasy Land still rely on horse-drawn carriages.

Near noon.

Liya took out fresh fruit from the package to fill her stomach.

"Hey~ I really hope I can go back to the Red Dragon Clan and eat delicious barbecue `". "

Liya was biting the fruit in her mouth, but her mind had already flown to the tender and juicy barbecue in the rock.

It still smells like meat, and the fruit will be more fragrant after eating the meat.


Philosia sighed angrily.

Thinking back to the elves of the tribe, where they would eat any meat, they all lived on the fruit of the tree.

When picking the fruit, they will also pray and bless the fruit.

Where would it be like today.

The previous self must have never imagined that such a thing would happen in the future, let alone that he would fall into the embrace of the red dragon in the end.

To be honest, now she doesn't have much hatred for His Majesty Qian Honglong.

Sometimes she even thinks what His Majesty the Red Dragon said is right, and thinks that what the elves did in the past was wrong.

Why should they be more tolerant of other creatures just because they think they are superior to others.

Obviously blood is superior to others, shouldn't other creatures respect them?

Why should you tolerate them.

After listening to His Majesty the Red Dragon's words, the world view that Philosia had established before was about to collapse.

After absorbing these words, she felt that what His Majesty Red Dragon said made sense.

"Hey mother, do you think His Majesty the Red Dragon will be very happy after returning to the Red Dragon Clan? Will he reward us?"

Before going back, Liya looked forward to the compliment from His Majesty the Red Dragon.

"The task has not been completely completed, why do you start wanting rewards from His Majesty the Red Dragon?"

Philosia tapped Liya's forehead and started joking with Liya.

after awhile.

"What's the matter? It's so noisy~"

Latis woke up after sleeping all morning. Although her body told her that she wanted to sleep again, her intuition told her again, don't fall back asleep.

"You don't call me when you eat?"

Latis took an apple and took a bite.

I've been busy all night, and I'm almost exhausted.

"Why didn't I call you, didn't I see that you were sleeping and worried about disturbing you?"

Lia explained.

It was because her mother told her that Latis hadn't slept all night, so she didn't want to disturb Latis.

"Don't worry, the thief's health is fine, if you want to make the thief fall, unless all the wealth in the world disappears.

Latis joked.

"It seems that the life and death contract of His Majesty the Red Dragon is not a big deal to you?"

Liya frowned, and kindly reminded the thief lady.

The corner of Latis' mouth twitched and didn't say much, almost forgot that there was a red dragon.

But does that compare!!

A giant dragon and a human, if you think about it, you know they are incomparable.

"By the way, Latis, what is in your package? Why is it still emitting green light?"

Liya suddenly noticed the package placed around Latis' waist, which faintly shone with emerald green light.

The thief probably stole some valuable jewels when he came out of the capital.

"Ahem, you all know that I have been chased by that noble before..."

Latis quickly explained this to Liya and Philosia.

It was just to beautify the matter in the middle, for example, these jewels were not stolen by herself, but were paid by Emino.

"Remuneration? It doesn't always feel that simple."

Philosia's sixth sense is telling herself that this is what La (No's good) Tiss stole.

It is not bad to help Latis go out of the capital, and to give such precious jewelry, it feels a bit unreal no matter how you think about it.

Maybe Philosia didn't know how valuable these jewels were in the human world before.

Ever since she went to the market, Philosia understood.

No wonder dragons love this kind of shiny jewels very much, any single jewel can be worth hundreds of gold coins.

"Oh, it's that simple, by the way, let's hurry up after eating, don't take too much rest." If you want to rest, don't the Red Dragon Clan have more time to rest.

Reminded by Liya, Latis instantly thought about being chased in the capital.

Maybe those guys will follow this emerald to find themselves again.

Just in case, she must let Philosia and Liya leave quickly, as long as they leave the Kingdom of Sanford.

Even if the other party can position herself, she is not afraid. .

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