Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 162: Bei Luo Appears! The Kingdom Of Sanford Was Shocked! (Please Subscribe! Please Customiz

The frantic thunder and lightning condensed on the crystal of the magic wand, and the bursts of thunder woke up the sleeping Osk family and the nobles living nearby.

Before the nobles recovered, they could see it from the window.

A flash of purple thunder flew from the ground to the sky, turned into a giant thunder sword pointing directly at the sky, and bombarded at a height of a thousand meters.


The thunder sword that exploded shook the clouds, making a deafening sound.

Bei Luo, who was 10,000 meters high in the sky, received the signal from Philosia and suddenly fell downward.

on the ground.

"Philosia, what are you doing..."

bang bang!!!

Before Emino finished speaking, a giant dragon the size of a small mountain landed on the territory of the Osk family.

The huge fluctuations generated by the impact caused Ai Minuo to be sent flying.

Felosia was already prepared, and released defensive magic around her, and when Emino flew over, she caught her in time.


Under the baptism of the shock wave, the glass mirrors of countless houses in the surrounding area were shattered into pieces in an instant, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The nobleman who just got out of bed even flew to the ground and howled.


Not much to say, along with Bei Luo's sweeping roar, an invisible restriction spread out around him, enveloping the entire territory of the Orsk family.

The next step is to find the artifact, which will take a little time. During this time, Bei Luo doesn't want to be disturbed.

"Giant.....giant dragon!"

Emino lay in Felosia's arms, dumbfounded.

Why did a giant red dragon appear in the capital of the Kingdom of Sanford.


Philosia turned her head suddenly, and saw Philosia with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Combined with the magic performed by Philosia before.

Could it be that elves and dragons are together!

The two most unlikely creatures to be together turned out to be a group, who would believe it.

Ping ping pong.

A noise came from the noble's house, and in Bei Luo's eyes, countless sesame-sized humans ran out of it.

Wearing irregular armor, holding a weapon with trembling hands, looking up at the red dragon with horror on his face.


Bei Luo snorted softly.

The invisible Longwei suddenly increased, like a substantive tide enveloping everyone present, making all human beings breathless.

They seem to be trapped in the deepest part of the ocean, powerless, with black eyes. There was no hope of survival in sight.

Many knights with poor psychological qualities were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, and yellow liquid seeped from their pants.

Even with weapons in hand, there are a large number of people.

No human dared to take the initiative to attack humans.

The appearance of this group of people at the moment is more like taking up weapons when their lives are threatened and they are forced to, trying to find some courage from the weapons.

"Wei... Your Excellency the Great Dragon, may I ask why you came to... what is the purpose of coming to the territory of my Osk family?"

At this time, Winston Osk, the current lord of the Osk family, appeared.

In this case, he can only show up.

He also noticed the prohibition of magic nearby.

Obviously, this giant dragon came prepared to trap them in this restriction, preventing them from contacting the outside world at all.

It is completely impossible to go out under such circumstances.

The only thing that can be done now is to hope to hold the giant dragon down, and then wait for the rescue from the outside world.

In any case, the Osk family is a noble family, and it is impossible for the Kingdom of Sanford to remain unmoved.

Besides, this behavior of the giant dragon is provoking the royal family of the Kingdom of Sanford.

Forbidden magic.

"what happened?"

"How would I know, I was just woken up."

"Things should be serious, all soldiers are dispatched."

"Yes, all the dragon-hunting crossbows on the fence are also turning."

All the awakened nobles gathered in the royal castle to discuss.

But after a while, King Sanford came to the throne under the guard of the close knights.

"Your Majesty the King~"

As soon as the king appeared, all the nobles bowed down and performed etiquette.

No matter how proud aristocrats are, they are not enough to look good in front of the royal family, unless the royal family has gone into decline.

"I've already had someone investigate the matter clearly. A giant dragon landed on the territory of the Orsk family, and set up a forbidden magic so that we couldn't go in and see what's going on inside."

King Sanford sat on the throne, looked down at the nobles below, and explained the reason.

"Dragon appeared?!"

"It's unbelievable why the giant dragon appeared in the capital!"

"Hey, do you still remember the rumors about the Osk family?"

"Is there a rumor about the dragon-slaying artifact? Could it be that the dragon came for this?"

King Sanford's words once again ignited the flames of discussion among the nobles.

Everyone is speculating whether the appearance of the dragon is related to the rumors of the Orsk family.

Although the Osk family's status in the royal capital's nobles is not very high, rumors about his family are well known in the noble circle.

It's just that every time the Osk family took out the artifact to have a look, the lord of the Osk family would joke that it was a rumor, so don't take it seriously.

They also believed the words of the Osk family, after all, if there is such a powerful artifact.

Where is the status in the aristocratic circle so low.


King Sanford said.

As soon as the voice fell, the nobles stopped chatting.

"Giant dragon! Come to the territory of the Kingdom of Sanford, come to my capital! This is a challenge to my dignity! Destruction to our people of the Kingdom of Sanford!"

"Now I have sent all the soldiers in the capital to surround the territory of the Osk family. At the same time, I also hope that you nobles can contribute to the Kingdom of Sanford." (Wang Dezhao) King Sanford looked at the crowd Said the noble face.

The Western Fantasy World is not like the Eastern World, where private armies are not allowed except for the emperor.

But in this world, there are nobles who can expand the number of their troops without limit as long as they have money to support this group of soldiers.

It can be said that the combined strength of this group of nobles is not much worse than that of the royal family.

This is why King Sanford is eager to get the artifact and completely break the balance.

"Of course, for the Kingdom of Sanford, we are willing to contribute our own strength."

The nobles had no objection to King Sanford's words.

Just kidding, the king's capital is the place where their nobles have lived for generations. If the dragon is not driven away, how should they live.

The interests of the nobles are tied to the country, and they dare not let the country suffer losses unless they find a next home.

"Very good, let this giant dragon come and go!"

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