Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 181 Killing The Harpy (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

In a majestic underground city.

In the dungeon protected by the Golden Dragon Queen, there are many monsters yearning for peace and order.

They don't have to worry about the invasion of evil monsters from outside.

Just because this is the territory of the Golden Dragon Queen.

No monster dared to touch the Golden Dragon Queen's head.

at the same time.

The lowest level of the dungeon is where the Golden Dragon Queen sleeps.

Except for important matters in the dungeon, the Golden Dragon Queen spends her days sleeping.

There are many dragons with long life spans, who just sleep for decades and then wake up to exercise.


In the darkness, a pair of golden vertical pupils lit up in the pitch-black space.



The sleeping Golden Dragon Queen was awakened by this magical sound transmission, ending the nearly fifty years of sleep.

I wanted to spend my adulthood and enter the prime of life while sleeping.

Now it seems that I have to go out first, solve that trouble, and save my child Wollaston by the way.

Wollaston has reached his teenage years and should not have to worry about it.

But Jinlong is a kind and lawful creature after all, how could 11 ignore his child.

Especially the mother, the Golden Dragon Queen.

So far she only has this one child, and she doesn't plan to have any more children in the future.

No matter what, you have to keep your own blood.

The blood of the dragon does not mean inheriting from the father, but depends on whether the mother is stronger or the father is stronger.

If the mother is strong, the child's blood will inherit from the mother, and vice versa if the father is strong.


The golden dragon queen of the dungeon has awakened!

Countless creatures in the dungeon were attracted by the Golden Dragon Queen's roar.

The figure of the Golden Dragon Queen gradually shrank, becoming the size of a normal woman.

In addition to silver dragons, golden dragons also prefer to change into human forms.

Giant dragons seem to have the character of pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. They like to pretend to be weak in the human world. If they encounter unfair things, they will show their real bodies and make fair and just judgments.

"Her Majesty!"

"I need to leave the dungeon for a period of time, during which time all the things in the dungeon will be handed over to you.

"Yes! Her Majesty!"

After giving these instructions, the Golden Dragon Queen regained her golden dragon body and left the dungeon.

"I've been walking for almost a month, haven't I arrived at the place where the green dragon is?"

Liya took out the map in her backpack and carefully compared the location that An Ruisi said.

Fortunately, he has his own Xilin monitor lizard mount.

Otherwise, if you walk for a full month, your legs will be broken.

As for Mother and Celluloid, they rode a coyote together.

The Prairie Wolf is the newly tamed mount of the Red Dragon Clan.

Although it is not as powerful as the Xilin monitor lizard, it is not bad, and its experience is quite satisfactory.

The most important point is loyalty, and it has this in common with Xilin monitor lizard.

"It's almost here."

An Ruisi, who heard Liya complaining, fell from the sky.

In fact, he is not particularly clear about where the green dragon is.

The only thing I know is which area the green dragon is probably in.

"It took about a month when I came here, and it will take another month when I go back. It will be winter soon, so it's better for us to settle it and go back as soon as possible."

Philosia spoke at this time.

He raised his head and looked up at the warm sunshine.

In case the team has not rushed back to the layer rock in winter, then the team's food source will be a troublesome issue.

"It's just a mere green dragon. Last time I was negligent and lost to him. Now that I've prepared for it, it's impossible to lose to him again.

Anris clenched his paws firmly.

It's not what it used to be, now it's no longer the green dragon ambushing and raiding him, but it's him raiding the green dragon himself.

Although the strength of the green dragon is indeed quite strong, if he does not attack and ambush him, his strength will only be a little bit stronger than him.

Coupled with the current Red Dragon Clan, he is confident that he can take down the Green Dragon.

"Before that, we still have to find..."

"No need, the other party has found us."

Before Liya finished speaking, Philosia raised her head and looked towards the sky.

When everyone looked up, they could see several harpies hovering in the air, and one of them turned around and flew towards the mountains behind them.

According to what An Ruisi said, the territory of the green dragon is nearby.

Unless the monsters in the dragon's territory surrendered to the dragon, it is absolutely impossible to have the right to live in this territory.

The group of harpies overhead are definitely monsters from the Green Dragon Clan.

"Hmph! Does that make them run?"

An Ruisi was furious.

The huge dragon wings spread out suddenly, and flew towards the Harpy in the sky.

The harpy is a half-human, half-hawk monster belonging to the chaotic evil camp.

The arms are similar to the wings of an eagle, with a female face, the upper body is closer to humans, and the lower body is eagle claws.

Harpy is very fast, and her strength is also good. She is a B-level monster.

The number is relatively small compared to other monsters.

Harpies are aggressive and territorial.


The harpies in the sky were stunned.

Maybe none of them thought that the black dragon Anris would attack them without warning.

Immediately, the harpy fled, but their speed was far behind An Ruisi.

Harpy is at the upper level in terms of speed among flying monsters.

But it is a pity that their current opponent is a young black dragon.

An Ruisi just flapped his wings a few times before catching up with the group of harpies.

"Let me down!"

113 BANG!!!

Anris raised his paw unceremoniously, and slapped it in the direction of the Harpy.

In an instant, dozens of harpies fell from the sky, splashing layers of sand fields below.

The rest of the harpies who were not shot down were frightened out of their wits, and flew towards the distance without daring to look back.

"Real sky technique."

An Ruisi will not let this group of harpies go to tip off the news.

With himself as the center, an invisible wave spread in the air.

The Harpy, who was flying well at first, suddenly felt that her wings became extremely heavy, and it was difficult to flap her wings no matter how hard she tried.

Losing the power of its wings, the Harpy fell down like a dumpling.

An Ruisi looked at all this with satisfaction, but it was a pity that the first harpy who flew away was nowhere to be seen.

Was the result still known to the green dragon in advance?

But fortunately, at least the location of the green dragon can be found by the direction in which the harpies flew away.

"The location of the green dragon has been found, all the monsters of the Red Dragon Clan take up arms and follow me! Holy Green!"

An Ruisi was the first to bear the brunt and flew forward.

"Come on!"

The monsters who have mounts ride on mounts, and those who don't have mounts run with all their strength.

The flying troops, which were still at the back of the line, rushed to the front of the line in the blink of an eye. Follow closely behind An Ruisi. .

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