Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 56 Red Dragon Clan Cavalry Demonstrates Prestige (Please Ask For Flowers! Please Collect!)

Hearing that the chief guard insulted the Red Dragon Clan, the lava kobold couldn't sit still.

Originally, I wanted to stop these guys and wait until Majesty the Red Dragon came to personally decide.

Now everyone is insulting, as a member of the Red Dragon Clan, can he bear it?

He immediately raised his mace and directed the kobolds to attack.

"Crush their bones!"

"For the Red Dragon Clan!"

More than a hundred kobolds swarmed up and attacked the group of humans.



The head of the guard was the first to bear the brunt, waving the long sword in his hand, only to see a cold light flash.

A kobold's body was separated, its head was flying in the air, and it fell to the ground with its body.

The strength of the swordsman is no joke, it is more than enough to deal with this group of kobolds.

The butler also took advantage of this gap to get into the carriage beside him, trembling with his head in his hands.

The sounds of fighting are endless, relying on sophisticated equipment and tactics.

Four or five kobolds are almost dead before they can kill individual humans.

According to the situation, the kobolds will undoubtedly lose.

"It's all a bunch of trash!"

The lava kobolds hate that iron cannot be made into steel, and the strength of the kobolds is really too weak.

If it weren't for the large number of opportunities, maybe there would be no chance to kill the person on the other side.

Thinking of this, the lava kobold looked at the chief guard who was fighting fiercely in the center of the battlefield.

If you kill this guy, the opponent's morale will definitely fall into a slump.

"Hey! Damn humans! Come touch the mighty lava!"

The lava kobold strode forward, raised his mace and slammed it at the chief guard.

The head of the guard kicked away the kobolds surrounding him, and then quickly dodged backwards.

Boom! ! !

The huge mace hammered the ground, splashing out countless dust, leaving a deep crater.

The chief guard glanced at the destructive power caused by the lava kobold in surprise.

I didn't expect the mutated kobold in front of me to have so much strength.

"Don't run! Chop Suey!"

The lava kobold took advantage of the victory and pursued, attacking the captain of the guard again.

He has gained new power, but he has swelled up for a long time. The elf didn't show himself much that time before.

Now the human beings in front of them finally gave themselves this chance.

He must take good care of it and let His Majesty the Red Dragon know that His Majesty the Red Dragon's reward will never be in vain.

"Idiots with strength and no brains are nothing to be afraid of."

The chief guard clenched his long sword and smiled contemptuously.

Even if the lava kobold is stronger than his swordsman, so what.

Compared with skills, the lava kobolds are far behind him.


The captain of the guard counterattacked, and the sharp blade began to swing. Although the lava kobold has scales, his scales are not as perverted as the lava drake.

Lifting the mace in his hand, he resisted the attack of the chief guard.

There was a clanging sound, and sparks flickered from time to time.

The situation presented a one-sided situation, and the lava kobold was suppressed by the chief guard and retreated again and again.

The mace in his hand was chopped into tatters by the long sword of the chief guard, like a stick of fire.

The kobold's equipment is very poor. Even the mace in the hands of the lava kobold is made of a large piece of wood filled with broken nails.

In terms of weapons, it is naturally not an opponent to guard the long sword.

"Damn! Damn!"

The lava kobold was so annoyed by the beating that he threw his mace directly at the head of the guard, intending to smash the head of the guard to death.

But the chief guard was so easy to be crushed to death. With a slash of the long sword, the flying mace split in two and fell to the ground.

"You don't even have a weapon, what are you fighting with me? I advise you to leave quickly and don't make indifferent struggles."

The captain of the guard said in high spirits.

If he hadn't considered that the task this time was to escort the caravan, how could he have let these kobolds go back.

The lava kobolds have been hacked to death with random swords.

"The Red Dragon Clan will definitely retreat!"

The lava kobold is quite tough, even if the weapon is gone, he still uses his sharp claws to attack the chief guard.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will not be polite!"

The chief guard decided to kill the kobold in front of him, so that the nearby kobolds should evacuate.

Just when the chief guard was about to do this.


A roar came from the nearby grass.

Immediately after, a huge green figure leaped out suddenly, and the head guard's eyes widened before he could react in time.

The whole person was hit hard by this figure and flew ten meters away, before landing on the ground with a bang.

"The Xilin monitor lizard?"

The lava kobold turned his head to look, and it was a Xilin monitor lizard.

It is ten meters long, and its overall appearance is similar to that of ordinary lizards, with green color as the main body.

There are fin-like organs on the head, dark green eyes, exposed sharp teeth, and bone spurs on the back extending from the back of the head to the tail.

Different from ordinary lizards, Xilin monitor lizard has four pairs of thick claws, and there are curved bone spurs at the joints of the claws.

Legend has it that the Xilin monitor lizard has the blood of a green dragon.

In fact, anyone with a larger body size in the mainland will be said to have the blood of dragons and titans.

But the Xilin monitor lizard is indeed somewhat similar to the green dragon.

The Xilin monitor lizard glanced at the lava kobold, sniffed him, confirmed that it was a monster from the Red Dragon clan, and showed no hostility towards the lava kobold.

The monitor lizard's IQ is about the same as that of the white dragon of the shame of the five-color dragon. It can't speak, let alone form its own language.

So in the Red Dragon Clan, the Xilin monitor lizard acts as a mount.


The chief guard lay on the ground screaming in pain. The impact just now made him feel like his internal organs were shattered.

The severe pain made him unable to stand up for a while.

next moment.

More and more Xilin monitor lizards came to the battlefield, and there were still many jackals sitting on their backs.

"Stupid dog! Tell me what happened?!"

Piccolo asked while riding a Xilin monitor lizard.

His Majesty the Red Dragon hasn't even come yet, why is there a fight!

at the same time.

A giant red dragon appeared in the sky.


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