Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 171 News Of The Amethyst Mine (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

It never occurred to An Ruisi that he hadn't said anything yet.

His Majesty said directly what he wanted to say.

Is it possible that this contract can allow His Majesty the Red Dragon to hear what is in his heart?

"An Ruisi, the entire Red Dragon Clan is under my control, what do you think you can hide from me?"

Bei Luo didn't explain why he was able to know.

Instead, he took this opportunity to touch An Ruisi by the way to enhance his prestige in An Ruisi.

Although there is a contract that binds An Ruisi, how can this bondage be compared to the real fear that comes from the heart.

"I understand Your Majesty!"

An Ruisi's body gradually trembled for some reason.

It's just too scary.

He understood very well what His Majesty the Red Dragon meant by what he said just now.

"You want me to attack that green dragon to avenge you?"

Bei Luo boredly picked up a few lava dragon scales, placed them in the palm of his hand and made a plate.

"Yes, it is!"

After the coercion of Bei Luo in front, An Ruisi dared to hide anything.

He spoke directly from his heart.

The reason why he told His Majesty the Red Dragon all this was to use His Majesty the Red Dragon's hand to punish the Green Dragon.

In order to find a place on the green dragon.

"Give me a reason to attack the green dragon."

Bei Luo glanced at An Ruisi calmly and said.

After the simulation, the green dragon is dispensable to his clan of red dragons.

Because the future Red Dragon Clan will have the combat power of two adult dragons.

For young green dragons, it really doesn't matter much.

"Your Majesty the Red Dragon, the Green Dragon is rich in resources, and there are many gold and silver mines.

"The reason I went to attack the green dragon last time was because I found out that the green dragon had mined a kind of amethyst mine.

An Ruisi quickly explained to His Majesty the Red Dragon.

What is the thing that attracts dragons the most?

That is of course gold and silver treasures.

So An Ruisi exposed the bottom of the green dragon in one breath.

Don't think that his black dragon is really stupid.

Attacking the green dragon is really looking at the green dragon for no reason.

In fact, he found out the wealth that the green dragon was sitting on. He was jealous, and he was not willing to let these good things fall into the pocket of the green dragon.

So that conflict broke out later.

It was just that he had a brain twitch at that time, and before attacking the green dragon, he deliberately asked the green dragon to warn the opponent in advance.

But if he doesn't do this, even if he loses, he won't be so miserable.

"Amethyst mine?"

For Bei Luo, the temptation of amethyst mines is far greater than that of gold mines and silver mines.

Amethyst mine is the raw material of the magic crystal on the magic wand.

This spar has an unusual affinity for elements.

When creating an amethyst mine, whatever element is introduced into the crystal will form a magic wand of that element.

Not only that, but any artifact related to magic basically needs to use this amethyst.

For extravagance, you can even use amethyst ore to create a pair of armor with magic resistance.

At that time, if the monsters of the Red Dragon Clan wear this kind of armor, they will no longer have to worry about the pitifully low magic resistance attribute.

That's why there's no mention of green dragons having these things in the simulation.

Could it be that Anris was deceived by the green dragon?

"That's right, Your Majesty, it's the Amethyst Mine. Although we giant dragons don't really need it, I think your Red Dragon Clan must really need it."

An Ruisi showed a flattering smile.

The meaning of all this is to please His Majesty.

Before, he wanted to use His Majesty's hand to find the Green Dragon to settle the score, but after being pointed out by Bei Luo, An Ruisi no longer dared to have this idea.

"The amethyst mine is indeed very good, and it is also very rare, but are you sure that the green dragon really has an amethyst mine?"

Bei Luo didn't think that An Ruisi was lying to him.

What he worried about was that An Ruisi was being cheated.

If there really was an amethyst mine, it would have already appeared in the simulation.

In the simulation, the Green Dragon, like An Ruisi, signed the master-servant contract and owned the contract.

There is no need for the Green Dragon to hide anything about the Amethyst Mine.


An Ruisi didn't know what to say for a moment.

With the lessons learned from Terrence, he was afraid that the spies sent out at the beginning would deceive him.

That green dragon is so cunning, in case he really tricked himself into taking the bait, and now he told His Majesty about it.

Isn't that the same as cheating His Majesty?!

An Ruisi did not dare to be 100% sure about such a terrible thing.

"As for the matter of the amethyst mine, I will let the giant eagle go to inquire about the news, but no matter whether there is an amethyst mine or not, I will help you settle the matter of the green dragon."

Bei Luo said.

As Bei Luo who wanted to subdue the five-color dragon, how could he miss this opportunity to subdue the green dragon.

Conquering the green dragon won't change much for the future.

So he can do it without any worries.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Anris shouted excitedly.

This is His Majesty's initiative to help him settle it, it seems that he is still very important in His Majesty's eyes.

In any case, he is the most powerful fighter in the Red Dragon Clan other than His Majesty.

As for Philosia who had obtained the artifact, An Ruisi didn't take it seriously.

The mortals who have acquired the artifact are still mortals in the eyes of the giant dragon.

"Don't thank me, no matter how you say it, it depends on the owner to beat a dog, even if the owner of this dog was found later.

Bei Luo's voice was thick and thick, as if rolling lava.

The dragon power emanating from the speech made the two giant dragons, Oli767 Anna and An Ruisi unable to lift their heads.

Compared with their Longwei, His Majesty the Red Dragon's Longwei is the real coercion.

After chatting for a while about the green dragon, An Ruisi walked out of the dragon's nest.

"Hey, hey, black dragon over there, what did you talk about with His Majesty the Red Dragon? Can you tell me about it?"

Liya excitedly called Anris over.

The conversation between His Majesty the Red Dragon and the Black Dragon was not concealed at all, plus it was a giant dragon, even Liya who was hiding outside could hear some of it.

However, I didn't hear it very clearly, and I vaguely heard something like attacking and plundering.

But as long as it is fighting, Liya is extremely happy.

Because every time you can make a contribution in the battle, you can stand out in front of His Majesty the Red Dragon.

An Ruisi ignored Li Ya, and just wanted to fan his dragon to leave.

Suddenly thinking of the rules of the Red Dragon Clan, he quickly folded his wings and walked on without looking back.

The elf Liya was completely ignored.

In the entire Red Dragon Clan, he didn't want to have anything to do with anyone except His Majesty the Red Dragon.

"Cut~ Isn't it the black dragon? When I become stronger, I will let you know how powerful I am sooner or later."

Liya curled her lips, clenched her little fists, and swore secretly. .

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