Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 160 Arriving At The Kingdom Of Saint Ford (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

Liya said that she also wanted to act with His Majesty the Red Dragon.

It's a pity that every time His Majesty the Red Dragon took his mother to go, he didn't think about himself.

Obviously her performance is similar to that of her mother.

"Why do you use this pair of eyes..."

Turning around, Latis saw Liya's resentful eyes, which looked like a bitter woman.

Sure enough, none of the elves of the Red Dragon Clan were normal.

"What? Can't you?! Hmph!"

Liya snorted softly, turned around and left with her waist crossed.

His Majesty the Red Dragon did not bring herself, it must be because her strength is not strong enough, she must work hard to become stronger.

In this way, the next time His Majesty the Red Dragon takes action, he will definitely bring himself instead of his mother.

"Hey~ I don't think I messed with you."

The corner of Latis's mouth twitched, but she didn't say much, and Liya walked away like an angry "540".

He didn't seem to say anything.

"In Liya's heart, His Majesty the Red Dragon has a very high status, and he has already put His Majesty in his heart. His Majesty just took his mother away, so naturally Liya is a little jealous."

At this moment, Celluloid jumped down from the rock above.

He landed his feet firmly on the ground and patted the dust off his hands.


Latis didn't understand why she would eat the vinegar of a red dragon.

It's still His Majesty the Red Dragon, anyway Latis doesn't feel this way.

She clearly recognizes her current status in the Red Dragon Clan, needless to say, it is definitely the lowest.

If His Majesty the Red Dragon needs her, she will come, and if he doesn't need her, she will go away by herself.

"It just so happens that your mother and His Majesty the Red Dragon are gone, so I'll take you around the Red Dragon Clan and meet some monster leaders."

"Otherwise, a human like you might be eaten by monsters while walking."

Cellulu held Latis's hand, and threatened in a joking tone.

"Also...will be eaten by monsters! Please take me to know them!"

Latis was startled by Cellulu's words.

She didn't want to die in front of those ugly monsters instead of dying in front of His Majesty the Red Dragon.

It might as well be eaten by His Majesty the Red Dragon.

"Let's go."


The humblest monsters were carrying rocks and stakes.

Now there is no shortage of monsters in the Red Dragon Clan. This kind of dirty and tiring work is naturally assigned to these weak monsters.

If you don't want to do it, it's very simple, improve your strength, and when your physical strength reaches a certain level, you don't have to do this kind of chores.

When the human Latis appeared here, all the monsters looked at her with bright eyes.

The eyes are full of greed.

Such a tender and juicy human being, I really want to chew it in my mouth.

If it weren't for the elf Cellulu standing next to her, these monsters might have pounced on her long ago.

"Sell Lulu? Why did you come here? You brought a human, is it the food that His Majesty the Red Dragon rewarded us with?"

A tauren who was nearly 2.5 meters tall turned around with a simple smile.

He is the leader of this group of odd jobs monsters, Omado.

Is a tauren.

"No, she is the new servant of His Majesty the Red Dragon, I brought her here just to let you get to know her, don't wait for her to come down and eat her.

While Sai Lulu was speaking, she grabbed Latis from behind her.

This guy is so timid.

Such a tall person is hiding behind her.

"You... Hello~"

Latis forced a smile and waved her hand to show her friendliness.

The eyes of the surrounding monsters were really terrifying. Just those green eyes almost swallowed her up.

Cellulu, who was used to being around monsters, felt nothing.

If anyone dared to look at her like that, she would stare back unceremoniously, and if she still dared to continue to look at her, she would use the monster duel method to teach her a lesson.

"So it's not food, a lot."

Omado turned around in great disappointment, introduced himself by name, and ignored Latis.

It made Latis, who had just stretched out her hand to shake it, a little awkward.

I also want to touch this big guy to show my friendliness.

"Handshake etiquette is the way of human beings? There is no such thing as monsters. You can only be respected if you are strong. Well, I will take you to get to know other leaders.


Cellulu took Latis to meet the leaders one after another.

These monster leaders obviously have no interest in Latis, their strength is not strong, and they are not food, so they don't want to chat with Latis.

It was dusk.

The crimson afterglow sprinkled on the stratum rock, putting on a fiery red fur coat for the entire stratum rock..

But at this moment, give way to the boarding rate with silk.

"Now I will introduce you to a monster leader with the highest status in the Red Dragon Clan."

Celluloid said.


Latis nodded dully.

After getting to know the leader all afternoon, none of the monster leaders treated her well.

It seems that his strength is indeed too weak.

In the past, in order to be able to steal items better, most of the energy was spent on this aspect, but now it is necessary to work hard.

Otherwise, there is no place in the Red Dragon Clan.

It just takes about a day to go from the stratum rock to the Kingdom of Sanford.

When Bei Luo brought Philosia to the Kingdom of St. Ford, it was already the dead of night.

By simulating Bei Luo many times, he deliberately raised himself to a height of 10,000 meters, and at the same time used concealment for himself.

These are the situations he suffered during the simulation

There is a 1,000-meter-high forbidden magic above the capital of King Sanford, and anyone who approaches the capital will receive a message in advance.

And at the height he maintains now, the other party will never be able to find it.

Coupled with the concealment technique, Bei Luo can quietly appear above the Holy Ford Kingdom.

All the flames on his body were put away, making the red dragon completely hidden in the night.

Only a pair of gorgeous red dragon pupils seemed to be spinning with streamers.


Sitting in the hands of His Majesty the 4.5 Red Dragon all the way, Philosia couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

According to the speed of the carriage, it would take a full week.

It was a feeling when I went back, and another feeling when I came back.

"Do you know where the Osk family is?"

The purpose of Bei Luo's trip is only artifacts, and he is not interested in other things at all.

"Osk family? I don't know."

Philosia shook her head.

Where did she know where the Osk family was, at most she knew where the nobles gathered.

"Don't know?"

Bei Luo frowned slightly.

If the artifact cannot be found as soon as possible, it is easy to be left behind.

"By the way, Your Majesty, although I don't know, someone must know."



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