Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 53 Simulated Snow Mountain (Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)


Philosia, who had been inside the dragon's nest for an entire afternoon, came out.

He rubbed his sore face.

In order to let the red dragon relieve its anger and be happy, Filosia had worn out her mouth, and she did not know how many words of praise for the red dragon before she let the red dragon relieve her anger.


Philosia raised her head and looked up at the bright night sky.

With her current body, even if she still has faith in the goddess of nature, the goddess of nature will cast aside herself.

There was a wry smile on the corner of her mouth, who knew her pain.

But as long as daughter Liya can live well, this is the best result.

At the same time, for some reason, Philosia no longer hated the red dragon in her heart.

What the red dragon said to her this morning, the speaker had no intention but the listener had the heart.

But the red dragon said that it was for her that he said that he would kill those elves in advance.

Dragging her exhausted body, Philosia returned to the dungeon again to visit Liya.

Liya was surprised by the arrival of her mother at night.

In the past, at night, my mother didn't know where she went, and she would only come back in the daytime the next day.

This was the first time my mother came to see me at night after she came to the Red Dragon Clan.

The appearance of Philosia made the group of elves show fear, and subconsciously backed away.

But Philosia didn't have time to take care of them. If it wasn't for these people, she wouldn't be exhausted now.

"Mother, why are you here?"

Liya asked curiously.

"I'll stay with you, Lia."

Philosia gently stroked Liya's hair, and the light and bright moonlight shone in from outside.

Cover them with divine light.

Seeing this, Celluloid smiled, she knew that Her Majesty the Queen has not changed, and Her Majesty is still the same.

Her Majesty must have her reasons for doing that.

The two mother and daughter cuddled each other peacefully, sleeping quietly under the moonlight.



"System, start the simulation."

The first thing Bei Luo did when he opened his eyes and woke up was the simulation.

With more than 50,000 gold coins, it's justified without imitation.

【Ding! One hundred gold coins will be deducted! Start the first simulation today...]

[On the first day, you woke up refreshed, moved your body, then left the Red Dragon Clan again, and flew towards the forest ruins that appeared in the last simulation. 】

[On the third day, after flying for two days, you successfully reached the forest ruins, and you decided to explore this ruins. 】

[On the fourth day, the labyrinth in the ruins made you miserable, and you would return to the original place no matter what. Angrily, you used your strength to forcibly make an intersection.

The materials used to build the ruins are very strong, but they still can't stop the power of a red dragon. Just when you were happy, you triggered the prohibition of the ruins, which was a prohibition set by the gods, and you died. 】

"Restricted by the gods?"

Bei Luo was stunned, this time he died so quickly.

He didn't even survive the fifth day, and died in the restriction of the forest ruins.

What surprised him the most was that this forest ruin was left by the gods.

The prohibition left by the gods is not too easy to kill him, the red dragon.

Even an adult red dragon is no match for a god.

However, there are also three, six, and nine levels of gods, and some lower-level gods can't even beat giant dragons.

The gods who can leave forest relics in the West Fantasy Continent must not be too weak.

There are restrictions set by the gods in the Western Fantasy Continent, in order to restrain the gods not to easily go down to the world to mix things on the mainland.

The mainland has its own rules, and so do the gods.

The gods who can use their power to break through the prohibition of the gods and leave relics on the West Fantasy Continent are also the upper gods for the last time.

The division of gods is very simple, namely: lower god, middle god, upper god, and supreme god.

Among them, there are only ten godheads of the supreme gods, and only the ten strongest upper gods can obtain the godhead status.

Since there are restrictions set by the gods, it means that he has to rely on his brain to break through this relic.

It is impossible to destroy the ruins by brute force.

Unless his strength can reach the upper god.

But if he reaches the high god, this so-called forest relic is dispensable to him.

"System, let's simulate again."

After much deliberation, Bei Luo decided to perform another simulation for the first time.

He just simulated it for four days, he was a little bit unwilling.

Anyway, there are more than 50,000 gold coins, just two hundred gold coins, if you spend it, you will spend it, and if you have money, you must be more generous.

【Ding! Two hundred gold coins will be deducted! Start the second simulation today...]

[On the first day, you, who understood the structure of the forest ruins, decided not to go there anymore. The final result of staying here was nothing more than being killed by the mother of the silver dragon, so you led the red dragon clan towards the Papa where you once went. Waka plains advance. 】

[One month later, the Red Dragon Clan who traveled across the mountains finally arrived at the Pavaka Plain. Without a word, you led the Red Dragon Clan to conquer the aboriginal tauren on the grassland. 】

[Two months later, under the expansion of the Red Dragon Clan, you took over the entire Pavaka Plain. Without too much rest, you set the expansion target at Lange Snow Mountain. 】

[In the third month, you fell into a deep sleep, and the task of conquering the Lange Snow Mountain was handed over to Piccolo. The Red Dragon Clan fought against the Frost Giants for half a month, and finally led to the Frost Giant King.

The Frost Giant King, who has the blood of the Titans, is extremely powerful. With the blessing of the snow mountain, he has the power not weaker than the giant dragon. The Red Dragon Clan is not defeated by the opponent, and retreats back to the Pavaka Plain. 】

[In the fourth month, Philosia relied on her own wisdom to conquer a white dragon for the Red Dragon Clan, and the Red Dragon Clan possessed the combat power of a second giant dragon. 】

[In the fifth month, after the Red Dragon Clan recuperated, they charged against the Lange Snow Mountain again. The White Dragon fought against the Frost Giant King. defeat. 】

[One year later, the Red Dragon Clan never launched an attack on the Lange Snow Mountain. They all hoped that His Majesty the Red Dragon would wake up and lead them to conquer the Snow Mountain. 】


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