Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 167 Liya: Why Are You Here, Emino (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

Latis called Orianna's name from a long distance, calling her to eat.

All the creatures of the Red Dragon Clan are like this, and they will gather together when it is time to eat.

And Liya and the others don't want to eat together with the stinky monsters, so they will bring the food to the platform before the meal.

"Did you eat so soon?"

Orianna stopped playing with the stone's tail and sighed.

Brother Bei Luo hasn't returned yet...


Just thinking of this, a burst of dragon chant came from above the sky, shaking the sky.

"It's His Majesty the Red Dragon!"

All the creatures in the layer rock raised their heads subconsciously, shouting for the red dragon figure that appeared in the sky.

His Majesty the Red Dragon is back!

The appearance of Bei Luo made the monsters cheer.

Orianna immediately regained her energy and ran towards the Layer Rock Dragon's Nest.

She didn't even care about Latis who called her to eat behind her.

"Hey~ this is too..."

Before Latis finished speaking, the voices of Liya and Heilulu came from behind.

"His Majesty the Red Dragon is back!"

"Quick! Let's hurry over there!"

Inside the Dragon's Nest.

Bei Luo lightly put down Philosia and Emino, and landed on his throne.

Crashing lava dragon scales slid down from above.

"Is this the lair of the red dragon?"

Emino felt like he was in a lava mountain, and the surrounding stone walls reflected a relatively hot red light.

However, it is slightly different from what is described in the book.

The dragon's lair mentioned in the book is full of leftover bones, and the seats are even composed of bloody bones.

But now it seems that it is not as written in the book.

At least the red dragon's lair is clean.

Except for the bonfires placed around, there is nothing else.

The seat of the giant dragon is not composed of thousands of bones, but an ordinary stone chair covered with scales of unknown creatures.

"Brother Bei Luo, you finally...]..."

Only halfway through Orianna's words, she noticed the stranger beside Philosia.


Why? Brother Bei Luo went out and brought back a new guy.

If you bring one back every time you go out, that's fine.

"Silver Dragon!?"

Orianna's appearance shocked Emino again.

The silver dragon that was hostile to the red dragon actually appeared on the territory of the red dragon?

I am not dreaming.

Immediately afterwards, the two elves, Cellulu and Liya, appeared in the Dragon's Nest one after another, and the last one to arrive was Latis.

"Eminor! Why are you in the dragon's lair?!"

Liya, who knew Aiminuo, was taken aback, squatting in front of Aiminuo and asking questions.

For Liya's question, Emmy Nuo almost didn't know what to answer.

She herself was very confused. She was staying in the capital well, but was suddenly taken to her camp by the red dragon.

Fortunately, I knew Philosia and Liya, which made Emino less nervous.

If he really didn't know anyone, Emino would really feel panic and fear.

"Your Majesty the Red Dragon, did you bring her back?"

Seeing that Ai Minuo didn't respond for a long time, she was probably frightened, so Liya asked His Majesty the Red Dragon.

However, judging from Emino's reaction, there is a high probability that His Majesty captured it.

"This... Liya, you may have misunderstood His Majesty the Red Dragon. I asked His Majesty to bring Emmy Nuo back to the rock."

Philosia said with a little embarrassment.

"Ah? Mother, you asked His Majesty to bring Emmyno back?"

Liya was taken aback by this time.

It was not His Majesty the Red Dragon's will to do it for a long time, it was the mother who begged His Majesty to bring Emmy Nuo to the rock.

Latis at the back leaned against the stone wall and looked at Emino's back.

In fact, she also wanted to come forward and have a chat.

But this idea was quickly rejected by her.

At present, try not to be too conspicuous in front of His Majesty, otherwise the night will be very long.

With her thief's body, she couldn't bear it for a long time.

after awhile.

After a brief chat, everyone left the list except for Orianna.

Because Bei Luo needed to sleep, he vaguely realized that with the increase of his own strength, the time for deep sleep seemed to come earlier soon.

Before that, we must strive for more simulations to obtain powerful strength and bestow dragon blood on these monsters like Piccolo.

Otherwise, the jackal would not be able to follow him for so long.

As Bei Luo who followed him at the beginning, Bei Luo was not very happy to replace him.

The other party is loyal and knows how to flatter, and works neatly. As a superior, I don't like such subordinates.


"Mother, is the sword on your back a divine weapon?"

Liya said with bright eyes.

Cellulu cast an envious look.

As an elf warrior, who doesn't want to have an artifact that can fight.

It's a pity that once the artifact changes hands, unless the owner dies, it is impossible for it to be controlled by others.

"...Yes, this sword is called the Sword of Socra. It is a very powerful weapon. It should be related to the evil gods and demons of hell.

Philosia took out the Socra sword on her back and explained to Liya.

This is not a pure artifact.

People with weak minds will be eroded by the sword of Socrates instead.

Become a god of death who reaps life and walks in the mortal world.

But fortunately, Philosia can control the sword of Socra, so there is no need to worry about being eroded.

"Sounds so cool, so mother, you are now not only an elf magician, but also an elf warrior."

The stronger the mother's strength, the happier Liya will be.

The only troublesome thing is that the mother's strength has become so strong, if His Majesty the Red Dragon wants to act in the future, he will definitely bring his mother along.

It means she has to work harder.

"Elf warrior? Not really, most of my melee power comes from the sword of Socra. Without the sword of Socra, I'm not a warrior."

Philosia said modestly.

All the memories about close combat are Su (Wang Zhao) Gera's sword, which passed on the experience of the previous generation of masters to her.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to use it so smoothly as soon as she got the artifact.

In the final analysis, it is still the benefits brought by the Sword of Socrates.

"Don't be humble, mother, the Sword of Socrates recognizes you, which means its power is your power."

Lia smiled.

"Yes, mother, weapons and equipment are also part of a fighter's strength."

Celluloid agrees with what Liya said.

While the three elves were having a lively chat.

Emino on the other side was guided by Latis to understand the layer rock.

"As you can see, the rock is the place where the Red Dragon Clan lives, and there are all kinds of monsters living there. I would like to remind you, if you don't have enough strength, it's best not to go down.

Latis looked at the densely packed monsters below and said.

Sai Lulu told her this sentence back then, and now she handed it over to Emmy Nuo intact.

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