Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 231 The Messenger Arrives (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

As the manager of Layer Rock, Philosia has always been very concerned about this matter.

Be sure to prepare a brand new dragon nest for His Majesty the Red Dragon before he comes down.

"Lord Philosia! It hasn't been resolved yet, we still have our own ideas on materials.

The goblin captain hurried forward to answer.

In the hearts of these monsters, Philosia is more terrifying than His Majesty the Red Dragon.

This terrible does not refer to the momentum, but refers to Philosia's sternness to the layer rock monster.

In many cases, His Majesty the Red Dragon has the kind of disregard for the rocks, and most of the things are left to the monsters to solve by themselves.

But after Felosia took office, she took care of almost all the monster clan's affairs by herself.

No matter what the monster leader decides, he must ask her first in the end, otherwise it will be considered a violation of the rules of the Red Dragon Clan. 11

For the monsters of the chaotic evil camp, it is simply miserable.

They were originally chaotic monsters, and it was too difficult for them to obey the rules.

But Philotheia had to do that.

Because the task entrusted to her by His Majesty the Red Dragon was to keep an eye on the rock, Philosia was really worried, because a little mistake caused an accident to the rock.

In fact, Philosia is completely unfounded, since the previous monsters can maintain a good layer of rock.

It shows that the chaotic group of monsters is not harmful to the layer rock.

Of course, these rules of Losia also have no effect on the layer rock monster.

After all, the consideration of strategies is a matter for the leaders of their respective monster tribes and Sir Philosia. Their ordinary monsters have no right to intervene.

"You guys have wasted a whole week discussing the matter of the throne. If you continue to waste like this, you won't be able to do a good job when His Majesty the Red Dragon returns!"

With her beautiful eyes, Philosia scolded the group of goblins in front of her.

The goblins were so frightened that they prostrated themselves on the ground and trembled, fearing that Philosia would send them to the dungeon for violating the rules of the strata in the next moment.

The dungeon of Layer Rock is definitely the scariest place in the entire Red Dragon Clan.

It was rumored that none of the guys who entered the dungeon could come out alive.

"My lord Feifeiluoxia, have you...have you asked His Majesty the Red Dragon what...what materials do you want?"

The goblin captain stammered and asked.

Before, they suggested that Master Philocia write a letter to ask His Majesty the Red Dragon what materials should be used to make the throne.

It's just that I haven't received a reply from Lord Philosia for a long time.

...... His Majesty the Red Dragon did not answer me. "

Philosia sighed softly.

If His Majesty the Red Dragon had given her an answer, she would have told these goblins a long time ago, why would it be like this now.

His Majesty the Red Dragon is definitely aware of his problem, but His Majesty the Red Dragon did not say anything, which means that His Majesty the Red Dragon is not interested in it.

These things must be left to them to think for themselves.


The goblins looked at each other.

Well, it seems that there is no answer to this result today, and I still have to complete other things first.

But if it continues like this, even if the material knows what to use, the casting time may not be enough.

"You go to finish other things first. In terms of materials, I will think about it here."

His Majesty the Red Dragon is not only testing the goblins, Philosia knows that he is also testing himself.

After a few words of advice to the goblin, he left the Dragon's Nest.

three days later.

"Mother! As you said, envoys from several human city-states have come, saying they want to meet His Majesty the Red Dragon."

Liya jumped up and down in front of Philosia, and reported these things to her mother with a smile.

All the human city-state envoys who were frightened by His Majesty the Red Dragon came.

"Let them all come in. I'll wait for them on the Stratum Terrace."

The dragon's nest is being renovated, and my room can't accommodate so many human messengers.

Philosia simply met the group of guys on the rock platform.

It was the place where 053 stayed most often when His Majesty the Red Dragon held meetings.

after awhile.

A total of fifteen envoys from different countries came to the platform with their backs bowed and respectful.

But when they came to the platform, they found that there was no red dragon at all, only a beautiful elf standing beside a golden throne.

Everyone knows that the Red Dragon is not in the rock.

If it wasn't for the Red Dragon to personally act, they wouldn't be able to make up their minds and surrender so quickly.

But even if the red dragon is not in the rock, logically speaking, there should be a very powerful monster to meet them on behalf of the red dragon.

It turned out that an elf met them.

It is true that the elves are very beautiful, and their temperament is also very noble.

But this is the territory of monsters, how high the position of the elves can be, even if they explain the origin to the elves, the elves will definitely not be able to make up their minds.

For a while, this group of envoys was a little arrogant towards Philosia. After all, they were all guys who had a certain status in the country before.


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