Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 274 Expansion! Expansion! (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)


The actions of the monster army on the ground caused the entire ground to shake.

I don't know, I thought it was an earthquake.

All the beings living in the forest were so frightened that they hid in the cave and shivered, not daring to show up.

The monster army of Kodoyas Kingdom found this group of wild monsters, but they ignored them.

Their target is not this group of boring and weak monsters.

The target of the monster army is the human city-state ahead.

"Report to Lord Philosia! The group of humans should have received the news, and they all hid in the city."

"The dragon-hunting crossbows on the city wall are all set up, and they may launch an attack at any time.

The kobold who went to investigate ran back and told what he knew.

"With such a big fanfare, it would be a wonder if they didn't get caught, but it's just futile for them to do that."

The corners of Philosia's mouth rose slightly.

Didn't take it seriously.

There is a huge disparity in strength, no matter how defensive the opponent is, it is impossible to stop the advance of the Kodoyas Kingdom.

"Taras, you lead all the sky troops, and when the frontal troops fight, you come over from the left flank."

Philosia began to line up troops.

In any case, no matter how weak the enemy is, they must minimize casualties as much as possible.

Clearly defensive human troops.

If the air force attacks straight from the front, it is easy to be shot down by the crossbow arrows on the city wall.

In particular, there are still many magicians around, which is extremely dangerous.

"I understand, Lord Philosia.

Terras nodded, turned and left with his sky troops.

Go to the left side of the human city-state to hide, and wait for Philosia's next order at any time.

"Sellulu, you lead the salamanders, werewolves, and half-orcs to attack from the front, and there will be a team of stone men to help you attack the city.

Philosia called the main force to Cellulu.

Liya is essentially a magician, not very suitable for frontal combat charge.

I am very strong in melee combat, but I am also the main general, it is impossible to fight against a small guy and go on the field in person.

So Philosia decided to give this task to Cellulu.

"I understand! Mother!"

Cellulus drew the sword at her waist, rode the Xilin monitor lizard and led the troops to charge towards the human city-state.

This scene made Li Ya envious.

He looked at Felosia eagerly, hoping that his mother could give him a task.

"Liya...you just stay by my side, and if Celulu needs support, you can go up and help at any time.

Philosia hesitated for a while, and there was really nothing to arrange for Liya.

Just let Liya stay by her side.

Dealing with this human city-state is really enough.

If there are more words, it will be a bit of a fuss.


Liya suddenly puffed up her mouth.

Why don't you let yourself play in this kind of battle.

Obviously it is the most suitable for exercising yourself.

The battle against the human city-state last time didn't satisfy Liya yet.

Most of it is the credit of the monster army, and the battle is over just by commanding it.

No chance to play at all.

"Don't worry Liya, there will be opportunities in the future."

In desperation, Philosia had no choice but to comfort Liya.



The monster army led by Cellulu didn't hide at all, and was naturally seen by the human soldiers on the top of the city.

The horn was blown in a hurry, and all the soldiers hiding in the city were waiting in full force.

According to the rehearsal in advance, put on the armor [stand on the ground in a regular manner.

...ask for flowers...

Standing at the forefront is a knight in silver armor, and sitting down is a griffin.

Being able to subdue the Griffin shows that the city-state is very strong.

"Master Sugeras, the monster army is here, we..."

"Open the city gate and charge forward."

Socras, sitting on the griffin, looked unafraid of the so-called monster army of the Kodoyas Kingdom.

He looks very handsome, with long silver-white hair.

It is completely different from the resolute knight temperament.



The gate of this city-state was designed as a suspension bridge, and the chains gradually loosened, and the heavy gate fell to the ground with a bang, kicking up layers of thick dust.

not far away.

Seeing this scene, Sai Lulu, who was riding the monitor lizard, was slightly surprised.

This is the human city-state that has taken the initiative to open the city gate so far.

Do you want to surrender?

But soon, the other party's behavior dispelled Cellulu's thoughts.

I saw the other party uttering a battle cry, and came out of the city, riding a strong horse.

At the forefront is a knight riding a griffin.

Celluloid knew right away that things were not that simple.

A knight who can ride a griffin is definitely not low in strength!


The griffin flapped its wings and soared into the air while running. Souglas, who was sitting on its back, picked up the bow and arrow on his back, and was about to kill the leader of the opponent.


Souglas frowned, never expecting it to be an elf.

How could the elves join the kingdom of the red dragon?

Could it be that he was bewitched?

Thinking of this, Souglas changed his attack target at the critical moment, and shot at the fire salamander who was charging beside Cellulu. .

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